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Everything posted by MarkMc

  1. I was thinking the same thing but if find mo$ if need be but then checked RTX2060 laptops (Unless the OP is up your way
  2. If PBR is something you use X13 is likely to make use of RTX video cards.
  3. As I said- I can't find ANY properties in the layout that to the layout file name that can be accessed. From what I can see no matter how you slice it your are sending something from plan to get the information. Happy to be shown otherwise, I just can't find it.
  4. I got %referenced_filename[0..6]% to work so long as it referenced a layout box from the plan. Can't get it to work otherwise, can't find anything in the layout that has any file properties. But a text box with arrow is an improvement as is [0...6] thanks
  5. Tried all that without success, likely pilot error but once I get something to work I stop running down the rabbit hole.
  6. Zip file with layout and plan that does what you want. Downside is you text size is controlled by layout box text style. It's a small section of plan sent to layout page "0". Requires both macros in the layout (included) It reads from the filename from the plan file sent not from the layout (used Michael's suggestion about referenced_filename-thanks) Found the truncate code on Stack Overflow. (elipse may be unnecessary? ...) Personally I'd be looking at using the shorter filename and finding a way to add the other information in the OS. File names that long get to be annoying when a lot of tabs are open. I did this one quickly in Directory Opus. Have not checked to see if there is a way to automate the comment there but I would think it possible. Maybe in windows too but that I'm not looking into since I already use Dopus to set up folder per job.
  7. Change deck floor sturcture so planking is defined as opening no material. Add a custom counter top, place hole in counter, change counter materials to planking, alter height and thickness, manually change framing around hole.
  8. Welcome aboard. First your post really belongs in Q & A. Ruby in Chief can't access mouse or keyboard. It is primarily for accessing information from objects and outputting as text. Still very useful. Best place to start is in the help and the tutorial on the Ruby console built into Chief. A forum search couldn't hurt.
  9. I've posted cabinets with beads,cove, and some info. Just need to search.
  10. Search symbols section of forum, they are there. Couple of years ago.
  11. Only reason I used a cabinet was OP said he wanted a cabinet centered between two openings. In which case no need to move out of the way, stretch between casings open DBX and resize-will be centered when done. Other objects might do differently depends.
  12. What Dermot said but if you want the clips as deep as you show you'll have to cheat the depth. For a standard depth wall cabinet the software limits with width/depth of the clip 4-1/2 for 12" deep and 4 5/8 for 13". I rarely see clips over 6" but it is possible to order those.
  13. In a Chief floor plan make the profile. I'd start with a polyline box and add breaks and adjust (good practice) , or with polylines and adjust in which case when done make sure it's closed. Add profile to library, rename it. With profile selected in library go to build menu, draw MOLDING LINE, say 15" long. Should have your new profile, check to be sure. Select it, convert to symbol, cabinet door, chech "advanced options and name it. In theDBX that pops up check xyz axis, you may have to rotate it. Set a stretch zone so the height resizes between the bottom and a line below the handle detail. Read up on ciustom symbols/ stretch planes/zones in help or reference manual (my preference) You could draw the profile in ACAD but itbetter to learn how to do it in Chief
  14. Here is an end view of a drawer from the catalog Greg mentioned-only available in X12 but you can get the idea. This works. You can also search back on the forum. I posted some C channel cabinets where the handles were metal but set in like that, and parts some time ago, was at least X11 might have been X10. Could be in the Symbols section-don't remember so you have to go looking.
  15. Make a cabinet match the appliance specs. If you need the panels for a schedule to order from make each panel and block them all
  16. I'd be looking over the forums at then talking to the folks at (yes talk to a human-used to be if you mentioned the above forum you could get a discount too) I switched from Precisions to gaming laptops a year after starting with Chief. Unless your video work uses the Quadro card you'll be better off with GeoForce RTX. I like Clevo laptops (Sager, Evoc, others). They'll have more ports than most, the better ones are customizable beyond Dell or others, and completely upgadeable though that is rarely worth it. I'm on 5 years with the Sager (2nd one- the other still running) This time I'm likely getting a desktop but still toy with a laptop. If I were I'd be waiting just a little while until either the 10th gen Intel desktop chips were available (not the H series now out) or a Ryzen desktop chip shows up in a 17" machine. Though I will say that there is almost not enough usable difference in screen between a 15 and a 17 since I use external monitors.
  17. Trust me on this- You DON'T want to make a custom cabinet out of pline, custom symbol, most anything. Don't know what settings you could have that won't allow you to rotate the cabinet or place it- Rotate it on the floor away from wall, then place-EZ. It's possible to build a car out of a cabinet. Check back stuff on the forum-lots already available about cabinets.
  18. Change one window to what you want, create a style palette from it. When creating (or in library) open the settings for the style palette and just select those things you want-interior materials etc. You can apply that by room and it works.
  19. Well, good practice for real life, won't be the last time things get done more than once. Here's a tip- open you spreadsheet either on second monitor or on right side of the screen, lock the sheet, open Chief on the other side. (Any custom fields you made in the OIP should be persistent in the plan) select the new symbol in the library, open object, go to the OIP tab, you can now drag and drop from your spreadsheet into the OIP filed. Once you have your info in the symbols start using replace from library. (if you were in X12 you could set it up as a style palette). Should be pretty quick.
  20. What Eric suggested. Prior to X12 what schedule an item appears in is determined by the symbol type not the layer-in your case that would be a fixture schedule. The only ways around that: shift select each item and make an architectural block which you can then specify which schedule it appears in. One downside is that dimension read based on the global Cartesian coordinates instead of the object so width and length can be reversed. You can create a schedule by room and specify what objects appear but you would still be selecting fixtures One at a time, select object, convert to symbol, make the type furniture. Then select another of the same, replace from library-replace identical objects on floor. This may not get them all but usually gets most. Just use a fixture schedule assuming you don't need one of those Do it manually Personally I'd upgrade to X12 but I insist on staying current always since to me every upgrade since X8 has been worth it and I stay on SSA.
  21. Well you said you had the data in Excel so that's how I answered. You can create a table in Chief with a text box if need be.
  22. As Chop said-I use a Chief schedule based on the objects in plan. Besides pasting excel into RT box, you can also save the excel file as a csv; copy and paste into a regular text box. That can have a link to the CSV file. It won't update live but does provide quick access to make changes to the csv, copy and re-paste.
  23. You can mess with the symbol bounding box and/or origin-takes trial and error but if you need multiples easier than floating them in.
  24. You can turn options on/off in the library but you can't change the spec itself. Only what is turned on will be applied to the object, all other settings are taken from the object as it is. Even if you don't select something when you define the palette it can be turned on later and will apply. So yes the best way would be to change the separation or the door style, yes you need to do that in plan and then can replace the the palette in the library. Few things I found along the way - specify label is not copied from any objects. My solution is: to set a custom OIP field to place the label in place a macro that reads that field into specify label in the items default settings. Include "custom fields" in the palette. Result is the label reads from the custom OIP field for items placed in plan OR painted with the palette, useful for cabinets and windows (so far) Palettes work nicely for complicated windows and doors BUT will not work for mulled units which is too bad. It will copy fixtures included in cabinet faces but does not include sinks-at least I can't figure out how yet?
  25. Nice, I didn't expect the wide separation between the drawers?. A note (since I've been playing with these lately)- May want to edit your Style Palette to include "Copy Face Configuration" ? I'd also initially set the door symbol main material to "use default" and leave the handle as chrome, then don't include drawer finish in the style palette. As it is now the handle finish comes out blue like the rest when using the SP. Changing it allows the handles will stay chrome when using the SP. I'd also set the box finish to use default. If just the finish for the room needs to be other than the default you can still spray by room and handles will stay chrome.