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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Nope have not heard of that issue previously - but uploading the plan will mean others can test to see if the Plan is at fault or something else.
  2. you are in Layout ...so Layout Info and specifically whatever you type on the Layout Label Text Area will appear there . The Hash tag just makes Chief Number Pages consecutively. So you can use A-# for Architectural Pages, E-# for Elevations etc as you Prefer, you don't need to use the word Page. M.
  3. Thanks Alan for sharing , nice to have a few extras and by a few I mean 35 ! Mick.
  4. I agree , it's how I do it... ie I use %layout_Label% not %view_name% for the Page Number in the Text box on Page 0 M.
  5. As mentioned your page 1 info is on Page 0 Page info not Page 1's on page 0 you should have nothing under Title and description. And yes the Marker lines are Blank until you insert the Layout Page Title Macro ( M> button) and Scale info ( text ) M.
  6. For Follow Stairs to work the Railing must sit on the Stairs , which in this case it doesn't it comes up beside it so you need to shape the Wall in Elevation Open Staircase and get stair angle ( 40.99°) In a B.C. Elevation Camera Draw a CAD line, at that angle so you will have something to snap the Wall Top edge too Pull Left hand corner to the line Pull right Corner to the line Use middle grab handle to pull wall top Up to 2-3" above the elevation of the Railing on the 2nd floor You can break the Top and Bottom Edges or Walls - not the side normally , so in this case I went a bit higher and broke the angled Walltop 1' from the right-side approx , grabbed the Diamond at the point and "folded" it down until horizontal towards the Landing Railing. Set Railing Type to Solid to automatically get a normal 2x4 wall with Drywall each side for the Railing. Add Wall Cap to new sloped Wall ( WallCap Tab) Convert Railing on 2nd floor to Solid if not already done and add also add the WallCap Edit Wall Shape and Height in Elevation Cam. to match second Floor Solid Railing as needed and so the Landing Railing hits the Soliding Railing Wall just below the WallCap. Fix any anomalies and "holes" created . Done
  7. Maybe blank out you computer Serial no# in the System Specs image for Security.......no one needs it here.... People will also respond better I find if they know your (1st) name rather than talking to some obscure "internet entity" ( called dmktek ) just my $0.2c worth. M.
  8. You have entered the Page 1 info on Page 0 by the look of it --- ( Edit Page Info to correct ) The Scale macro will show the Zoom factor as you scroll in and out , not the Scale the layout Box used Use a marker with Text above the Line and Below instead..... ***don't put it on Page Zero though, then you'll be able to Edit the Scale on each page to match the Layout Box. Corrected :
  9. Put that in your Signature NOT in a Post......
  10. yes just post the .layout file so people can see what you have done with the macros.... Have a look at the Video Link Signatures posted and add you Info to your forum signature so every post shows you only have X8 and thus people will not bother posting videos for X11 etc like yesterday, which may not work for you since you don't have it..... it wastes both their and your time... Mick.
  11. A Molding Line will work drawn above the Door , you will need to create the "molding Shape" for the Lintel and add it to you Library 1st is all. You can then save it as a symbol for reuse on other Windows , Doors etc ( or Projects)
  12. Please Post the layout so people can look at what you have setup , otherwise it is a guessing game.... M.
  13. Trusses do not "rebuild) on their own automatically, if you alter the floor or ceiling structure or heights etc, you must to Marquee (shift) select them all , open the DBX and FORCE a truss rebuild. M.
  14. couple of other Ideas to use too.....
  15. A Plan file would help for sure but... It looks like you may have, after building the Crawlspace wall initially, have then reset the the Foundation Walls to "Hang the Floor Platform above on the Wall" instead ? as i can not think of another condition or setting that would cause the floor to drop inside the foundation walls like that...... the graphic is show 0" floor height as 10-12" higher than the floor structure is drawn ? definitely strange. M
  16. Definintely not as a permanent solution , as I said above, just temporarily to remove a few stray walls as needed and turn it back on ...... it seems at least to me the programming behind the Attic walls in X11 is a bit more agressive than in earlier versions and sometimes clean up is needed. Though someone seems to think it needed a downvote ??? wow ... makes me wonder if you even read the reply fully.... or understand what was said.... M.
  17. It is quite often where the terrain is "folding" down behind the retaining Wall , adjusting or even adding a Terrain Break and playing with it can help to hide the fold's "edge" inside the retaining wall. I tend to use Foundation walls and add my own Terrain Break ...walls are then edited in elevation for heights etc , as it is rare for a Retaining Wall to follow the ground level exactly at least locally , most R.Walls have a coping stone that is level too. ( convert wall to solid railing and use Wall Cap ) M.
  18. Nicely done Video Mark , you may want to consider putting it in the Tips Forum for General Terrain help for others new to doing Terrains. And to the OP......It is generally accepted you put your Terrain Perimter on Level 1 , so calculating heights is easier. M.
  19. You can't in Plan once it's in an Auto Rail afaik, but you can Open the Symbol in the Library and rotate 90° it there , then reload the Symbol in the Railing, Newel DBX. Or use Micheal's method so you have one of each M.
  20. I am not surprised you had trouble finding it ...5 layers down...... Use select all in the 4th DBX and do all the Text Styles at once if you never want to see the background.....
  21. Yes Chief always sees the Bottom of the page as the Front if you use the Auto Elevation Tool , but you can easily open the Camera's DBX and change it to anything you like..... Ff you do this in your Template Plan and save it, it should already be setup every time you start a new Project. Use the Auto elevation Camera Tool to place the Cameras on All elevations ( 3D>Create Auto Elevations>All Elevations In the Project Browser RENAME all camera as needed ie change Right to Front , Left to Back , Front to Left , Back to Right Then double click each camera to open it , this will cause the Views and thus names to be updated Confirm names are correct back in Plan View If it is only about the Layout , you could simply not use the Camera View Label ( turn off the Layout Box Label in DBX ) and use a Marker instead. See pics. Mick.
  22. you can make your own out of a P-Solid and then save it as a Millwork Symbol > set option to Newel/Post . It can be a bit tricky at times getting posts oreintated correctly at corners when they aren't square though. M.
  23. Chopsaw's idea works pretty well actually and is automatic if setup in the Plan Defaults ( setup in New Plan Template too ) , the dimension is there from the moment you draw the wall. As you can see it even works for interior Walls.....
  24. That's what I'd do in your situation ..... In your Template Plan ( so you don't need to do it in every New Plan ) place the 4 Auto Elevation Cameras ( no house needed) and then rename them, eg Right as Front , Left as Back etc ,and then it will always be that way .
  25. It seems in X12 the label doesn't show like it does in X11 unless you take it off automatic ie use Specify..... M.