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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. sounds like the foundation is NOT at least the Height required ie 42" + the 24" ( 3 CMU stacked ) ? M.
  2. Not sure if it will be helpful in this particular situation , but a Walltype can also be marked as a "Partition" causing it to react differently when it touches other walls but there is also The "furred wall" option on the structure tab> dbl Wall options may also work? ( for use when two walls "touch" or bump each other - see "marriage walls" in manual) I may have just made a new Walltype for those sections including all layer from both walls or just used a Solid as others pointed out M.
  3. Did you check the Chief 3D bonus Libraries online? pretty sure I saw something ...... or maybe it was a Manufacturer Library? M.
  4. I never said they weren't boring each to their own though right? they're good Throne Room reading ... Some don't like Get My House Right, but personally I like it and agree with a lot of the info but look at it as a guide only, some seem to be really put out by Others ( not the Author) saying it is a definitive guide though. M.
  5. Not so much the structural part but for these Classical Styles of Homes the book "Get My House Right" will help with the "Style" stuff relatively cheaply..... https://www.amazon.com/Get-Your-House-Right-Architectural/dp/1402791038 The Field Guide to American Houses is also good..... https://www.amazon.com/Field-Guide-American-Houses-Revised/dp/0375710825 both available on Kindle or Kobo too. M.
  6. this should work as others mentioned unless you "spraycanned" the windows, the 1st time you changed the Colour ? In which case you will need to Open the Windows' DBX ( multi-select all windows) and force the materials back to default 1st
  7. No problem , you too, that should help the Dell Users. When I get a minute I'll post this Info over in the Tips Forum so it doesn't disappear again. (I think Joe may have left the Forum?) Mick
  8. Once it is a symbol , you can NOT explode it again into a Full 3D Model , so the aforementioned Items are of no use in the SYMBOL, the 3D Model of the House is nothing but a hollow Shell once made into a Symbol , so furniture cabinets etc etc are not needed. M.
  9. It is so you can turn off the display of everything in the model not strictly needed for the "House" model, eg Appliances, Fixtures, furniture, even interior Walls if on an unique layer, which allows the 3D model of the house to be as small as possible (megabyte-wise) before saving it to your Library ...... ..... and of course check the things you need like Exterior Walls ( incl.foundation) and roof planes etc are ON... M.
  10. Always worth checking the KnowledgeBase (FAQ tuts) too : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00344/modeling-a-subdivision-or-lot-with-multiple-structures.html M.
  11. removing Sonic Radar solved it for me, there was no need to remove Sonic Studio or the " Nahimic Service" which is needed for Sonic Studio to work also , though some have reported they had to remove both the Sonic Apps. The Nahimic Service is the Issue , it can also be stopped in the Services App ( Service.msc in the Run Dialog) and configured for manual start only or disabled , at least as a Test. The was also a post in that thread about Nahimic having a White and Black List , and adding Chief to the Blacklist but I did not try that. Edit: think I found it online actually....at Nvidia..... Hi Yes there is known issue between Nahimic 3 and other applications (Maya, Substance Painter, 3D applications using OpenGL ). This primary happens when application is started on secondary monitors. some more research is found here: https://discourse.mcneel.com/t/rhino-freezes-on-secondary-monitor-problem-with-the-nihimic-audio-driver-on-the-motherboard/82258/39 All fixes are just .......uninstall the Nahimic 3 Apps....ie Sonic Radar ( game sound detector) and Sonic Studio (equalizer) For us who don't want accept that solution here is simple fix: Locate this nahimic blacklist ( maybe in a slightly different place on your PC eg if you have a Dell , see below) C:\ProgramData\A-Volute\A-Volute.Nahimic\Modules\Scheduled\Configurator\BlackApps.dat and insert your affected executable application to avoid injecting your application by Nahimic tested on Substance Painter.exe There is no needed to restart PC or Nahimic Service Just save file.
  12. It appears Joe has deleted that thread for some reason Diane I can't find it, at least not at the moment. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/21770-external-monitors-not-working/
  13. Sounds like a glitch to me ...... almost like when the plan is closed the Layout is making the Notes full size ( 1:1) and it then rescales them when the plan opens.... (Similar to when you try dropping a CAD Detail from the library into Layout instead of Plan or a Cad Detail ) M.
  14. You won't see this IF the walls are already aligned, ie they snapped properly when drawn .... OR if more than 1/2 the wall width out of alignment, in which case Chief assumes the mis-alignment was deliberate. ( would be noticeable in 3D views though.) as Eric mentioned , add some pics ( Use Windows Snipping Tool ) or even better the Plan file for better help/answers.... M.
  15. I don't think Chief Sees them as "Framing" , check the Materials List ( ML) and see if they are there? M.
  16. It won't hurt when you see issues like this to click the File Association Button in Preferences.....especially useful if you run more than one version of Chief as Windows will sometimes swap the File Association to the last used Version, so for example double Clicking a .plan file will open it is X11 or X10 not X12 as you may of wanted.
  17. Yes the File must be given a Name , ie always 1st thing on opening a New Plan for a Project give it the Clients name ( Or whatever) then Chief will start making Autosaves and Archive etc.......NEVER work in a Plan that says UNTITLED.............. I also learn that the hard way The reminder for Archives will popup around 16-18 files as the Chief default is 14, however I have mine set at 22 to see less of that annoying popup :) Diane......Updates , don't usually reset Preferences , so the settings that were there should not have changed unless you mean you went from X11-X12 ? Chief does acknowledge unexpected closures with no save option given , I've seen it myself and with Clients on both PC and MAC. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03049/troubleshooting-chief-architect-software-closing-unexpectedly-on-windows.html M.
  18. PDFs are above now , I just added them..... Here is the Chief Video on X12 if you haven't seen it..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/playlists/173/what-s-new.html?playlist=139
  19. No, X12 will install alongside X11, you can finish Projects already startedin X11 and start New projects in X12 that way if desired. On 1st startup it will offer to "migrate" you X11 Settings , Chief suggests you don't migrate Templates ( but rebuild them each version for the new Templates provided) and not to migrate Toolbars so you get the Icon for all/any new X12 features. When you download the file, the 2 links in green below the download button are PDFs to give you more info on the Process. If not done already , in the digital locker accept the upgradeon the right 1st....then there will be a download button for the File. Mick. chief-architect-x12-migration-guide.pdf x12-new-features.pdf X12-Premier-Interiors Comparison-Matrix.pdf chief-architect-x12-download-and-installation-instructions.pdf M.
  20. Hi Rob ...just a small update since I ran into this one myself this week, trying with a new Asus Laptop to use a 2nd monitor and 3D views...... removing Sonic Radar alone solved it for me, there was no need to remove Sonic Studio or the " Nahimic Service" which is needed for Sonic Studio to work also. Discussed in this thread..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/21770-external-monitors-not-working/?do=findComment&comment=222784 Not sure if the Dell stuff makes a difference with your setup though.... Mick.
  21. There was an issue with the 2nd or 3rd Update and it was pulled off the Server 2-3 days later.... but is was only effecting people who were using Edit Area alot IIRC? The MAC version still has unexpected Close Out issues with no save warning ......AFAIAA....occasionally....but I don't think that is X12 specific or even MAC only, I just have seen it happen more on MAC Systems than on PCs personally. Other than that Issue I am not aware of any "Known Issues" with either version ...... unless you run Nahimic Sonic Software for the Audio on your Desktop or Laptop and try and use 3D on a 2nd Monitor ... ( ran into this myself this week ) but that is NOT a Chief Issue , and is perhaps the "Issue" you read about earlier this Year ? as it is an ongoing issue ...see pages 3+4 for more recent posts about it , including mine here : https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/21770-external-monitors-not-working/ The Chief FAQs on the close out issue..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-02940/troubleshooting-chief-architect-software-closing-unexpectedly-on-a-mac.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03049/troubleshooting-chief-architect-software-closing-unexpectedly-on-windows.html
  22. Looks Like you updated the OP after I posted earlier as I see the Pic there now ? it shows you are using the Buy List but as noted it effects the Framing not the Planks and Railings if that is the main concern ? I may not understand how you want Railings to show in the ML reading your OP? Looks like you just joined so a couple of Tips ... 1.)don't forget to check the KnowledgeBase (KB) FAQs here too : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/category/59/materials-list.html 2.) Include your plan in Posts if possible - there are way to many settings in DBXs for people to guess at for many questions. Just make sure the Plan is closed and under 25 mb when you attach it to your post. 3.) I would suggest you update/add your Forum Signature , so people will always know what version you are using , and perhaps your computer specs ( for hardware related questions eg about 3D views, or even a name ...if you aren't the shy type see mine below..... and the how to here https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/ Mick.
  23. Read up on Buy List in regards to the ML And in reference to the Deck Fascia..... if it ain't in the Plan it ain't in the ML ....... , CA doesn't make them automatically like the rest of the Deck Framing, but you can copy the Rim Joist to the inside or outside of itself and make the Outer one the correct material. ( may need to change Deck plank overhang to accommodate if adding copy to outside.) M.
  24. right the Chief Symbol in your Library and Export it to the same place you keep all your Chief Libraries for safe keeping , maybe in a new Folder called Gene's Symbols , you do make a regular backup of the Whole User Catalog folder too right? eg to a Ext. HDD for future Reinstalls but you can also upload it here as Greg mentioned. Mick.
  25. AFAIK Chief runs the Update before it Prints anything to make sure everything is upto date in the Layout before wasting (expensive) Ink.....but why I Print to PDF too 1st. M.