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About 65Shelby

  • Birthday April 10

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    Spokane Valley, WA \ Carlin Bay, ID
  • Interests
    Wife and Kids, Mustangs, Shelbys, Lake Life, Boating, Jet Skis

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  1. Thanks Eric- Im trying that but the way each room upstairs is setup, its like a loft so Im missing something These red lines, show the actual room size (approximate). I will look at your link and see if that helps.
  2. (CA x13) Hey guys, I havent been on here in a while and just been working on a house plan that we would like to build. Found a house, love the layout but cant figure out how to draw the upstairs with the big sloped roof as you see... Here is the actual house and then my attempt.... (Very rough, so no laughing) Not sure how to build out those gable-ended loft areas. (3 in total)
  3. Thanks DB, or should I call you Dan? I am using the CA "Lake-Point" plan on CA13 and reconfiguring it so Im not sure where Scott built the stairs but I am guessing the 2nd or lower floor. I will try your suggestions later tonight and let you know what I come up with. Thank you.
  4. Ok well that KINDA worked. I cant seem to eliminate or pull back the flooring so the first step is about 14" and as you go down the stairs, you will bump your head. How can I move or adjust that landing\flooring?
  5. Actually I think I found it by moving the stairs from the lower floor, not the upper.
  6. Seems like this should be pretty easy but when I try I its not working so I am sure I am doing something wrong. I would like to select these stairs and move them to the right, where the top of the stairs is flush with the wall (green line). What am I missing? Any ideas would be helpful. Thank you in advance.
  7. I cant figure this one out... I am buliding a little shack and was going to use 2"x6"x10' for my walls but keep ceiling height the same at 8ft. Allowing about 1.5' remaining on the walls with a vaulted ceiling in the "attic" or storage area. I've tried two methods; the 10ft studs I stated above, as well as 92 5/8' studs with a second floor and shrinking the second floor walls. Neither work for me, they always show the ceiling at the joint of where the wall meets the roofline. Hope these pix help...
  8. Hey Brett, where are you in ID? I have a place in CdA and live in Spokane Valley. Im not an Architect, but can help give you some ideas if you are in my area. Do you need this engineered also? Will you need site survey? (GEO tech?). Im asking because I have been shopping all these same people and have a good list of who to use and who to stay away from. Let me know if you are near Coeur d'Alene, ID Jerrell
  9. Sorry this happened to you. Ive actually had people argue with me that my computer setup that works 100% perfect with all Tracing, Win11 and other combos is not recommended by Chief and to not use it... yet it literally works flawlessly. They are on every board though... Reddit, Chief, etc. Just block, ignore and move on... :(
  10. Also, this thread should be moved to General. @Dermot
  11. Tammy also, for future reference when making changes on a draft, always choose to Save As and rename the file you are working on. For example: Snell_House-001.plan Snell_House-002.plan Snell_House-003.plan This way if you ever make a mistake you can go back to a previous save and lose just a little bit of work, as opposed to the whole file. Additionally, its wise to make your default SAVE area on a cloud folder like Dropbox. This way if you accidentally delete, damage the file or get a virus the cloud account will save 15 iterations of your file. (Depending on cloud service). Redundancy and recovery should be of your highest importance.
  12. I dont know how busy they are but Mark Kartchner at Kartchner Engineering in Spokane, WA. Very nice guy, good company, well establishd and reputable. I did a site survey for the IT infrastrucure and the entire office was pleasant to work with. Engineering Consultant - Kartchner Engineering 509-922-0383
  13. MTL Were you able to clean up your C: drive? Oh and Happy Easter everyone! JSnell
  14. @mtldesigns Sounds good. It's all really simple. I have both HDS and CA13 installed on my Arch and CAD "F: drive" with zero issues. I defaulted all my PLANs and Libraries (calibz) on my cloud "E: drive". Ya just need to know what you're doing or you will have problems. As for cleaning C drive, you can redirect your, desktop, pics, movies, music, downloads, etc, like Mick said... All cake, you can also run a few commands, tweak settings and adjust power consumption to clean up space, pretty simple. Thurs is a slow day, shoot me a call JSnell
  15. (Somehow only half my post went up...) I'm sitting here laffin' tonight... Thanks Mick, needed it. Wednesday and already been a week... If anyone is writing only 5gbs of data a day, you need to box up your machine and send it back. Thumbs.db, browser cache, AV active scans, system, app and other event logs written sometimes by the second, temporary and swap files, etc, etc, etc all cause writes all day... writes happen when you are sleeping if your computer is left on... Sentinel and Crystal are both good programs to look at writes; minute, hourly, monthly, lifetime etc. We literally have a stack of bad SSDs in our lab. Many reached their write threshold and although some still work, they are HORRIBLY slow and\or error out... If anyones SSD lasts 76yrs, let me know, Ill buy the lunch you choose the place, Ill meet you in 2098... LOL JSnell