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Everything posted by rgardner

  1. Manual or auto roofs? If manual probably because the roof plane is going past the wall face and cutting it off. If Auto most likely it is too close to the other roof plane and you will need to select the wall and change to roof cuts wall at bottom/if it continues as an interior wall below then it would need to be designated as what type of wall when cutting below instead.
  2. How did you make the new template? Did you use the create a template feature and allow it to delete existing layout boxes?
  3. For question 1 would need to see your plan file or at least pix of the roof settings dbx. for question 2 try checking out the bottom of the roof tab in the wall dbx for that wall.
  4. YW. BTW if you want just the two boards in the middle for the border I believe you need to remove the two manually and manually lengthen the interior planks. But with the tools you can do it pretty quickly by manually selecting them and extending to a cad line in plan view.
  5. It has to do with your railing where it attaches to the house. Try lining it up with the edge of the house. If you are trying to offset your posts check out the offset newel setting.
  6. Well now we are just guessing so it is probably time to post your plan. Don't forget to close chief before you do it if you are so inclined.
  7. Most likely you made a manual change and that turned off automatic deck rebuild. Check that and see if that gets you to where you need to be. After your planking is right then you can retain framing and adjust the deck framing how you want it.
  8. BTW Canvas supposedly supports .plan file format according to their post the other day. You might want to check on that.
  9. Change to a different or new layer set and change the items you want to the color and weight style you want.
  10. With the invent of Style Palettes in X12 it kind of becomes a moot point anyways. As mentioned above a premier user usually has spent many hours fine tuning their template and wants all their settings on every job so they would be better off taking advantage of setting up style palettes to make the changes.
  11. That right there is a very annoying letter from someone who should not have responded as it is obvious from the tone they were in a bad mood and were upset. It is contrary to what other technical support agents are giving out and also contrary to what the testing department clearly states in this post. @Dermot @Chief_QA This as you can imagine can cause a lot of frustration. This is the answer I received:
  12. As mentioned I will be testing my wife's mbp w/ m1 probably next week and will report back. But Gregs advice about waiting for the 16" with dedicated video is a very good suggestion.
  13. That is not what Chief told me at all! They said they just got a copy of the new os to test and have not seen any reason why x12 will not run on Big Sur. They just have not put it on the approved OS list yet since they have not fully tested it for any needed adjustments. As Greg put above he is using it on both of his machines without problems. There is another thread about big sur and I mentioned there that I bought a 13" mbp 2020 for my wife which will be here next week and I am going to test it out with chief. That being said I have used a previous 13" mbp and I would not suggest even the new one for chief unless you are going with an external gpu. Maybe a mac mini might be a better cheap alternative to temporarily upgrade and use an e-gpu until the new 16" mbp with m1 come out next year?
  14. Thanks Greg! I appreciate the heads-up. I haven't upgraded either yet but did inquire with chief who said officially it isn't approved yet but that was because they are just starting to test it. Good to know what we have read is true. My biggest upset at this point about upgrading is that Bluebeam revu for mac which I use all the time supposedly will not run on Big Sur. No chance you have it to test as well?
  15. Same answer as Greg as I am waiting till the pro versions are running them but everything I read gets me excited for down the road. However I will mention that I ordered one for my wife to replace her previous model mbp 13" and it should be here next week and I plan on loading chief to see how the thing runs out of curiosity. I will try to update here once I have played with it.
  16. Welcome to the forum! We would very much appreciate it and you will be more successful in seeking assistance if you fill out your signature line. There are many posts on how to do it if you need assistance. To help you out I just wanted to mention the importance of using proper terminology as in this post many will have moved on and here is why. You Say version 2021 which is indicative of the Home Designer Pro 2021 software by Chief Architect which is a very stripped down version of Chief Architect Premier x12 (which you show in your picture.) Very concise and specific requests and screen shots like you did here are also very helpful in getting your answers. Now to help answer your question here. The icon above the tape measure that has the CL is the centerline dimension tool that if you have it set to snap to centers properly in your defaults OOB for the kitchen and bath saved plan view you will use nkba dimension defaults (currently you are in the working plan view instead of Kitchen and Bath). This tool will snap to centers of cabinets or appliances/fixtures as needed, it will also snap to sides so you can edit exactly what you want to be called out with it.
  17. Open up the ICF wall description and look at the options of where the platform builds to.
  18. Another option is to cut and paste in place the footing from the first floor to the 0 level depending on what you are going for.
  19. Depends on the plan and haven’t tried this but would a style palette work?
  20. Is that wall that it is cutting off on a different layer that may be turned off in your elevation view? uploading the plan file would probably get you some help.
  21. Maybe try to open the camera dbx and see if clip to sides is checked?
  22. We have always been able to do that but not being framed individually. So you can't remove the sill and top plate automatically...
  23. Select the window and specifically the side of the window you want to change, use your temporary dimension to resize it.
  24. I agree with what Mick and Mark both show above. I do tons of as built plans for my clients where they are working off finished dimensions and have no issues with the way it is set up. In fact I have several templates depending on what I am doing. Have you tried using Chief's kitchen and bath template plan instead of the standard? It might help. Chief is a powerful program that is designed to work well for kitchen and bath as well as residential and light commercial architecture. If you set up your template to work for your workflow the majority of your complaints above are actually nullified. I am not saying chief is perfect but in my experience it is the best for my particular business workflow and is a powerful program. I do see that you got quite a bit of downvotes above but I also noticed the tone in your posts appearing to be quite sarcastic and degrading to some real experts in the software over what you are perceiving as a software limitation but that appears just needs to be adjusted in your template or workflow process. Anyways hop you have a better rest of your weekend!