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Everything posted by Mark3D

  1. Can you post the plan it sounds like you may have elevation data on top of elevation
  2. Is that right i just copy the correct heights cooper
  3. what is ceiling height of 2nd floor ment to be
  4. Post your file you should get some help more focused that way
  5. see if that is getting closer to what you want Terrain_Nov_27_20Mark.plan
  6. i had a quick look at your file you cannot put terrain data on top of terrain data so elevation region must not have other elevation line over it
  7. Chief has some good training videos on this topic also you can put things on different layers and on those layers you can be turned off for material calc
  8. With x13 the new real-time ray trace won’t work it only works on windows
  9. I did after you pointed it out thanks, also there 2 coming webinars about framing one is hinting at roof purlins and the other is hinting at horizontal wall framing like multiple rows of noggins as that dialog shows
  10. I am pretty sure i have seen chief reply on forum with this question and they said upgrades are done manualy so my guess would be after weekend
  11. this is what i set it to you may need to further adjust 1893632772_MuhsExistingMark Try.plan
  12. Have a look at the attached plan i think it is what you are wanting Your where on the right track, what i did was copy the terrain and elevations to your plan then i had to convert the terrain perimeter from a poly line to a terrain then i scaled it by 12 transform replicate tool then you just need set the height of the terrain to match your sea levels open terrain and set subfloor height above terrain 1893632772_MuhsExistingMark Try.plan
  13. I played with this problem I got it working in very manual way i remove railing settings and room definition and draw post and beams manually to get it working, also edited the wall to shape of railings manually and drew a floor slab manually this might be a way out of this problem Harco1.plan
  14. Have you had any luck getting this file to work did you submit it to chief support I would be interested in the outcome I got it to work better but the one thing I could not fix is the peace of wall coming out at the corner of hand rail
  15. I had a go at it but could not see what was causing it that section of wall that seems like a post seems to have a mind of its own plus that strange beam I got the ceiling working but it still has wall problems
  16. Made some improvements to your file i change the color of your terrain data layer to make it stand out it can really help to trouble shoot what is going on when having problems and did a bit more general clean up 914751603_Conceptplan Mark.plan
  17. see if that file is helpful its a guess so could be wrong and it needs more work 914751603_Conceptplan.plan
  18. have a look at this file i fixed a few issues with curved walls auto built roof except front porch it is a manual roof also alter roof overhang and curve wall segment roof to 14 deg as Glen spotted and i think it looks a lot cleaner CHF_Christian 117 Lakeview Drive_08-10-20_AS-BUILT Mark.plan
  19. Try doing a auto roof there some strange things happening in this model the top story builds the roof to a point and stops all the way around it might give you clue
  20. I would ask tech support on this one as I thing the program has hit a situation it can not handle