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Everything posted by Michael_Gia

  1. If these are the new features but there are no fixes for existing problems then I'm not impressed. Actually, I would prefer no new features and instead, fixes for the list of existing problems. We'll see once it is released.
  2. I had signed up but missed the video. In the past there would be a link to the video after the event, but now that link just redirects to paid training webinars page.
  3. I think Brittanyb22 is having a much better weekend than the rest of us nerds...
  4. Looks like you have walls that are not defaulted, top and bottom. Also check that the exterior walls are vertically aligned.
  5. I know they are not made from containers. I was referring to the concept of stacking prefabricated boxes.
  6. Well, I live very close to the original shipping container model housing complex, Habitat 67 in Montreal. Originally conceived as a solution to affordable housing, was a complete failure in that respect because it cost a fortune to build. Still a neat design, though. Credit to the architect. This is what happens when architects and city officials get together to figure things out in a bubble. Had they just asked any of their contractors they would’ve first laughed off their chairs and then told them why it was a dumb idea. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habitat_67
  7. It’s really the dumbest idea ever. You need to build out furred walls on the interior to run wiring, piping etc. You need to add furring on the outside to add air space and insulation onto which you need to add exterior cladding. You still need a decent slab to place them on. Give me one advantage. And don’t say, because they look cute or they are a recycled product, they’re not as most municipalities will only accept new containers for residential use. So what’s the point? What did you save? Somewhere, somebody is laughing their ass off. I’d expect to see this idea get traction on a diy website normally focused on papier-mâché but here?!
  8. Archicad users have some comparisons with the M1 chip to see how it compares, if you're willing to do some searching on their forums or on Youtube. The consensus from what I've seen is not anything to write home about. Upgrade if you're due but don't expect anything remarkable. Chief was predominately cpu driven, but now with X13 that might not be the case anymore. If you're looking for a true bump in performance I think you'll have to consider the dark side... Sorry that I don't have any real world experience, just trying to point you in the right direction to a group who does.
  9. Are you having a problem with placing a soffit light and then seeing it shift out towards the stratosphere? I battle with these and eventually get them to work by clicking on "open symbol" to edit the placement from floor or ceiling and then offsetting the values, which by the way are not logical in the way they affect the elevation or placement of these symbols. At least I haven't figured out how they work. It's hit and miss. Sometimes just moving a soffit light 2 inches to the right can make it fly out into space or another dimension altogether. Unfortunately, I need them for my exterior renders because I think they make the facade look nice with some soffit lights illuminating the facade and creating shadows. Unless there's another way?
  10. What’s wrong with a cross section? you can crop it to show whatever you want? X13 I believe will have some more functionality with the room elevation.
  11. Here's my, hopefully helpful critique. Don't use so many different line and text colours. Text should be black. All lines black or varying degrees of grey. Blue fills for water in tubs, sinks, etc... When you have to use a different color to highlight cabinets or shelving then make it just a darker shade of your room color. For example, that purple Chief line color for cabinets is horrendous. Unfortunately its OOTB in Chief and we all get used to it and think it's great. Just like Chief's "Blueprint" text. Yuck. Nothing says noob draftsman as a dated artificially architectural script like that text style, cringe inducing if you ask me. Reminds my of how impressed we were with 3D lettering back in the late 80's on our Commodore 64. It's dated.
  12. That's great and consistent with what Chief has said for quite some time but when are we at least going to get a "What's New in Chief Architect X13"? We usually get this list 2 months before a new release. We've seen some hints in various training videos but I'm talking about the usual, exhaustive list of upcoming new features. It's nowhere to be found. You have to agree with me that Chief has been uncharacteristically silent on this front, hence all the concern on this forum.
  13. I don't know of any software that will accurately and automatically place a nosing around a stairwell opening. Chief at least gives us this option with the stair tool, "nosing at top landing" but that's where it ends. Maybe if there was a way to add 1 step around the perimeter of the stairwell and turn off the layer for step but still have the nosing layer on? I thought I could do this with the Stair Detail layer but once you turn off the Stair Layer that layer then turns off everything related to stairs. So a simple separate layer for Stairs affecting only the nosing seems like a quick fix, but I'm not a programmer.
  14. That’s what I do. Carpenters appreciate it. The blue dimension line has a label called rim board so the carpenters know where to place that rim board and cut their joists accordingly to create the stairwell.
  15. Looks fine to me?…
  16. If you look closely at Renerabbitt’s render using Thea, you will see how well it behaves where objects meet the floor. This won’t be possible in Twinmotion, and many other Rendering softwares. In Thea there is a subtle shadow under sofa and chair legs which make the objects look as if they’re sitting on the floor and making contact with it. With Twinmotion and many others the objects look like they’re hovering a mm above the floor almost floating. If you’re doing exterior renderings especially large scale ones then Twinmotion is great. Checkout his YouTube channel.
  17. If I were Chief I would be embarrassed that this is what my customers have to do to solve this problem. It’s ridiculous, X12 going on X13 and it’s still contortionist p-solids and hidden wall bandages.
  18. You did nothing wrong. There is no fix. Chief just blows up in these situations. I always have it especially above a garage because I like to lower my garage roof so there isn’t too much wall height above the garage door and the roof. (looks ugly) I really wish this would get fixed someday. As Robdyck said, psolid to the rescue.
  19. I just let my truss manufacturer send me back their drawings which I then forward to the city so they have them on file. Isn't that what everyone does? Why would you want to draw roof trusses? I understand drawing rafters for a carpenter to follow on site, but manufactured roof trusses? They even come with assembly instructions on delivery. (I'm just a builder drawing his own plans, not a draftsman, so I'm curious as to what you guys do normally)
  20. I stand corrected. I never realized that this wouldn't work for a gable roof, only Hips. I spoke too soon.
  21. Just make a copy of your soffit material and then open that copy and reverse the direction. (so you have two identical materials differing only in orientation) Use the paint tool to apply the appropriate material in the direction you want. Just like you do with risers and steps etc...
  22. Same here. One of the reasons I added a second monitor was so I could have the Layer Display Options window open at all times. I can’t have that most useful window open anymore because of the menu bar bug. I don’t think there’s been much research by tech support on this topic. Sorry I’m not buying it.
  23. How are you doing the flashing under the windows?