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Everything posted by glennw

  1. Are you asking about the live Material Lists? You don't need to do anything - the ML will update a you change the model.
  2. A easy way to identify objects with different properties is to group select the objects and have a look for any properties that say No Change or have a dash in an option box. in this case, it appears to be the Structure Thickness - 11 1/4" for one roof and 11 1/2" for the other.
  3. Changing the central railing to a wall seems to do the trick. Is the tray configured as you want it? It's late at nite here now, I will have another play in the morning.
  4. For X13. Have you tried Manage Library Filters?
  5. Select a roof plane and have a look on the Edit toolbar for Place Roof Plane Intersection Point.
  6. I believe that the thumbnail images are only created once automatically - on the first save (as long as that option is toggled on in Preferences). You can create a custom thumbnail image manually (to a saved plan). Create the view you want to save as a thumbnail (2D or 3D) and then go File>Save Thumbnail Image.
  7. Larry, And just to tidy it up, in your video you asked bout the longer dashes at the start and End of the dashed lines. DB gave you the answer in an earlier post: Preferences>CAD>Line Properties>Endcap Printed Length.
  8. I would not use retaining walls unless absolutely necessary. Try with only the Terrain Breaks and then use a standard wall in lieu of the retaining wall and see what happens. Best to post the plan so we can see how you are using Terrain Breaks and Retaining Walls. You may have conflicting and/or incorrect terrain data.
  9. If you are not looking for 100% accuracy you may be able to edit one of the standard doorways in the library and get close to what you want. This one started out as the Trefoil Doorway 2 (on the left). I couldn't get all of the radiuses, but got close - Chief won't do a convex arch. The beauty of using a doorway is that it comes with casings and all the other options that doorways have.
  10. The easiest way to do 2 doors of different sizes is to just butt them up against each other. They will auto mull together - no need to manually mull them together. Make sure Minimum Separation in the window defaults is set to zero - this setting applies to both windows and doors. You retain full editing capability for both doors.
  11. Do a search for Garden in the library.
  12. The Project Browser, ALDO and dbx's can remember their monitor and location. Preferences>General>Save Dialog Size and Position.
  13. Have a look at Preferences>CAD>Line Properties>Endcap Printed Length. Also look up Line Weights and Line Weights And Scaling.
  14. Just thinking aloud here, but it would be great if we also had the ability to not only offset and rotate, but Mirror a reference plan. This would give us the ability to do a mirror reflected and offset reference plan so that we could do mirrored duplexes so that editing the original plan was dynamically reflected (see how I did that) in the reference display.
  15. I think you will find that you can apply the new line style to a line and it shows up in the line style drop down, but the line style is only saved with that drawing - it is not saved as a system line style. If you want to save the line style for use in other plans, you will need to save it to the library or your default template.
  16. I really don't want to spend a lot of time dissecting your post. Suffice it to say that Chief can do a lot of what you are talking about. ie, in Chief, you CAN edit the model in elevations/sections, use dimensions in elevations and sections, auto mulling windows and doors may not be desirable, auto beam updates are no problem..... You can even edit the model in a true 3D view and even in the Cross Section Slider. Most of your other points have comparable features in Chief like customised Room Types....
  17. Default Settings>Cad>General CAD. The Number Style on the dbx's is only for the display in dbx's. The text size is controlled by the Text Style assigned to the Cad, Default Layer.
  18. You need to change the Current CAD Layer before placing the CAD Block. Saving a cad block to the library does not save it's layer property. You also need to save and close the plan before posting otherwise there is no data in the attached plan.
  19. If you want to use walls for demolished walls, make sure you specify them as Invisible, No Room definition and probably No Locate (once they are located correctly). There are other ways using layers, etc, but try the above first. Added walls can be just plain walls with a new wall type if required.
  20. From your description, it sounds like you need to build an invisible wall where the ceiling changes from cathedral to flat and then in the room dbx, change the ceiling type as appropriate. There should be no reason why you can't do auto roofs on a simple plan like that. If that's not it, post the plan.
  21. Select the dimension line itself - not the extension line. You will see grip points on the end of the extension lines at the house. Grab the grip and drag it off the house.
  22. Hi Chopsaw, The last one was just zoomed in.