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Everything posted by Mark3D

  1. Have you tried with auto roofs it seem to be good for me
  2. Give this a go you had double roof plains on the return with different pitches SND2300 Megan Adams and Josh Husted -
  3. ok it was in the unziped download folder
  4. sorry but i still can not see plan file in the list of 115 items
  5. I opened your google drive link but there is only jpg and png file no plan file
  6. Mark3D


    Your file is unavailable
  7. Mark3D


    Upload your file you will get probably quicker help with that roof
  8. A quick example of in attached plan Retaining wall stairs.plan
  9. See what the others say but i think its a bug in the software
  10. But is the box ticked as it won’t change if not
  11. See if you can make work it with this file all dimensions hooked to the 6 bolt holes 199751048_Level2.plan
  12. Not sure what you mean Try watching a training video on manual dimension see if that helps
  13. Check out the 290 dimension 199751048_Level2.plan
  14. What chief version are you using so i can share the file showing working
  15. End to end snaps to its centre shift away as there are so many things and it could be snapping to other things it worked for me
  16. Additionally, there are multiple objects present, such as another circle and dotted lines. I shifted the circle over and then connected the dimension to it.
  17. use end to end dimensions as point to point snaps to its own marker not to objects its so you can place a dimension anywhere
  18. Explode the block and remove the dimension labeled '225' that's using a marker. I believe you should use the point-to-point dimension tool instead of the end-to-end dimension tool.
  19. also i notice that a dimension is connected to a marker
  20. I'm uncertain about what you're attempting to do, but is it's blocked, perhaps a screenshot with a note explaining your intention might help.
  21. Upon reflection, it is correct to say that the chief will only attempt to shift it and not alter its size.
  22. I am not a expert with this stuff, but delete your dimension and see if auto shown dimensions will work
  23. Clicking on the dimension that displays an object's size does not reveal the move type selectors; however, clicking on the dimension that extends to another object will display the handles.
  24. Do you use these options as shown in image
  25. Do you have photo examples