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Everything posted by joey_martin

  1. Yes. And fill the basement framed walls (if you choose to fill them) with the WALL FILL tool rather than in the wall type setup, so that the fill can be controlled by a layer as well, separate from the fill of the retaining/stem walls.
  2. Another reason...and the most important to me for keeping those basement wall as 2, is the ability to control the walls for construction docs. I want the ability to control the line type and color of that framed portion so that I can show it on both the basement floor plan, and the foundation plan with the appropriate line.
  3. Somewhere in your template, you have set basement/crawl rooms to be monoslabs, or as you said, its an old template and somehow the info was changed. Remember, Chief reads rooms first. If you have the "foundation room" set as a monoslab, Chief will override the default until it's changed to match. I had a couple odd occurrences with my template when moving to X8 as well. Made a new template and no more problems. In my opinion, Chief was doing exactly as expected based on the settings.
  4. Go to the FOUNDATION LEVEL and select the "room". You will see that somewhere along the line, maybe this is a SAVE AS from another project....anyway, if you select the room from the foundation level, you will see that it is still set to monoslab. Uncheck those and turn auto back on and there you go.
  5. If you change the defaults after the plan is started you have to set the rebuild(s) to auto the get the new defaults to take over.
  6. Rebuild the foundation. Set the foundation to AUTO and leave it there.
  7. I created a ROOF LABEL TEXT STYLE so that I could better control the size of the text.
  8. The switch is a switch. In the library under electrical you can select a 3-way switch. You don't have to use the switches from the tool bar. The light is also from the library. Everything is fine in 3D. Only the secondary connection is a line w/ arrow. Just like on the floor below the primary connection from the switch is a connection, then a line w/ arrow to signify the connection to the floor above.
  9. Try using floor material regions rather than just polylines and see if that gives you the desired result.
  10. It's simply a 3-Way switch from the library connected to a light from the library. The line with the arrow is simply that, a line with an arrow placed on the ELECTRICAL, CONNECTIONS layer, and a note. Nothing more than that.
  11. The work the engineer does in AutoCAD cannot be "brought back" into Chief. They do not play together like that. Best bet would be to simply give the engineer what he needs, let him create what he needs to create, and then simply add his pages to your layout set. DO NOT save his dwg over top the Chief file, you are asking for trouble. Another option, and one that I use with my engineer, is to simply send him/her a PDF and have them redline the pages as needed and send back to me for inclusion/revision in my Chief file.
  12. Go to page 0 and find the macro that has been pasted into that layout template. Or it's on the page you are viewing. If on page 0 you won't see it, just click and drag in the that area and it will get selected. Delete it and you are all good.
  13. Just click on the outside of the building and select the tool for ROOM MOLDING POLYLINE. Add the molding you want and set the height. Done. Takes about 5 seconds.
  14. I believe the only option that will work and maintain the materials is to export a 3DS file.
  15. Boom! Glad I can help....and calm
  16. 2 more days to RSVP. I have 4 right now. I will end this signup on Saturday so that I can make the needed arrangements and reservations.
  17. If I advised against this method any more strenuously I would pull something. Gather yourself. Go to defaults and open the foundation default. Make sure all the defaults are correct, and turn AUTO FOUNDATIONS back on. If you have a lot of notes and things on the foundation plan, simply hold SHIFT and select everything (do this first) block it and CUT (cntl x). Once the foundation auto rebuilds, hit CNTL V and all your notes and things will be right back where you had them.
  18. When in an elevation view, select the pony wall, when the temp dimensions pop up, set the depth to what is needed.
  19. You have some invisible walls below the observation room that can be removed. As for the walkout. Those walls should really be pony walls so that the footings can be set below the frost line...if you have one.
  20. It all looks OK to me. You have 9' basement walls (108") minus the 4" slab, and minus the flooring thickness.
  21. If there is interest in that area, and enough to keep costs down, I am willing to travel to sites and offer training. I have multiple weekends open in June and July, and can do during the week as well during those months.