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Everything posted by rgardner

  1. rgardner

    3D PDF

    Nope he asked how to print to a 3d pdf. @ericepv you might want to delete so as to not confuse others.
  2. If you just want it as a CAD item and not to show up in 3d add it as a regular door then use CAD Detail from view, erase everything in that view around the door to make it easier to work with. Select the components of the door change line style to dashed and whatever color you want. Then Copy it, go back to your plan and Paste in place (ctrl+Alt+V or CMD+Alt_V for mac.)
  3. I am sorry I would need to see what you are referring to as a "double frame" maybe a picture? My guess is that you have it set to add casing to mulled units which you will need to turn off casing/lintels/sills to match what you want.
  4. Mulling together can be done but needs to be done in order. Also the upper window should be set to level 1 instead of 0 so that it mulls correctly. Try mulling together the two side lites and door first, then the upper window last. The side window doesn't need to be mulled as you can place it manually properly and it would be separate, however if you mull that at the end it will as well... Here is an example all mulled together:
  5. Make the amount of segments higher.
  6. Those are great! thanks so much!
  7. Just an FYI that doesn't actually get the boost to suggestions. Recently the Suggestions department clarified the best way to get a suggestion advanced other than having something unique that they feel is a great suggestion themselves is to have good support from others but not simply an upvote or a +1 rather a +1 with a fairly detailed reason why the user is in agreement and how it would help in their circumstances.
  8. Curious @joey_martinas it must be a regional thing. Do they actually build those interior angle walls you are showing in the plan view inside the fireplace “flu” area?
  9. Just a follow up on what @joey_martin mentions above. 1.) In addition to the suppressed label you may also want to remove it from the schedule if you don’t want to see that info there. 2.) Also if you are going to put tile or stone on that face wall you can select that particular wal and the on the general page of the dbx you can turn off the wall moldings.
  10. Just a note that you can use the break tool to break it in place just like a knife but then you have to adjust the other piece or delete it. But if you are deleting it you can select a line and cut everything past it as well... not exactly the same as what you are saying but definitely a quick way of doing it.
  11. The new 2019 MacBook Pro 16” with as much ram and GPU upgrade as you can afford.
  12. That is what their website says yes. But unless they have made a change recently it cannot be imported directly into chief. You can import it as a symbol through this format and you can use the "Cross-Section Slider" tool to slice it down to a floor plan look, then use the 3d tool the "view direction" top view to see the floorplan for tracing for your model. They also offer a dwg/pdf export but my experience has been that it is not very accurate.
  13. I am not a windows user but I believe the key to Rob's direction here is the "WINDOWS SEARCH BAR". I believe that is an operating system setting and not a chief specific tool. https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk01TSqT6oYePzLxqn1AVxmaQg5ElFw%3A1602860931854&ei=g7eJX6LmM-mG5wLC85PgBw&q=mouse+highlighter+windows&oq=mouse+highlighter+windows&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIHCAAQyQMQCjIECAAQCjoHCAAQRxCwAzoGCAAQFhAeUJESWJsYYIQZaAFwAHgAgAGPAYgBlwaSAQMwLjaYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6yAEIuAECwAEB&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjis96jsrnsAhVpw1kKHcL5BHwQ4dUDCA0&uact=5#kpvalbx=_h7eJX6PQOaOL5wKH6I_ACw13
  14. I personally like to have multiple floors so you have kitchen option 1 on floor 1 kitchen 2 on floor 2 etc. easy to flip between them and keeps them in same location. But that is if you are presenting several options. Otherwise I use an as built as the starting point then from there we have proposed version 1.0 then small changes are .1 .2 etc. or a major change goes to 2.0 3.0 etc.
  15. I would just add that for new construction Chief has done a lot of that for you on the model creation. There are a few different complete house projects on youtube and on their site.
  16. go to documents> x12 templates > and find your template and try opening from there. It may have a backed up version. Worth a try.
  17. If you had a layout opened that was not saved to that file you might open up your template layout and see if there is an autosaved copy there. Might be able to recover it. But it's good practice that as soon as you start a layout to save as to the right file location.
  18. Combination of problems that worked for me to fix it: 1.) the outside room is undefined, set it as a balcony 2.) your 1st floor wall has been manually adjusted settings tab default top and bottom, 3.) the walls are not lined up at the right layer 4.) the inside room is not defined
  19. Is this what you are looking for? A horizontal separation at the bottom is what causes the bottom to be solid, remove that and manipulate the shelves and there you go.
  20. There are a few in the library. I think they are rocks instead of boulders but you can set them up on distribution paths and have them change angles, off-sets, and sizes automatically. You can paint color manually on them to build rock walls.
  21. I believe they are still good in most AHJs since it is overall more width than the original upper set when combined and offers 2 egress points. But again every AHJ is going to have their own interpretation. Probably a quick email to that entity would clear it up for you.
  22. I believe this is more difficult for you in x11 and one of the main reasons that Eric mentions to have your version in your signature line. With this particular need it is usually done with a polyline-solid but the ability to manipulate solids from different angles was an x12 improvement which means that you would have to build your solid post already angled and not just rotate it in x11.
  23. If you want to be able to frame it try ceiling planes.