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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. You've probably found one of those little quirks , and there are a few with Stairs , that they are slowly improving year by year. It's one of those small things that needs to be reported though or they never get fixed unfortunately, so please send TS the Plan file for review. PS the KB Articles all have a PDF download too , under Tools on the right if you want to save a Copy locally. M.
  2. Don't forget to check the KB (KnowledgeBase) or FAQ for a lot of your Questions , it is a very handy reference with short Tutorials for common issues... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03107/creating-a-stair-rake-wall.html
  3. Some laptops also have an Option to set the Nvidia Card as the Preferred Graphics Card which may have gotten reset when the new Intel Driver got installed. Note that this can have effects on battery life when going mobile or Onsite. Windows/Nvidia do not see Chief as a 3D application , so doing what Mark suggest above is also a good idea.
  4. I don't think the window is the Issue Joe , you need to set your Dimension Defaults to Rough Opening to measure it correctly........... unless I misunderstand something? as it seems to work for me...though you are correct ....CA doesn't show the Buck/RO Space..... could be done with a Cross Box but that could be a bit of work depending on the size of the project , but copy >reflect about helps.
  5. Don't Delete them ---that removes the Room/Floor hence the screen goes blank Just turn off the display of Foundation Walls in the ALDO for that Camera view...... as Eric has done above.... M.
  6. You can use a CAD MASK with 45° deg. angled WHITE lines ( or background colour) spaced at say 6" and make it the Front object in the Drawing Order (Groups). The White lines will make the Solid Black lines appear to be dashed in the elevation View. Try a Forum Search , you may find Threads on it , pretty sure that Tip comes from here, a number of years ago , perhaps from Joey Martin. *** better yet see Rob's post below Mick.
  7. Not sure how you did the screen shots this time but that is the method to use from now on . I don't think I have noticed that happening but if you can post a test plan displaying the same issue , I am sure myself and others like Eric will look. If you open a copy of Chief's OOB Template Plan , does it still occur ? that may tell you if it is a setting in your own custom Template assuming you use one. Mick.
  8. this looks as if the cabinets are not bumped together properly looking at the Drawer Lines....... To get the Sink Center I think you need to turn on Fixtures>Centers in your Dim.defaults... M.
  9. Okay I now understand...but can't actually see your pics as the size above is the size they are ( now large version when i click on them), but I get the Idea , sorry I can't help more on that issue , could maybe play around with it if you post the Plan but not sure it would help.... M.
  10. InkScape is Open Source and works fairly well for PDF>DXF/DWG the few Times I've used it..... May not be a user friendly as Print2CAD though for that purpose.... https://inkscape.org/
  11. Kbird1


    For Auto to work well you need to make sure the Walls all have the correct Roof Directive Set first on the Roof TAB, it appears your Upper Story Wall is set to Gable , not Hip.... ( the wall on the back of the house will need the same if not already set too) Roofs_generating-automatic-hip-and-gable-roofs.pdf
  12. You don't get the Corner Post Option if the Windows are not "joined" properly or are identical. I have found in X11 you seem to have to really force the corner joint the few times I've need to do it. M.
  13. The Temp dimension is controlled by the current Dimension Default in use , but as far as I know the number itself is always displayed at the center of the dim. line M.
  14. I haven't seen it happen in X11 but I no longer do it that way as in previous versions I found the library would import without the Textures sometimes , which never happened if you use the Library Menu>Import Library. M.
  15. It maybe a Nvidia Driver Issue , older Drivers can cause issue like this with the Cursor disappearing or weird one like not be able to select Tabs once a DBX is opened. M.
  16. I haven't seen that happen myself , usually if they aren't aligned, the drywall is still there, the walls just show a bump-out in the wall at Ceiling height. M.
  17. In your Plan Defaults try changing the Default Electrical Colour to White Defaults>Materials >Electrical and Change your Electrical Defaults to Dacora Style incase you place more ( do this in your template file if you use Dacora style all the time too) Defaults>Electrical>General Electrical> (for Outlet and switch at least)
  18. Try the Replace from Library Tool>Whole Plan or Whole Floor ...may work but YMMV.... M.
  19. Looks like Chopsaw was right , the Railing wall Definition is incorrect but if works just fine once defined correctly and I changed the Default material for the exterior and interior wall surface back to Drywall. Like Chopsaw I am also not sure why the top railing isn't joining properly on one end.. Chief will try to build the framing but it doesn't handle the curve well so that piece I had to delete from the camera view.
  20. X10 has a bad habit of taking back the File associations from X11 if you open a plan in X10 again , particularly if you use Right Click Menu Item.... Open With... However X11 now has a Button in Preferences>File Management>File Association to take it back for you....... ***note in pic it is grayed out as my Associations as active for X11 currently............ The other advice is to Use the Library>Import Library Menu in X11 to Import the Bonus Library , not the double click method from your downloads folder.....
  21. Have you built the Framing ? and is it turned on in that camera view? post the plan as suggested ...too much guessing otherwise.... M.
  22. Set the Limit to 50 you should open a Ticket.......
  23. Chief just released a new Pole Barn Tutorial this week actually which is here : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01069/designing-a-traditional-pole-barn-structure.html
  24. It doesn't work in situations like above where you want the Tile proud of the drywall for example though a pony wall works fine in some situations for that , just make a copy of the walltype and add the tile to the exterior or interior side and it auto joins on the Corners. Using WMR's for corner boards is a bit limited as the WMR cannot be thicker than the main wall surface or you lose the corner......same as above......but in a pinch it maybe okay though Eric's trick with the Solid up the corner could fill it fairly easily , pretty slow way to do Corner boards though , they really need to recess like all the other exterior casing and trim does to the Sheathing layer. make it any thicker and you get the notch in the corner a single WMR will join fairly nicely to a wall of the same material though.......
  25. Can you TAB (next) into the Dishwasher once the cabinet is selected ? M.