Show "total Living Area" In Plan Views


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Using X6, when I show "Total Living Area" in the plan view for a given floor and move it out of the way from dimension lines and plan title, it's okay and stays there while the plan is open. When I close Chief and re-open the plan, it jumps back to where it was before I moved it. Has anyone else noticed this? It doesn't do this in X5.

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are you sure about it not doing it in X5 ???


this has been a problem eveer since I started with ver 9.5 (maybe ver 10 ?)


I keep it turned off now because of the jumping

and haven't tried it in years



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Lew, I can't say for all X5 plans but with the last two new garage apartments I did, I don't remember having to have to relocate them every time I opened the program. I could be wrong about the X5 thing BUT it's happing now the 3-story plan I'm doing in X6 for sure.

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  • 1 month later...

I can confirm that the "Living Area" behaved for me in X5. I just opened up a half dozen plans in X5 and it is where I left it. In X6 it is always jumping back to the bottom center of the plan.  Even when I open up an X5 plan in X6, it moves to the center bottom. Guess I will have to look into macros.

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