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Everything posted by glennw

  1. Assuming auto roof build. If you want the front roof and the garage roof to line up, you have to make the absolute ceiling heights the same. To get the roof to auto rebuild, make the front porch returns the same width as the front porch.
  2. If you post the plan with a better description of what you want, you may get a better answer.
  3. Instead of hiding the layer, have you tried making them invisible walls?
  4. or, it may mean that Chief does it's own ambient occlusion and doesn't rely on the card?
  5. You have probably assigned a railing panel from the library to the balusters. that really doesn't work.
  6. Chopsaw, I am 100% certain it changes with temp dims because I can make it happen. On second thought, I don't think it happens with normal dims. It's not hard to change the text size for the whole dim string though - you can do that on a string by string basis.
  7. Sometimes Chief will automatically make some of the dimension text smaller so that it fits. If not, I just relocate the text manually so that it doesn't conflict.
  8. No problem. That only took 3 seconds to do. I started with the left side elevation and drew the horizontal 3d Molding Line, went around the corner in plan view and then dragged a new line segment up the gable. Lastly dragged a new line segment down the other side of the gable. No need to do any breaking. The trick with 3D Molding Lines is to always draw them in a cameral view that is perpendicular to the molding line. I think this way is the best way to do it in real life and Chief - funny about that.
  9. Chopsaw, For the crown molding, I think you need to do this. Isn't that how you would do it in real life? I don't think you could ever get those moldings (one on the horizontal and one on the angle) to miter on a corner. This crown molding is drawn with one 3D Molding line.
  10. You will need to post the plan. I will have one guess and say that the section is through Open Below (no floor) rooms that the stairs are built in.
  11. While in layout, uncheck View...Watermark. It is a new X10 feature.
  12. Bob, If you want to draw manual ceilings you need to be aware that when you first draw one, it will follow the pitch of the current roof default. So, if you want a flat ceiling plane, the best way is to draw the ceiling plane at the default pitch (the roof default pitch) and then open it's dbx and change the pitch to zero. You can't make the default roof pitch to anything less than 1.2deg, so you can't set the roof pitch to zero before drawing the ceiling plane. I didn't spend too much time looking over that KB article, but I think it refers to an older version. Have a look in the help file for Special Ceilings...Lowered ceilings for a good description of how to do them.
  13. Brad, You should know by now. It would help if you posted a plan so we can see your settings.
  14. The Shelf Ceiling setting may do what you want
  15. Open the Library Browser. Up in the top right hand corner is a button that is a funnel and a plus sign called Manage Library Filters. That will allow you to set up the filters you are after. You can save the filter for reuse later.
  16. The solid rail at the end is just a 3D Box drawn over a rail. The floor finish is going to the edge of the floor platform because the room is defined by rails, and that's what floor finishes do with rails. If you want the platform edge to come up to the top of the floor finish you need to delete the floor finish from Floor Finish and add it to Floor Structure.
  17. Eric, the problem occurs when you use Polar and Relative to Start.
  18. Yes, this worked in X9, but now seems to be broken. It works if you type in the angle. Chief seems to be entering the incorrect angle.
  19. Perry, You may already be aware that you can get top of window by dragging an existing extension line or creating a new extension line. You can get Casing Top/Bottom, Rough Opening or Window Top/Bottom, even though they are not included in Available Marks. As you drag the extension grip up and down it locates one of the above and automatically displays the text and height of each different height. Seems like an oversight that are not included, but are available anyway.
  20. If this is the style you want, they are door and draw fronts available in the core library.
  21. Mick, I am not 100% sure what Scott wants, but it could be he wants the level 1 sub floor to read as a real world level (ie, above sea level), and then I think he wants any levels above that to relate to level 1 subfloor. I am not expecting that my guess above is what Scott wants though.
  22. The trick you are missing is to double click on the centre grip of all the selected roof planes. This will open the correct dbx. If you double click anywhere else but the centre grip, the roof planes become unselected and you won't get a dbx. The other way which hasn't been mentioned is that when you have selected all your roof planes, click the Open Object button on the Edit toolbars (first button on the left).
  23. When you set the Subfloor Height Above Terrain to 450m, are you sure you entered 450m and not 450mm? Check the Num Style again or make sure you enter the units, ie 450m or 450000mm.
  24. Scott, If you go into Auto Storey Pole Dimension Defaults and change Elevation reference to 1st Floor Subfloor, doesn't that do what you want? That should place your Grade marker at any height you want, and then reference all the platforms to Chiefs level 1 zero height.
  25. No trouble here with point to point and the tab key.