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  1. Thank you!!!! This was a very informative and exceptional response!
  2. This is all outstanding information! I greatly appreciate the responses!
  3. Thank you for your thoughts! I am not being accused, but have just thought about the scenarios and liability.
  4. Does anyone have any thoughts or policies in place to protect yourself from accusations of copyright violations? For example, consider these scenarios: 1. A client brings you a set of plans and asks you to redraw them. 2. A client provides you with images of a design and asks you to create a set of plans. 3. A builder client asks you to redraw their plan collection. All of the above scenarios could potentially present the risk of a copyright claim and lawsuit by completing the client requests. Would anyone care to share their policies/practices or offer advice in order to avoid copyright violations and minimize the risk of copyright accusations? Thanks to all who reply!
  5. What would be the expected average range of gross earnings for a self employed, one person residential design/drafting office that is competitively priced, has adequate skills, has been in business a few years, and provides quality service in the Midwest (specifically the Indiana area)? Is there enough residential design/drafting work in the Midwest for a person to have 40-50+ hours of work per week? Thanks to all who reply!
  6. I have recently purchased HD Pro and have made great strides in learning the software. Obviously, I have a long way to go, but I have progressed significantly since first purchasing. For users who have used both Premier and HD Pro, I have a few questions regarding the ease of use between the two. When comparing the products, it's very to easy to see that Premier has much greater capabilities and options. With that understanding, how difficult is Premier to learn in comparison to HD Pro? Is the learning curve much steeper? Is Premier much more difficult to use, due to the advancements and capabilities? Thanks to all who respond!
  7. Thanks Gene!. I have added a pic of a crawlspace foundation for one of my homes. Inside the plan are 4 piers that I am referring to in my question. I can't find anything in any videos or tutorials that show how to create piers such as those that I am referring to.
  8. How difficult is it to create footing pads and concrete masonry piers on the footing pads inside of a crawlspace foundation to support beams? I have not purchased the software, but have been practicing with a trial version to see if I would like to purchase. I've tried to find videos and articles and can't find anything related to concrete masonry piers inside of a crawlspace. Typically, the piers in my homes are 2 courses of 8x8x16 concrete blocks on a 30x30x12 footing. Is there any automatic feature to use, draw by cad, etc.? Thanks to all that respond!
  9. Thanks Richard for the correction and reminder. Greatly appreciated!
  10. Other than general contracting/homebuilding (Design/Build) what would be a profession or service that would be a great complement to residential design/drafting or where residential design/drafting would be natural, beneficial compliment to it? In essence, what other professions or services could be provided by one entity that would be valuable to the housing industry and be a natural complement to each other for business growth and sustainability. Real estate sales? Home Inspection? Etc? All thoughts and ideas are greatly appreciated!
  11. Is there enough residential new home construction and remodeling work in Indiana/Midwest for a one person residential drafting/design business to earn $80k+ per year after being in business a few years? The assumption should be made that the individual is good at what they do and is willing to put in the time and effort to be successful. If not, what could someone expect to earn with these assumptions and the current residential construction industry economy? I have a very extensive construction management background. Due to some unfortunate unforeseen events, I may need to make a professional change. Thanks to all who respond!
  12. Thanks to all who responded. There were some very interesting thoughts about what may be in the future for the residential design/drafting industry!
  13. I am from Indiana, but thought it would be interesting to hear from others as to what they think about the future of the residential design industry nationally. Many CA users have navigated the changes in the industry over the years in a very successful way. They must have done so by being able to adapt and by also having vision.