Disappearing Flooring


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I have a plan that the flooring wont' show in anymore. Something somewhere got changed and if I move a small exterior wall then the flooring shows (see video), put the wall back and the flooring disappears. Simple I'm sure but has me stumped.


Thanks in advance.



Plan file below



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I did not look at the plan but the usual culprit is room definitions.  Make sure everything is set to default in the structure tab for the rooms and check that the default  settings for rooms is set to what you want.  I suspect that disconnecting the wall is causing the rooms to change to a different room type.

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I did not look at the plan but the usual culprit is room definitions.  Make sure everything is set to default in the structure tab for the rooms and check that the default  settings for rooms is set to what you want.  I suspect that disconnecting the wall is causing the rooms to change to a different room type.

Thanks, Each room is 'unspecified' as a room type and I matched all properties for each room and they are all set to the floor default settings. Still no love.

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You have 2 slabs - one at zero and one at minus 4" - have a look in a cross section.

Why is your foundation mono slab at -4"?

Yet your main floor is at zero?

You have both Floor Supplied by the Foundation Room Below AND Monolithic Slab Foundation checked for the main floor level - hence the 2 slabs - and the conflict.

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You have 2 slabs - one at zero and one at minus 4" - have a look in a cross section.

Why is your foundation mono slab at -4"?

Yet your main floor is at zero?

You have both Floor Supplied by the Foundation Room Below AND Monolithic Slab Foundation checked for the main floor level - hence the 2 slabs - and the conflict.

Thank you very much Glenn!! I wrestled with it a bit, changed the defaults with no change then found a setting that worked in one room, with your help, then matched properties for all the other rooms and success. Thanks again.


To answer your questions, I have simply no idea how the structure dbx works and guess I never will. I just do not understand the paradigm nor the dialog boxes, nor the chosen verbiage, nor the silly little picture of the various structure members. Just don't understand. After 15 years, just do not understand. 


When I first built the model the floors showed fine, no problems whatsoever. Then bam, the floor finish is gone as if I went in and changed the settings you mentioned. I did not change the settings but they got changed and I'm the only one who will ever really know that.


All that doesn't diminish my appreciation for your help. Thank you again very much for taking the time to assist. 

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The answer to the easy question is that your exterior Alcove wall is set to "Balloon Through Ceiling Above"

Thanks Chop. I changed that wall setting but nothing changed that I could see. Did it change the floor finish showing when you changed that setting?


Seems much more likely that the floor settings were amiss as Glenn suggested, which did indeed fix the issue..

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Larry,  That has nothing to do with the floor.  It just fixes the wall that was sticking up in Perspective Floor Overview when you were recording your video.


 I was working with your plan file when Glenn posted and I am sure he is correct about the floor but I tried several different ways to fix it but still can't seem to find a happy place for the floor.  Sure it displays ok but the numbers in the DBX are all over the place and make no sense to me.


Maybe Scott and Glenn could host a Workshop with a model like yours to fix and demonstrate with.

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Larry,  That has nothing to do with the floor.  It just fixes the wall that was sticking up in Perspective Floor Overview when you were recording your video.


 I was working with your plan file when Glenn posted and I am sure he is correct about the floor but I tried several different ways to fix it but still can't seem to find a happy place for the floor.  Sure it displays ok but the numbers in the DBX are all over the place and make no sense to me.


Maybe Scott and Glenn could host a Workshop with a model like yours to fix and demonstrate with.

Took me a bit to find the settings. I changed the floor defaults but that didn't change anything so I worked on a single room until the floor appeared correctly, then matched properties for the rest of the rooms. I swear I didn't change anything but user error is always suspect when I'm at the wheel.


but still can't seem to find a happy place for the floor.  Sure it displays ok but the numbers in the DBX are all over the place and make no sense to me.


I know the dbx numbers are all over the place but can't say how they got there because it started out OK, then not so much.

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Isn't your problem created by the level 0 foundation you built?


If I am building a plan with a thickened-edge slab foundation ("monolithic" meaning single-pour) I specify everything needed on level 1 and do not build a foundation under on level 0.

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Isn't your problem created by the level 0 foundation you built?


If I am building a plan with a thickened-edge slab foundation ("monolithic" meaning single-pour) I specify everything needed on level 1 and do not build a foundation under on level 0.

Could be Gene. I've always built the foundation as a monoslab on level 0 but maybe I should not do so? And why should that be a problem? Really curious.


I see your point Gene. It's just that I've always done it that way and maybe it's time to stop? Just delete floor 0 and define the mono slab from floor 1? That sure looks more relevant to what a mono slab is. Wow that could change my world a bit.


Ahhhh but then I don't get a foundation plan...

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You can get a foundation plan.  Layers, line control should yield this for you.  All on level 1.



Here is a quickie plan with mono slab and the plan view I show has only "slabs" and "footings" turned on.

If you manually draw in a slab with footings. Couldn't get it to work any other way. Do you use mono slabs a lot Gene? Almost every plan here has one and have not had problems for quite some time building the slab on floor 0 but know others who manually draw each slab with footings and place that on floor 1.

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Larry, what are your floor defaults set at? Sometimes the floor defaults will be at -4 so when you rebuild it will be at that level. for mono slabs I also must check both boxes. as far as I know both boxes must be checked to work for a mono slab. I always put foundations on level 0

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Larry, what are your floor defaults set at? Sometimes the floor defaults will be at -4 so when you rebuild it will be at that level. for mono slabs I also must check both boxes. as far as I know both boxes must be checked to work for a mono slab. I always put foundations on level 0

That's what is so weird Perry. My template plan floor defaults are set to 0" 0" 0" and this plan is set to 0" -4" -4" I cannot reset those numbers and still have auto rebuild foundations 'on' in any place I can find, floor defaults etc. It's just behaving badly.

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