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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. The Change to Grey Wall fills was made in X10 AFAIK?, ( more ACAD like?) so if you still have Blue and yellow walls ( which I still prefer myself ) it is likely you are not using Chief's current OOB template but one brought forward from X9 or further back or like me you already change the default wall fills in the X11 default template (Residential Template.plan) back to Blue and Yellow and resaved it. M.
  2. Correct....... you need to download any updates and run the installer,they are not automatic, So you won't have this issue if you have not installed the latest patch yet. Being notified of updates is based on the Update setting in Preferences and as far as I know is checked once a day on opening Chief.
  3. I agree with Rene , getting the Original Chief .Plan files from your old Employee will save you thousands of Dollars...... I think legally the Files belong to you since he was working for you, but you still need to get them from him , so be careful how you approach it..... If he was subcontracted and only agreed to supply PDFs you may have a different issue. M.
  4. Not without a Macrium Reflect Full System backup just in case..... You can actually just rename the Chief Data folder ( while Chief is Closed ) , and reinstall Chief , then delete the new Data Folder when done and rename the old one back to the Original name and all should be well. As far as I know Chief does not remove the .ini file which is at C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Chief Architect Inc in case you reinstall Chief but you could also make a backup of that folder too just in case.....that's the file that holds your Preferences, toolbar settings etc , so it is likely a good folder to back up anyway for safekeeping. ( thanks for the reminder - copied to ext. HDD) as you can see I have played a bit with installations here, the _Clean folders are actually renamed newly installed folders I kept for access to default clean templates etc when needed : I am just not sure if the Installer will allow an overwrite, ( you may get "a newer version is installed" error) so you may need to uninstall the new version 1st. Of course you need to have saved the Previous Versions' Installer locally as it is not on the Website now. Mick.
  5. It can also be done with Foundation Walls and "rooms" with ceiling heights making the "depth" , for a sloping floor you may need to use a Ramp though. I don't think Terrain Features will show in a Cross Section well ( if at all???) which is why I did it this way.........
  6. Just re-use the last Versions' Installer to re-install it ....you may need to uninstall the current version (???), so backup your Chief Data Folder 1st. M.
  7. Ahhhh, I wasn't thinking about Dims as Doug didn't show them in his example , I thought that was the kind of information he was trying to remove actually. M.
  8. I do it like Rob does, as well, when needed , it's not that bad once you open the Ortho Floor Camera, as you can go to 3D>View Direction>Top View for a perfect Top down view, then open the rendering Tech. an adjust the squiggle , extend etc as needed. M.
  9. Just the Gable end overhang Supports....... If you are talking about the backing for "Boxed" Eaves as CA calls them, then yes you have to place them manually or add a few CAD lines in the cross Section View..... it has been this way for as long as I can remember , and I am unsure why they are not auto framed too, never heard any feedback on this issue.
  10. I think he meant for you to seperate the "cup" from the hinge Arm and place the "Arm" and baseplate on the cabinet and the Cup on/in the Door , this is also what Mark suggested above. whether it will look right I don't know, but is likely the only option as the hinge symbol can't bend like in the real world. M.
  11. No Half post at Wall in the Railing Wall DBX should eliminate the two 1/2 posts at the Wall either side. you might want to try the railings as the black railing and place the two Doric Columns manually over the top. M.
  12. Thanks Joe I guess that's what I remember , but didn't realise it was for 1 size only. M.
  13. Don't I remember Joe coming up with a symbol (or ???) to get Soffits to Frame ? @Joe_Carrick
  14. Thanks again for posting your Content Robert, appreciate it. M.
  15. Either you haven't framed the Floor yet or you have Framing.Floor Joists Off in the current camera view , there is no Ceiling structure as you have a Floor above which takes precedence. Joe is correct..... even if you have Flat Ceiling on for the Room , you won't get a ceiling if you do not have a material (drywall?) assigned to the Ceiling Finish (surface)..... M.
  16. Both can be activated and used , I've been doing so since Feb., X11 uses the same activation Code as X10 , X9 and older version still use there own Codes to activate though. X11 is pretty Stable for most , if a tad slower than X10 in everyday use.
  17. Thanks for Posting the Library , will be interesting to have a play with.... M.
  18. Once you have all the folders from your Work PC on your USB Drive, ( and Chief Closed on home PC) you have to copy them to the same location on the Home Desktop PC ie : C:\ProgramData\Chief Architect Premier X11\ and when it asks if you want to overwrite existing Files say yes...... Then with Chief Opened again goto >Library >Update Catalogs. M.
  19. Typically NVME SSDs are about 4 times faster (upto 6x) than the Older SATA based SSDs like your 850 Pro Larry ,ie with Read and write speeds for SATA Drives are about eg 550 mb/s vs 2500-3000 mb/s for Samsung's 970 series NVME drives....but after the 1st few days the extra speed seems "normal" and you don't notice it in everyday use.......at least that was my experience a year or two ago when I got my 1st Samsung Evo NVME. However Ed has a spare one he can sell you they have come down ALOT in price in the last 6 months, so they are no longer budget Killers. Several years ago I made two new Folders on my 970 SSD for the CA-Temp Folder and CA-UNDO Folder and Point Chief in Prefs>File Management>Folders to use these new Folders instead of the Default Folders, though that may not help much if CA is Installed on the NVME SSD as Chief Defaults to using the Install Drive for Undo I believe ( can't check as I changed it ages ago and don't remember the Default Folder assigned. The CA Temp folder by default may just used the Windows assigned Temp Folder which maybe on the NVME SSD anyway too if Windows is also installed on it. Mick.
  20. Thanks Robert , appreciate you uploading your symbols to the Forum. Mick.
  21. I agree with Rene , Bloom makes view seem "softer" to me too , so I have unchecked it in all my camera defaults. Also make sure you are using the latest Nvidia Drivers for your Quadro Card. Try Zipping the Plan File to get it under 25 mb which is the Forum limit. M.
  22. As far as I know Lew it has been that way for many versions ( forever?), and a number of people have asked that Temp. Dims are always active regardless of automatic or manual Dims already having been placed but there has been no feedback as far as I am aware as to why this does not seem to be able to be enabled , it's something I'd prefer myself.. Mick.
  23. Sketchup possibly , did you look on 3D Warehouse for one that is already made? this assumes 2020 Pro can import .skp files....? M.
  24. The Labels Issue was a known issue with older versions of the Nvidia Drivers , so I'd start there and make sure you have the latest ...eg I think they are up to version 430.86 now , the problems Drivers where back in the 390.xx series IIRC. M.