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Everything posted by Mark3D

  1. Upload your file and I or others should be able to tell what is wrong
  2. Either have terrain on foundation level or use terrain hole tool
  3. Try pressing the ctrl for windows or cmd on mac when moving the shelves and bath spout , and when selecting mirrors hit the tab key it will select things below it keep hit it until what you want is selected
  4. No data you must have the file open in chief when you zipped it.
  5. Also what version of chief are you using as if i fix the problem in wrong version you won't be able to open it
  6. Your file has no data your must close chief and the file before uploading
  7. Try this Eric nows his stuff it seem like it should work you just need a new wall with out sidding then change to that wall with dropdown box
  8. Have a look at this file i made terrain elevation data standout to trouble shoot you problem you need to put elevation data on each side of retaining walls. KELLY -
  9. If you want upload file and I can fix that
  10. Go to your default exterior wall and untick furred wall. then it will draw new walls with it turned off
  11. Have a look at this file i set the pool house floor elevation structure tab to -90" hope this helps floor heights don't follow terrain. you need to control them with there dialog Connon RVA
  12. Have a look at this file i made the porch a room with auto roofs on its still a bit wacky but might be closer to what you want. Peck C5
  13. See if that is getting closer to what you want i think maybe use apple street view to get some better photos or google 2260219_CCS_DirkWagner_GarageAddition_ExistingHome.plan
  14. If you get a chance tell the outcome I would be interested
  15. Send it to chief support. there is either a bug or they will know what is wrong.
  16. Try unselecting higher eaves boxed see if that is a good fix
  17. see if that is any good i can tweak it if you need like grout color
  18. Check out the symbols and content section of the forum
  19. you have a terrain break drawn ontop of terrain break another near window number 2 zoom in you should see it, with elevation data layer I change line weight and color to stand out so i can trouble shoot
  20. Often you only need the major contours from the cad plan
  21. Delete roof baseline polylines go to edit menu delete objects. then select roof baseline polylines.
  22. Start with auto roof then with tricky bits adjust manual edit roof plane.