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Everything posted by parkwest

  1. Have you tried the copy, place and hold method?
  2. Usually the county health dept lets you know what is required based on a soil and perc test. system design and size can vary widely%2C,water bodies%2C weather conditions%2C or even local regulations.
  3. I have a meeting to run to right now... but here is a link that might help you.
  4. The closest CAD I know of to do what you want is SoftPlan. You can load the software on as many computers as you need to get the job done and then transfer your USB hardware key to the machine you want to work on... or buy multiple keys. One feature I like is the software tracks when a plan file is in use by someone so another user can't come in and accidently overwrite the file while another is using it. All projects can be set so they will be automatically saved to the cloud.
  5. The closest I could find is a Jenn Aire 42"
  6. Do you have a backup of your work on a cloud drive?
  7. I concur with this. Once you go 3D mouse, there’s no going back. Also like to add that the 3D mouse works in lots of other apps ie. Google Earth Pro, browsers, etc. you can use it to scroll up and down while reading this forum....
  8. parkwest

    3D PDF

    I just use a Zoom meeting or a YouTube video for showing a 3D model. The #1 complaint I heard was the client didn’t want to learn how to use the viewer...
  9. Send to layout directly from cad details using “send to layout” icon in upper left toolbar. Don’t copy and paste.
  10. David Michaels has a library of custom posts that might be useful for you.
  11. This is typical... didn't see any details showing 2 vapor barriers...
  12. I have an x4... works fine for what I need.
  13. To go with Alaskan’s comment... a lot of people don’t realize that change requests also have an effect on the documents submitted to the construction lender and the end loan providers and their appraisals. I have seen more than one homebuyer thinking they could just add the cost of the changes to their end loan, to then find out otherwise. Building a custom home should be a 3 stage process, without those stages overlapping. 1. Dream it. The client puts together a wishlist of styles, textures and finishes. 2. Plan it The designer puts together a plan incorporating what will work from the wishlist and fit the client’s budget 3. Do it. The builder takes the plan and takes his team and turns the plan into reality.
  14. On most of the projects I know the onsite planset must be the one stamped by the building department which is attached to the building permit. Any revisions need the plans to be resubmitted to the plan review department... Imho, the best solution would be for the architect/designers and client to “get their act together” and finalize their plans, specs and selections before giving the plans to the builder. Isn’t that the intent and purpose of 3D modeling in the first place? If you are the project manager, why would it NOT be your job “to distribute and enforce the use of the most current plans?” One of the reasons I only build using my own plans is to avoid this revision nightmare in the first place. This has allowed me to get the production phase down to 60 days, from breaking ground to certificate of occupancy. This saves my clients a lot of time and money in carrying cost.
  15. There’s some good Planroom apps available. Would that work for you?
  16. Hello Steve, I was trying to give you a suggestion to help you get some help with your search. I would be glad to help you out but $25/hr is quite a bit less than $1,000/day rate.
  17. Can you post a sample of what you have and what you want done? Different localities have different requirements...
  18. Don’t forget to add the metal threshold on the sill.
  19. Have you asked your local building dept this question?
  20. parkwest


    If you are the only one having this problem, that might be a starting point.
  21. If you are going for realistic landscaping, have you tried Twin Motion?
  22. Looks like you are missing the cholla and greasewood...
  23. Here is how the local bldg dept wants the planset layout to look like... if you want to submit your plans online. If this might help someone...