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Everything posted by Mark3D

  1. See if that is what you are looking for. Peck Final CDs (Reduced 4-4-24)MB.plan
  2. See if that give you some clues to get you moving in the right direction. I edited this post and added a file with drain Peck Final CDs (Reduced 4-4-24)MB.plan
  3. Check out the edit area tools in the edit menu
  4. I figured out how to share with out email
  5. Spent a bit more time on your terrain if you still need it let me know maybe private message so in can share the file on google drive as its now 24 meg zipped
  6. Watch a training video on manual roofs then you will not be at the mercy of missing information
  7. On the small gable roof plains you have the base lines on the inside edge of the main layer to me they should be on the outside edge of the walls main layer i the reconnected the roof edges and the stray siding went away See if that is any good 1866557940_RoofwallissueMark Edit.plan
  8. I have it working but file is to big so I put it on google drive It was building walls set to retaining walls elevation data crossing retaining wall
  9. You have uploaded a file that is open so it has no data , save the file close chief and upload again.
  10. See if that is any better i got rid of gable line as it was stopping roof on soak tub room and used Make roof base polyline and tweek it at the problem wall intersection, so now auto roofs will only build to roof base polylines so if you change your model you will need to change roof base polylines BASSETT 2 -
  11. See if that is correct i just added a gable line so auto roof are good others may have a better way BASSETT 2 -
  12. Not substance i did it with a program called genetica as substance could not fix the bad lighting, Genetica has slider to try and equalize the lighting
  13. See if that is good enough
  14. The image you have found is not any good bad lighting and has no grout it will not work you need a image with even lighting and has half grout joint around it edges.
  15. Try and zip or compress the plan or put it on dropbox, google drive or one drive and send them a link, another option is add the material to library from plan materials then export it to your desktop upload it to the forum or send to chief support
  16. Video showing how i fixed error also attached file as in video 2024-03-05
  17. Have a look at that file if it is any good i try and do a video explaining what i did 2024-03-05 0428 Mark
  18. there is only one its shown in my screen shot one elevation region go to the wrong side of the retaining wall
  19. Thanks for the info not sure what is going on on my end with file size jump
  20. I tried your suggestion increasing terrain size that made 7 seconds quicker, did you get a massive file size increase ?
  21. I got your terrain build down to 30 sec buy setting terrain smoothing to Low and triangle count to low, elevation regions turn of interpolate tangent to edge. There something funky about this file as after I got it going faster the file size jumped from 5meg to 120 meg Other problems not related to build time, the biggest elevation region is overlapping retaining wall and another retaining wall bottom height has been manually dragged open structure tab and reset default bottom height
  22. Use the rainbow tool on the correct material see what its name is then open walls that are wrong go to wall types tab on the top layer or outside layer change to the correct material that you seen with the rainbow tool Also i notice that you were trying to get a pattern from a texture you should not need to do that with bricks a standard grid pattern is best to use
  23. See if that helps 729828423_HousePlanMark fix.plan