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Everything posted by Mark3D

  1. Actualy the more i think about this i got better results just entering the roof pitch in the molding dialog and using transform replicate to move the whole molding up and down
  2. For shingle overhang use a shadow mold just a square or anything then place on layer and turn off that should get shingles out to drip edge i don’t know if you know there is a new tool for moving 3d molding in 3d space called select edit plane
  3. Have a look at this see if it would be moving in the right direction it is using the same molding on all edges and it is a bit tricky but doable 604287320_Sample1.plan
  4. Just upload the plan chieftalk probly does not need all those files just plan if it’s still to large try zipping or compress, if you just having problems with roof or other 3d model issues
  5. Dimension primary format in dimension defaults could be set to meters instead of mm or have you imported at incorrect units
  6. I am pretty sure they charge for 3d plants, and Specialty/Other/Misc I paid for 3d plants it's been that way for a long time
  7. Have a look at this plan i got it to work by using Make roof baseline polyline, they now control the roof keep that in mind when editing i think chief was having trouble with the different pitch on the back gable Others may have a better solution Liberty
  8. The same way you edit cad try watching a chief training video on manual roofs or YouTube if still struggling upload your file
  9. Maybe upload your plan and someone should be able to help if plan is to big try compress it
  10. Roof planes stop walls you need to edit the large roof plane so it wont stop the wall filling the gable in
  11. That vertical clad wall gap is the same problem move that wall layer to exterior section of the wall it does mess your wall positions you just need to fix wall positions, then if you have more gaps upload your current plan to see if someone can fix advise to get you going
  12. Do you mean your temporary dimensions?
  13. You have your walls defined wrong open wall with window in it go to wall types move layer 1 to exterior layers by selecting layer 1 and click on move up
  14. when zip the file it needs to not open in chief as you get a file with no data in it try uploading with it not open in chief
  15. another way with freeze return is with auto roof then turn of auto roof unlock roof trim layer and turn molding into wall
  16. A video for auto roof, auto roof need ceiling height set correctly which i did not do
  17. Have you tried with auto roofs it seem to be good for me
  18. Give this a go you had double roof plains on the return with different pitches SND2300 Megan Adams and Josh Husted -
  19. ok it was in the unziped download folder
  20. sorry but i still can not see plan file in the list of 115 items