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  1. Gawdzira's post in Altering text in my title block was marked as the answer   
    This is done on page 0 of the layout 

  2. Gawdzira's post in Unable to select rooms was marked as the answer   
  3. Gawdzira's post in Floor Height Lower Than Exterior Wall Height was marked as the answer   
  4. Gawdzira's post in Structural Steel Shop Drawings was marked as the answer   
    This is the type of drawing that a steel fabricator would be looking for. 2d only. Are they asking for a 3d view?

  5. Gawdzira's post in Plan Options was marked as the answer   
    I save out the different plan versions. I generally end up with names during design development like Bob_DD_V2 hip, Bob_DD_V2 flat...
  6. Gawdzira's post in Room Missing was marked as the answer   
    Clean up this corner of the room.

    There are a bunch of messy bits here. Some tiny room divider walls and such.

  7. Gawdzira's post in 3D display problem was marked as the answer   
    That is Z-Fighting. It is possible this model is way, way away from the origin. Or, your wall layers are too thin.
  8. Gawdzira's post in cycle through recently used electrical components was marked as the answer   
    I have hot keys set up for the electrical item placement. E,S = switch   E,L = light  E,R = outlet (receptacle) E,C = connection
  9. Gawdzira's post in Glass in custom doors appears tinted... sometimes was marked as the answer   
    If you select "Glass Standard" from the Library, rather than from the Plan Materials you will get the clear appearance. I think at some point you changed the Glass Standard Material in the plan file.

  10. Gawdzira's post in Help Printing a PDF was marked as the answer   
    Here you go.
    Randal's House-Layout.pdf
  11. Gawdzira's post in Default Wall Material not saving was marked as the answer   
    In the attached image, where you want to do the editing is in the Wall Type itself. Image one.
    Then edit the material here:

  12. Gawdzira's post in Orthographic Floor Overview was marked as the answer   
    Turn off Live Elevations for that camera. When you send to Layout, look at the camera options.
  13. Gawdzira's post in recover lost work was marked as the answer   
    Sorry but if you don't save the file with a name there is no archive created.
  14. Gawdzira's post in What the ? was marked as the answer   
    You are on the Attic level.
    Drops the mic.

  15. Gawdzira's post in Updating Elevation Sections Sent To Layout was marked as the answer   
    Presumably you had saved the file that was sent to layout at some point (or many points). If so, then you have a series of back ups in your archives. What is your auto back up setting time period? I have my set pretty short so I get autosaves about every 120 seconds. You may have a file in the archives that is a short period of time behind the corrupt file?
  16. Gawdzira's post in Hinge Swing Lines was marked as the answer   
    Layer = "Opening Indicators"
  17. Gawdzira's post in Split Entry Problems? was marked as the answer   
    Reduce your stem wall height to your proper location. ("I") in the diagram on the DBX.
  18. Gawdzira's post in Can't Copy A Plan Footprint Into My Plan? was marked as the answer   
    What is is that you want? If I am to guess I would think you may be looking to get an outline of your building on your site plan? If that is the case, select just outside of your building and the entire exterior perimeter will highlight. Then go the to the attached image and make an exterior room polyline which you can place on a layer ("Building Outline Dashed") or whatever you might want to call it. Copy and paste at will into your site plan or any other plan view.

  19. Gawdzira's post in Elevation Windows was marked as the answer   
    1000 words


  20. Gawdzira's post in Eq. ------Eq. ? was marked as the answer   
    Copy and paste. There is no way to over ride the actual dimension, only append it. I always do this with cad line arrows or by placing text over the dim to mask it.
  21. Gawdzira's post in Dimension Line Settings was marked as the answer   
    The arrows will not show in dimensions that are smaller than the arrow size.
  22. Gawdzira's post in Terrain Perimeter Dimension was marked as the answer   
    See attached image for 1000 words.

  23. Gawdzira's post in Help with sloping garage floor was marked as the answer   
    Make it a ramp. It is a ramp at nearly 1:12.
  24. Gawdzira's post in Trying to get visuals right on elevations was marked as the answer   
    A couple of things. If you have the garage front wall set to balloon frame, it is creating an overlap with the attic wall. The same thing is happening on the wall at plan right (east?) at the master bedroom. Delete those attic walls to eliminate that conflict.
    1. go to the attic level in plan and select the wall
    2. on the wall dbx General tab, uncheck attic wall, now you can delete the wall
    As shown on the east elevation, you have added a wall covering. You need to simply change your siding type. Did you use the material painter on the wall exterior? That is not a good tool for changing the wall finish if that is what you did.
    For the garage wall, if you want that look with the stone skirt you need to make that wall a pony wall in order to get the materials to read properly.

  25. Gawdzira's post in What layers, layersets, and anno sets can be deleted from Premier was marked as the answer   
    Layers, I don't know. There may be a hack somewhere to lose them from the profile plan but I don't know. You an lose all of those Layersets by going into the defaults and changing them from being a part of the defaults. Look at the defaults for Layersets and you will see the connection. First you must delete the Annosets and then you can delete the associated Layersets. I just did a test and got down to three Annosets and about the same number of Layersets.
    Bear in mind, if you import something or copy something  or grab something out of the library it may have been assembled with other associations so they will ride with the new object.