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Everything posted by parkwest

  1. Use your shift key to select them...
  2. Also, some good Chief user facebook pages...
  3. I don’t know why either but I always do what you did, Mike, when I see something like that.
  4. When I first started using Chief... my biggest issue was trying to get Chief to work the way I wanted it to. Life became easier when I decided to just do it Chief's way and use the problem how it was designed to work. It will hopefully cut down on your learning curve...
  5. Might be a good idea to suggest Chief come up with a little bit more robust plan search tool. ie...
  6. Easiest solution is to tell the client a recessed hot tub poses a drowning hazard and to cut the tree down before building the deck...
  7. Why can’t you name your file anything you want? I am wondering why you need to use Ruby to name your plan file?
  8. Could you use regular floor system with planking for sheathing and use stairwell cut out?
  9. For those who may be interested, here’s a video I just watched:
  10. Using a 3Dconnexion space mouse will take care of your problem.
  11. I can tell you how I do it to get accurate framing... but it requires me to send chief's plans to another CAD program... kind of like what some will do by rendering in another program (ie. Lumion). Sorry, but I have discussed this with tech support and there is no automatic way of doing what you are asking in Chief... as far as I know. Here is an example of a "spaced" header and one placed to the outside:
  12. And a bottom plate under the header for nailing your interior trim.
  13. What happens when you use auto label and check include schedule number?
  14. SPV's are a big step forward in increasing productivity... IMHO of course. The next step would be to allow us to drag and drop SPV's from the project browser into the layout. Or, better yet, allow us to "assign" SPV's to certain areas in the layout.
  15. Have you looked at the Home Designer Pro? The price is reasonable... to help you get started in your new career.
  16. Allow me to suggest you sign up for SSA and you will always have the latest. Well worth the price of admission,imho.
  17. No. I do my framing using SoftPlan.
  18. I wonder if you saved each floor to your library and then pasted it to the corresponding floor level of your 3 floor model...
  19. This is how we like to do it...
  20. Dan Baumann's updated site is: And is well worth the price of admission.
  21. Don't forget to install H1 hurricane tie downs?
  22. Like a carpenter with more than one saw... why not have more than one design software? If Mango is working for a large builder, surely they can afford it. Have you seen these building options videos, Jorge?
  23. Can’t we already do this by having a template page for each group in our plan set?