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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Yep D. it is there now...... Have you and you Client considered perhaps swapping the Closet and Bathrooms around , so the Bathroom is more spacious? something like this perhaps? still not ideal over Vanity but ok ...
  2. It seems the Plan wasn't done in X11 , but if you have it that is great.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can you see Signatures? mine has the how too on doing yours.... just in case here it is.... *** to fill in your Signature like this .... go up to the top RH Corner above and click on your UserName> Account Settings> Signature.... and enable Signature (will Turn Green) then add your Hardware Details and Chief Software Version, as different Version require different Answers. M.
  3. 7 1/2 Risers seem to work , I have left a few Notes in the Plan too.... eg about the linen Closet and Shower. As for the "GAP"....... you hadn't pulled the wall to the Landing and then Shaped it to the Stairs in an Elevation View so it was missing totally... Ahhhhhhh CRAP ! you didn't tell me you were using X10..... That's why your Signature is important ...so this plan is no good to you.... MHD_Post_residence_expanded.plan
  4. still there ,but enhanced quite a bit in X11, check out the new features video if you haven't.. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2442/productivity-features-added-in-x11.html?playlist=156 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2441/x11-new-features-overview.html?playlist=156 M.
  5. hi, can you post the plan? I 'll have a look when I get to the office. no, risers must be the same for code, but was actually thinking landing could be one riser higher if possible. M.
  6. I think it will fine with it upto the wall i see, it will cantilever that far but I don't think you have enough headroom/room in there , the Landing will need to be 2x8 or 2x10 to carry the upper staircase , and I only see 6'10" in there now...... try it 1 tread and 1 riser less for the lower flight BUT keep the Landing the same height and the bottom of the stair in the same place , that should give you more headroom as the landing will be wider by 1 tread depth and the stair will be a little steeper too. M.
  7. ITRW there would be a 2x4 Wall ,supporting the Stair Framing , whether it goes higher and is the handrail (solid) too is upto you.... M.
  8. I have seen it here over the last few years , somewhere there is a thread with AlaskanSon (Michael) showing this issue , which is what made me think you may have the same issue. @Alaskan_Son I typically let Chief Auto Build All Roofs.....1st , then make any adjustments needed but in 75% of cases it does a good job , might even be higher actually especially on your typical rectangular "box" ...you really have nothing to lose , worst case scenario you marquee select Roof Planes, delete, and redraw your Own....if its really messed up....
  9. Goto Meeting is another one ( or LogMeIn...same company I think) I use WiMi with some of my Client's and Collegues too..... guest accounts are Free https://www.wimi-teamwork.com/
  10. Did you check the User Group Forum to see if there is one close to you? might want to post there instead..... there are a number of people offering Online Help in the Offering Forum too , using services like Zoom.us is the most common way to accomplish this... Chief does do Online Webinars and Personal Training as well.... and don't forget the FAQs (Knowledgebase) and Video Tutorials... M.
  11. You wont like the solution.... Delete the Roof planes off level 2 and they build just fine, it looks like you have run into Chief's dislike of drawing one set of trusses above another set or Roof Plane ...... this was my hunch , so the test was deleting the 2nd level's Roof planes...deleting just the Trusses on level 2 or locking the Truss envelopes on level 2 didn't seem to help in this case, locking has worked in the past , so it maybe worth another try or try it bit by bit........ M
  12. Bit hard to tell in the Image but I think you have 3 profiles there right ? try breaking the vertical lines between Profiles , so the whole shape becomes 1 polyline..... Otherwise posting the plan will help someone figure it out like Eric said.
  13. Sound like they maybe using Absolute Height , not Floor Height in their DBX
  14. Sounds like in Elevation you have the Layer the Appliances are on not Displayed...... I think they are usually on Fixtures,Interior M.
  15. You'd have to use custom countertops with two separate materials I think , with the Texture either Flipped or rotated as needed. M.
  16. The Info I have so far has come from Brian Beck , and I have followed up with him for more info..... at the moment you can install older Libraries by renaming the .calibz before installing , this may in fact be the Issue with the Sliding Barn Door Library I noticed last month, in that case though the Library was not auto-replaced with the newer one, unlike the Certainteed Library on Monday where I had reinstalled the X10 library to get the Fiber Cement Library back....the whole Folder was replaced in that case. M.
  17. I am sure that is the whole point.......who want's to live in a shed ?
  18. Yep CA Railing Walls still won't follow a Sloped Roof , so make the railing without posts and then put in a few of your own.... Skillion is an Oz and less so NZ term for a Mono Slope .....
  19. I have a feeling you are using a Home Designer Title , perhaps 2017 or 2018? as neither of these colours are in CA Premier X9 or X10 that I can see, in X11, we have the Silestone Calcutta Gold but I don't know if that Library is usable in an older Product ( probably not ) so you'd have to upgrade. Home Designer Titles have there own Forum BTW over here : https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/ PS you should do your Forum Signature as the SW version used matters for the answers given
  20. The Catalogues are being Updated by the Manufacturers and likely only contain current Products , Certainteed is another Library with this Issue, ( no fiber Cement any more) there is more discussion in this thread and an idea, so you can also install the X9 or X10 Library if needed.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/21994-oh-boymisunderstanding-on-my-part/?do=findComment&comment=179925
  21. SweetHomeDesign started a thread in the Symbols Forum for good places to find Textures too...
  22. Funnily enough my 1st impression was that they made a mistake and used a Beaded Siding texture by accident... (certainteed beaded smooth for example)
  23. didnt do anything different as far as the import, all I did was rename the x10 library to certainTeed_X10.calibz. ie I added the _X10 as note above.