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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. This thread is about the built in Labels for the Electrical Items which are different than the Callout Labels which come from the Schedule as does the Shape , might be best to start your own thread with a Sample plan with a simple box house showing the issue so Others can give you some Pointers. Mick.
  2. I guess that is about my plan ? I didn't go the whole hog last night but it doesn't take long to finish it the way you describe.....his Details Pics and what he said don't match ie triple 2x6 vs 6x6 PT , but either is not difficult. I added the updated plan and pics above for Others in the future. The transverse walls just needed a new material to rotate the Studs 90°. ( ie 8 x16 vs 16 x 8" ) and the top plate deleted. Frame the Foundation Level 1st with the needed settings ie single 5 1/2" top plate and no bottom plate , then lock the Framing in the Foundation walls with the Retain Framing box on the Structure Tab, you can then set the Framing back to a double top plate and single bottom 2X material to frame the other Floor levels. It's not totally automatic of course but you can then copy and paste the missing framing members and change the material to PT framing quite easily. Mick.
  3. With a new Wall definition and a few new Materials eg a Framing Conc. Block you can pretty much automate this with a couple of tricks to make the single 6X6 top plate (only) then retain the framing and then change the top plate material to Treated Lumber and thickness to 6" on the foundation walls. Then reset the Wall Framing default tot he standard 2 top-plate and one bottom plate at 1 1/2" for the rest of the house. I have left the Cameras in the Plan file below , so check them out 1st........ PLAN FILE : MHD_Brick Foundation Wall with CMU Piers.plan Mick.
  4. Down and dirty method.... But you then need to place you own Doors as Chief won't drop to the bottom of the Valance molding but once the door is placed in plan from the libary and copied it isn't too bad. Likewise for the Handle/knob. Actually If you remove the Bottom seperation the Door will come all the way down , you can then use one of the Shelves set at 1 1/2" from the bottom as the bottom of the cabinet and the molding will fill the gap , see the attached wall cabinet for settings. MHD 1.5 inch Recessed Bottom Wall Cabinet.calibz M.
  5. You could use a network Drive and place a Common User library there , though there is a possibility of issues if you both access it at the same time. Use Google Drive for the common User Library location may work but again there maybe issues especially if the Internet is down or something. It is easy to make a Plan Material's Folder which can be exported and imported on the other machine or you can just export the individual materials and email them to the other person if needed. M. or
  6. You can also disable the second instance behavoiur ( at your own risk) in the Chief .ini file. ( if you can't find it , then don't use this method.... and make a backup of the .ini file 1st if you do.)
  7. I will look into this, thanks. good start......but look at Ref. Manual too. ( Toolbars are customisable too except for a couple of hard-coded ones Chief installs. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00238/customizing-hotkeys.html
  8. This is also how I do it , with 2 clicks or OFF set...... PS if you are on a PC ( not is your signature) it is Ctrl-E (Default Hot Key) not CMD-E ( Mac Os) to open Objects You can print a list of Current Hotkeys to an HTML File from the Tools Menu too , and it is highly customisable for HotKey People.... M.
  9. Mac OS Catalina? it has a bunch of new security features which limit some services till you explicitly turn them on now...for example last Week a Client had to figure out how to get GoToMeeting to work with Catalina after updating to Catalina the day before and be able to share the Video etc with me. It also turns off Scrollbars I have found with some Clients , I posted a Tip in the Tips Forum about that. M.
  10. Post the Plan , as it seems there is something wrong with the Chief Model , the Real Door is not in a 12" deep recess.... M.
  11. Well I read it as he/she wants to swap the Keys due to muscle memory, I see no issue with that, and assumed he/she knew what he/she was doing..... the fact that a True Escape is now done with the Space bar instead is a personal choice as I see it, as long as he/she can remember that he's done it .... and uses it as needed. M.
  12. Each to His Own ..... Not sure why you are having an issue switching them, if you want too , seems to work for me ..... Type Space in the Show commands box at the Top > (1) select Select Objects in the List.... (2) backspace out Space on the Assign Text Area at the Bottom and hit Esc Key then (3) hit Assign. Chief will warn you about an overwrite > OK ...move on ..... then do the opposite for the Esc Key. M.
  13. Put the needed info in your Forum Signature as suggested , this does not included your MAC OS serial No# which I suggest you don't post on Public Forums. M.
  14. You can also in Preferences Use the Reset Options >Reset Toolbars command. If you Lock your toolbars this tends not to happen accidently too. M
  15. If you mean in Layout ? ( you really need to explain EXACTLY what is happening and where) then Unlink the Saved Plan View ( edit Tolobar button) for the Layout box and it should hold the View that was sent , and not change as you change the SPV while in Plan. M.
  16. That's true , but I was assuming a Longtime User with no Fills in his User Library , may not have migrated everything properly...(but maybe not ?) so it might be worth a try. Doug could also Export the Fills from the Library from an Earlier Version of Chief and import into X12, or Use Import Patterns and point it to the X10 or X11 Patterns Folder ( in the Data Folder.) M.
  17. It appears you didn't agree to migrate the User , Bonus and Manufacturer Libraries. ( no arrow next to them to expand ) X12 now allows you to Reset the Migration, under Reset Options, next time you restart X12 ...... using this new Button in Preferences. You could also Click on the Library Menu at the Top and "install the Core library" and it will Check thatit is upto Date.
  18. That was Michael , that posted that Tip for you, not me..... so I am not sure....maybe only Chief's Default Framed Panel Doors that allow it , most Manfacturer's likely don't , since they are symbols rather than Parametric Doors @Alaskan_Son
  19. Make the Beam a Single 2x12 and then copy paste the other two next to it , Chief does not yet do Auto Built Up beams AFAIK.
  20. Nice OOB thinking there didn't think I'd seen them in a Chief Library.... M.
  21. You can set it to match the Terrain Perimeter Height eg if it is 18" below the Subfloor...... Set the Grade Level Marker to -18 ( negative 18") instead of Zero and make sure to reference the Grade Level Marker not the 1st Floor Subfloor. M.
  22. I don't have a Mac so can't really say if it is the OS Version or ??? , just thought I'd post it up in case there are Others with the same issues. * You may also know your way around a MAC and I not sure some I helped do
  23. It's a known problem and is called Z-Fighting , and occurs as Eric pointed out when you draw a Building a LONG way from 0,0 on the coordinate grid ( see your Status Bar.) to help eliminate the Issue in the future, place a Point in your New Plans Template at 0,0 ( use input point tool ) move the view so the point to the bottom left corner and then save your template. Now when starting a new drawing , you know at a glance you are close to 0,0. and shouldn't have these issues. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00107/troubleshooting-why-materials-appear-to-flicker-when-a-camera-view-is-rotated.html M.
  24. Try holding the X Key on the Keyboard while you drag a Corner of the Layout box . X is the keyboard shortcut for "resize" , C for concentric may also work. I think this was changed in X10 or X11 as we are now able to "shape" Layout Boxes. M.
  25. As the existing Wall ie Drywall probably in this case ...this causes the Material to no longer be at "Default" , which Rob is suggesting fixes the Issue (sometimes) Mick.