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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I tried another approach , I built two identical sized buildings 44'x44' , here one with a 10:12 Gable Roof and the Other with a Gullwing Roof with 5:12 LP and 10:12 UP , seen in the back ground of pic 1, then copied the Roof planes off buildings 1&2 over onto a 3rd 44'x44' Building and joining them up manually, once the Roof was done I reduced the size of the Building here to 30'x30' and lowered the roof planes about 3-4' and added a Shed Roof out the Front.
  2. Just click the word quote and it is sent down to the Replay window . The + next too the word Quote allows you to quote more than 1 post..... You can just use a slab and apply the Patio Pavers from the Catalog or perhaps make some new materials if needed eg look at TechBloc Stone for their Images and Pattern Files... Mick.
  3. You can also set up a Dimension Default to use Surfaces instead of the Wall Dimension Layer ( Framing usually) or set your Temporary Dimension Default to use Surfaces as well..... ie : VS
  4. Oh...just to be clear , I wasn't saying anything bad about the Surface Book 3 , I don't have one ( I have an Original Surface 3 Tablet ) , I was just commenting that RTX is available cheaper elsewhere if people don't have your budget for the Surface book and the Quadro Option to get RTX Technology. M.
  5. Oh I think they will but the GTX vs Quadro discussion here, in this thread, is only related to the Surface 3 as they are the only 2 options apparently..... Most newer Nvidia Cards ie the 2000 Series ( or 3000 series due next year or sooner?) are all RTX capable..... so for other laptops or Desktops any Nvidia gaming card will be fine and likely save you a lot of cash if your heart isn't set on a Surface Book 3. The Quadro Cards are needed for many 3D modelling Apps and 3D Engineering/Production etc and those programs are writen to take advantage of the Quadro Cards added Features ---Chief does not as it currently uses a Proprietary 3D engine ( which Nvidia doesn't know exists apparently as the NV Control panel doesn't even recognise Chief as a 3D app.) M.
  6. I believe that relates to the extra Cost of the Quadro Cards ( 2-3X $$$ of a gaming card ) , not to their Performance . Chief just doesn't use any of the Added Features of the Quadro range , so the $$$ spent aren't worth it for most, unless you also use other Software that can use the Quadro enhancements too. M .
  7. I didn't notice you were in X10 either.....In X12 you can now frame independent Floor Framing in individual Rooms along with Walls and Roofs etc. This training Video from the Free Webinars Series will let you see Scott Harris use it in a Bathroom addition... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/10215/remodeling-new-addition-framing-materials-list.html?playlist=171 Methinks you blaspheme M.
  8. The joists maybe the same the Floor Structure is not....... have not looked further ....
  9. Thanks for the info the 1660 or 1660ti in particular is pretty capable but isn't RTX capable. Quadro is still pretty expensive and as far as I know Chief does not use the extra Quadro capabilities ( other than RTX/DLSS etc) but in this case if you want RTX for future-proofing you have little choice.
  10. Chief locks Files while open , so you can't upload it while open in Chief. Just to Clarify ...Chief doesn't actually move the Roof Planes up or down, it just displays them on a different floor for you so you can work on them easier eg joining them etc.... Or when you need to send ALL planes to Layout and show then on a 1 page "Roof Plan" View some jurisdiction like. M.
  11. Don't know the Surface Book at all but as long as the Nvidia Card is a 2000 Series of higher it will be RTX capable even the 2060, but the 10 or 16 Series Nvidia Cards are GTX only and won't support the RTX technology should Chief make use of it in future Versions ......which is my hope too as I just ordered a 2070 Super RTX Laptop. M.
  12. Yes that's the part that is a Killer with your own Symbol ....well the whole process you describe above actually , way too much work that shouldn't be needed. M
  13. After you convert a Skylight to a Exterior Fixture Symbol I presume ? or are you doing something else ? The Skylight Symbols never seem to work the best for me. M.
  14. If you are going to do it , you might want to look at your options sooner than later as I don't think Premier's Cost has been this low in quite some time, ( 20% off in current Sale) and I assume they still give you the HD Pro Rebate as well even when on Sale. M.
  15. I thought you could sign in on your Phone nowadays to your Account ...assuming you are not that remote you can't use Cell either to activate Chief.... M.
  16. Try disconnecting the Lower 3-4 Treads from the landing then turn off the LH railing on that section ...it shouldn't Hopefully then remove the Railing on the Upper part when you uncheck Railing>Left . *** note the height on the Landing 1st , incase it drops to the floor when you disconnect the lower stair section - then just raise it up again if needed.
  17. I think I can see the issue now...... a 1/8" reveal is the same as a 5/8" overlap , the difference is in how Chief uses Reveals on Doors and Uses Overhangs on Windows, I have no idea why the different names/usages, but Chief Sizes Windows and Doors differently so that maybe why? similar to how a Window Jamb is called a Frame in Chief not a Jamb.... a Jamb is still a Jamb whether on a Door or Window. *When you Mull the Units the DBX setting may change ? but in reality it is the same thing, did you perhaps use a fixed Window next to the Door instead of the newer Fixed Door ? Do you see some error in a 3D camera on the mulled unit? M.
  18. TBH I thought I had seen more recent posts than Charles' in 2017 so thought the Author was still around, but if he is not around anymore, then I guess it is AbandonWare and the Program could be posted for all to use, I am sure there are many who would would grab a copy if made available here in the Tips or Symbols Forum or which ever way you would prefer to distribute it. *** maybe not best check this posted today..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/15059-garage-door-wizard-update/?do=findComment&comment=219405 Mick.
  19. You'll need to post the plan for this one - it's always the best idea anyway.....otherwise it is just a game of 20 questions which some won't play.... M.
  20. I believe the exterior Attachments Bonus Library now has these.... but may not be exactly what you need ? M.
  21. If left to Auto perhaps, there will ALWAYS be exceptions to any Rules when something is created auto ( at least until you write a much more complicate Macro ) I obviously wouldn't allow a 8 7/8" Rise personally, though it would be allowable in many places ( ie 6" - 9" is acceptable) . I'd like to be able to set my min. tread depth ( 10") and a minimum Riser height ( say 7 1/4" ) and let Chief do the rest.... M.
  22. I think you are right and it would be better if it looked for Closet to 7 1/2" instead *** just a Note to say if you in your default template you could lock both No# Tread number, and Tread Depth, you could get close to what is needed auto. M.
  23. Yep, ( or in metric 2x Rise plus Run = 600mm) is the Calc. most Carpenters are taught and I also agree on the approx. 7 1/4 - 7 5/8" Rise which is comfortable for most people, here Treads are 10"min. now, which is tight on some City lots ( 33'x120' ) so can be an issue as there just isn't room for 18 Risers on a 9' Ceiling height. I find I always have to open the Default stair and remove a tread ( but normally 2) to get the flight to my "ideal" rise of 7 1/2" +/-
  24. Not that I am aware of , as there is still no Setting in the Stair Defaults for Risers. It has been requested numerous Times AFAIK though... M.
  25. Ok great , my post was actually directed at Rich who offered the File .....