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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Set you Maximum No# of lights to 100 in the Camera Settings ( and do in your defaults too ) , Chief no longer has an 8 light limit as it did in the past for PBR. M.
  2. My example above was done in X12 but it has been this way for as long as I remember..... Normally I do it similar to Mark and just change the wall definition and have a 1/2" thick color for the "Drywall" instead. M.
  3. This can and will happen if you add a 0" thick paint layer to the Wall definition ( per Chief's default Ceilings) as Chief only wraps the outer most layer of any wall around the end and if that is a 0" thick "Color" it fails and you see the Stud.
  4. That's why I had the File handy actually M.
  5. from a 3D camera............
  6. Did you get it to work Clarke ? * did you re-read the post above once I finished the Text etc.... Mick
  7. "Landings" don't produce the Stringer ( baseboard or Kicks as we call them ) AFAIK. they likely are the cause of the railing non-connection too. M.
  8. I don't think you can....... but try dropping the file in the Zipfile below into an open X11 Plan ...it should import 81 Backdrops.....from X10 File : CoreBackdrops.zip
  9. Don't have X7 installed anymore but this is the Attic Wall setting to uncheck ...temporarily.... or you'll have to draw all your own.... this will allow you to delete unwanted Attic walls without them regenerating. M.
  10. Yes as an initial "Auto Setting" if Grade is the Reference Height , but it's also why I said (Option) so it could also set Sea Level or any height we may need as you mentioned ie we could accept the default of Height Subfloor is above Terrian or we could set any number we like. M.
  11. No problem , I didn't think that ,,,just that you thought it was more work than you should have to do .....and you maybe right I , like you, think there should be an Auto (w/Option) setting once a TP is added to a plan
  12. It really isn't as hard as I may have made it sound ? then again I don't think it would normally be needed to be done, but I thought for some reason you needed too? Using a point on Chief's "Terrain" would not be that accurate as it interpolates ( educated guesses ) the Terrain between Elevation Lines etc so you'd never really now what you were using as an Elev. Point in that case. Mick.
  13. The Points (diamonds) only seem to locate Items on Chief's List of "available Items" on the Locate Elevations or the Located Objects Tabs for the Used Dimension default of the Story Pole but you can easily figure out the "Point" (datum) Height if needed with a few CAD lines and set the Height in the Locate Elevations Tab, then all Dims on the Storey Pole will refer to the Datum Height. Below I used the edge of the Property but it could be anywhere, though I'd have thought that Info, was available without the CAD Lines assuming working from a Topo Survey which usually shows the Datum Height along with the other Elevation Data, at least locally there is usually a metal pin in the Curb that is used for that. Mick.
  14. It's the CAD Block from the Sink "Symbol" you see and you can change the Symbol's Name once opened and it will used it in the Schedule, but it won't show in Plan View, since it's not a "Label", which maybe or maybe not a bad thing. M.
  15. You can , but I never checked if there is a Label tab on an inserted Sink --- there isn't ----- but place it outside the cabinet and then there is a Label Tab and the Sink can be selected normally (without the Tab Key)
  16. Like most things in Chief , by default the Story Pole references the Top of the Subfloor ( or slab), which is always 0" (absolute in some DBX's elevation reference dropdown) , which I guess makes sense , at least when the Plan is 1st opened as how would Chief reference the Terrain when one has not been built yet?....and for some Users may never be built, eg Kitchen and Bath designers doing a bathroom only etc. there is more Info in this Post , in a thread about Sea Level References and a couple of Test Plans with Notes if you have more interest. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/17786-story-pole-relocating-the-grade-elevation/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-149858 Mick.
  17. Chief always joins walls at their Centers typically , so you can run into these sorts of issues. I am not sure about Pro but in Premier in the Wall's Definition there is now an option box at the bottom Called Partition Wall which causes the wall to only join at it's Surface, it may ( or Not) help with this , I have not tried it.
  18. Changing the Pattern , which is used in Vector Views , does not change the Texture Image that is used in 3D cameras , you need to Change BOTH or make a new material eg from a pic you found online. See this Tip on doing that in the Tips forum..... Mick.
  19. It appears as Dermot suggested you haven't tabbed through to the actual sink , that is the Cabinet's DBX and thus LABEL. M.
  20. Still two seperate walls? make it one wall then.... marked Roof cuts wall at bottom. Mick.
  21. See Typo Correction above... NO Room Defintion....
  22. I think Joey is right , stadard cabinets with a couple of Partitions like :
  23. You appear to have a un-needed Roof opening on the 1st floor over the fridge , so I pulled it out onto the backyard. It's a bit finicky but I then made both sidewalls - roof cuts wall at bottom and reshaped them in 3D This will leave a hole in the drywall each side , which I fixed with a short piece of interior 4 wall marked - No Room Definition - and slide into place. *** edited for typo No Roof Def. was supposed to be No Room Def. Mick.
  24. Yes..... How to Pics 1st ...will add Text .... but typically you would NOT do this process till you knew the house was at it's final Design Size , so it didn't need to be repeated. The Foundation Wall's Framing is Locked ( retained on Structure Tab ) so you don't lose the manual work and Materials' changes when you rebuild the Framing in the rest of the house. Pic 1 How to set the Build Framing DBX for the Foundation Level Pic 2+3 Select ALL the foundation Walls and Uncheck Retain Framing , framing should rebuild if you set Auto build per Pic 1 Pic 4 Select ALL the foundation Walls and RE-Check Retain Framing Pic 5 Delete any Pier "extras" you don't need, that the Auto build made. Pic 6 + 7 Use Full camera to go under Floor Framing and change Top Plate's Material and Width ti 1 1/2 or 5 1/2" as needed ( delete Top Plates on Walls if not needed ) Pic 8 ,9 ,10 Edit Top Plates in an Elevation Camera for length and numer as needed. Pic 11 1st Floor showing Foundation Framing Settings above still Pic 12 + 13 Building Framing > Walls reset to Normal and rebuilt Pic 14 +15 Floor Framing also rebuilt now Pic 16 Full Reframed "Extended Room" Mick.