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Everything posted by MarkMc

  1. Here is a fixture. If you need in cabinet schedule then needs to be a cabinet door symbol. Started with a shelf...
  2. Saw this recently regarding what is coming for Ray tracing video cards. Appears both AMD and Nvidia will use this. No idea if Cheif is targeting this? It is Directx, no idea about Metal.
  3. There are bookmarks if you are using the PDF version (free). At the end of those is a bookmark to "What's New. That starts with migration, a ways down is the listing of new features with links to more info on each. I bookmark that page myself when there is a new version. The help has similar. Note there are a few incorrect items when you follow the links so good to check for updated versions after a patch and send in whatever you find that is off. Easy :)
  4. Hm that appears to be the case but when it's a camera it shows the type of view. The callout doesn't and the attribute for rendering technique is not available. Guess I'll just suffer with it, or rather the clients will ;-> I checked back in X11 and it doesn't work there so I must be having senior moments. Yeah, I found that one, thought the reverse was also an option somewhere but not.
  5. Image shows layout and associated plan view. The cameras are visible in the plan view but not in the layout. I thought that there was a setting somewhere to hide/show inactive cameras but I can't find it. In any case shouldn't the layout show what is in the plan? This worked in the past but maybe I turned something off? I use this particular view so that clients can access perspective cameras so they are never printed. So it may not matter but it does confuse the client a little.
  6. Last I knew that was not a good idea or maybe not even possible once Nvidia switched to the Optimus system. At least on the last machine I had with Optimus. I ran into issues depending on what type of cable and which port I used for the external screen but that was a while ago.You might try switching from HDMI to DisplayPort or whatever.The monitor had DP and VGA, no HDMI. ran best going from a VGA to DVI. Of course VGA doesn't exist anymore. Currently my wife runs that machine with a second DisplayLink monitor connected by USB A. (DisplayLink adapters for you monitor are available which might be an option worth testing) You do have Chief set to use the Nvidia card in the control panel correct?
  7. Since walls are 3D objects in Chief they always exists. That means that even if you place a wall on a hidden layer it is still there. So no you can't use layers for multiple wall placements (or doors or windows). I'm guessing that the number of possible combinations of structure and optional spaces could be considerable? 6 -10 home styles, 3-4 variations to 4 or more spaces each? 12-16 combinations of options per style? If not then something simpler than the following but.. If it is then one way I'd be looking at if I had to deal with a lot of options and multiple basic plans would be: Start with House A, basic structure and layout. Take a CAD detail from view, name it and place on a layer dedicated to options and not used for anything else-just these CAD details. Give it a line color that will show up-orange, lime green, sky blue... Then adjust the model with the first group of alternate configurations. Take a CAD detail from view, name that...and so on.. Once you've done got all the variations done it's time to get the original basic model back. Copy the CAD from the original layout, go to the plan view, paste and hold position (make sure it ends up on the CAD options layer and it is visible-read up on current cad layer in help) Lock that layer. You can now move walls, other objects or place new ones and they will snap to the lines on that CAD detail. Once done correcting the 3D model you can unlock the CAD layer, select everything on it using match properties and delete. You will still have that CAD detail elsewhere, just not in the plan. Now you have a 2D plan, CAD detail, with all the options to show clients. To alter the 3D model to match any options repeat the copy paste hold position; trace and place with the option client wants. Works even if options are not all on the same CAD detail.
  8. are you certain that all the counters are now custom? Plan view or elevation? I have no trouble when using custom tops in either; non custom tops are a problem in elevation. Might post a plan for us to look at. NEED TO KNOW what version of the program you are using. FWIW I never ever use point to point dimensions since those are not snapped to the object but to a new point created when you pull the dimension. Hence those will not change if you move the object. Instead use end to end dimensions. Aisle dimensions are a bit easier if you have a dedicated dimension default for it-only snaps to counters, nothing else, but goes on the same layer used for kitchen cabinets so they show when you want them.
  9. vbg-has to be perseverance, never learned to avoid rabbit holes and only talent is I read directions.
  10. Video is posted above. Just do it. I did. I got laid off from a hi-end kitchen dealer at end of 09, started a business Jan 1 2010, switched to Chief in Dec 2010. First job in Chief was a whole house of hi end custom cabinets-kitchen, two baths, media/LR, entry foyer, Master BR, and Office. File was a mess but it helped sell the job. I credit Chief with helping me establish myself, get better work and keep afloat starting with nothing (dogged perseverance and innate brilliance may have played a role too While there are no Chief tutorials on pricing they do offer quite a bit for kitchens. I took an online class, twice in the first year. Had my assistant take one when I was training them. They offer live classes around the country that are useful, I've sat in on some and seen lot's of presentations at shows. The rest-I read the forum everyday and have since the beginning. For years I read almost everything even if it did not appear relevant to me. Use the Reference Manual and Help both are excellent. Learn how the software thinks then use that to your advantage. IF you are doing anything in the way of better middle to hi end kitchens it's a no brainer. Maybe, just maybe, if you are a kitchen mill turning out a basic kitchen a day the other software makes sense-maybe.
  11. 3 cabinets- center cabinet has 0" width stiles. Not worth the hoops you have to jump to get the bottom of the center section to stay open -pretty much how those are built. IF it's really important to you-build the 3 cabinets, convert to cabinet door symbol and place in a blank cabinet. (cabinet on right is that way) A cad elevation will be far better using the 3 cabinets, if you need both good cad and good schedule you could use both :))))
  12. True it depends on the installer, and giving them something wide enough to get a saw to bite completely without the cut drifting. Scribe molding is for emergency only.
  13. FWIW I'd use transform replicate, move for that.
  14. I believe that you might have the polyline tool active. That looks like the default polyline if you just click though I don't know what happened to the original. In any case it works correctly here moving the pline 1/4 and 3/4
  15. FWIW it can be done in a CAD detail or with an override as Graham suggests. While I have on rare occasion specified a cabinet at 1/32 when part of a combined cabinet I never would do that for a filler, particularly for wall to wall install. I always specify fillers and extended stiles oversize to allow for scribe. Normally I force them into the wall so they come out correct in a schedule.
  16. I could get into why buy a BTO pc but I don't have a pool :)
  17. You can prevent that easily by getting a copy of Winaero Tweaker (free or donate no nags). It will disable Win Update with a click. (no idea why it slows your internet or takes hours mine does neither when I allow it to update). In any case with the tweaker you to decide when it updates. otherwise.....politics, religion and OS-not at the bar..
  18. Odd, I recently used reference plan to speed up a project. Lot of furniture symbols was slogging it down so transferred those I could. Furniture plan was 27.5 mb, plan with everything in it 40.4MB, but the stripped down plan including reference was 15.8 MB. Wonder what the difference is? I might try using edit area on the reference plan, copy and paste into a new plan to see what happens-just a thought.
  19. I used a layout linked to 5 plans. Moved on to another drive-could not link. Put it back and was fine. Moved to adjacent folder-could not link, put it back and fine. Along the way I tried closing and re-opening, same NG.
  20. I tested a layout with multiple files linked and can reproduce the problem when any plan file is not in the same folder as the layout.
  22. No issues here. You're on a laptop? did you set X12 to use the NVIDIA card in the NVIDIA control center? and then set most things to performance?