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Everything posted by tommy1

  1. No time at all on my end. That's a fireplace that someone posted a long time ago on the old forum.
  2. Here are the textures for that waterfall symbol. If you need the symbol, let me know and what version of Chief you're using.
  3. My first thought would be to do a back-clip>cad detail from view>edit detail to suit your needs.
  4. Can't duplicate the problem. Works fine for me changing color and type of siding.
  5. "Or getting some one-on-one tutoring if that's what you prefer." Robert, if you would like some free one on one help, call me today (832-754-6160). I use either Skype or Team Viewer to help people. I'm only available today as it turns out. Meetings today got postponed until tomorrow so I'm at standstills today. I will show you some basics of roofs.
  6. If you're pretty good with Chief and live in the Houston area and need work, I can maybe help. I'm turning down 1 to 2 jobs on average every week. If you're fairly good but may need a little help in some areas, I could maybe help you. I would like to be able to refer someone out but I need this person to be fairly good. All commercial. I can show you what you will probably need to get the plan through the City of Houston planning dept.. It's not critical to worry about modeling mono slabs or pier and beam foundations. I can show you tricks to please an engineer and the city. A fairly good knowledge of doing roofs manually and knowing the basics of the program is a huge plus. I could share notes and details that you will need if it helps. A medium priced Disto Laser is almost a must. This would mainly be for remodels, not new construction. If you're unsure about how to show remodels, I can show you. I'm not looking for personal help but would like to help someone get started. There is so much work in Houston big time. Field measuring would be needed to be done which is why you need to be in Houston. I pay a lot of attention to the as-built for if that is not right, the remodel is not right either. I've been doing remodels in the Houston area for around 10 years and have worked with my engineer for about 8 years. Most of my work is referred by the engineer. I can tell you that if you have onsite training in the field for remodels, it's a huge advantage. If this sounds like something you're interested in, then call my cell 832-754-6160.
  7. The Planning Dept. here in Houston will require doubling joists under walls above.
  8. How deep is the niche and what's behind it?
  9. I think there's a major stair issue right?
  10. As a follow up, it looks like both David and Michael were right. I sent David's reply to the girl and she then told the person who sent her the dwg what David said. The man then revised his dwg according to David's reply and she was then able to open it in X9. She doesn't have X10 but like i said earlier, I was able to open it in X10 easily so both different answers were right. Thank you both.
  11. Wow, it did open in X10. I guess Chief changed something in X10?
  12. Michael, I'll try bringing it into X10 first. The girl who needs it is using X9.
  13. Thanks David. I will pass it on.
  14. I've had this problem before and someone was nice enough to open it and send it back to where I could open it in Chief. My question is what do I need to tell this person on how to send it so it can be opened in Chief. I receive DWGs from people and don't have any problems so it must be the way they are sending it. I've attached the error I'm getting along with the file in question. TIA, House Plans.dwg
  15. These profiles are very easy to make. People should try it, not only for door & window lintels but custom crown and baseboards.
  16. Yes Chad, you can make any profile you want and yes, you can start with any of Chief's profiles that are in the library. If you want to use some of Chief's profiles, just go to that profile in the library (the actual profile), right click on it and you'll have the option to place it in the plan or cad detail. You can place multiple profiles if needed and I usually snap them together using the "end point" snap. Once together, you may need to break some lines so you can snap all corners together until you get a closed poly line. Once closed, you can select it and add it to your user library for use. You can edit any part of the profile as needed. I do this quite a bit.
  17. A good reason why you should always save a back-up somewhere other than your hard drive/s you usually use. Which reminds me, I need to do my back-ups real soon. Katy, the woman I was working for called me last week and couldn't find a file that was supposed to be on drop box but was no where to be found. She was glad (again) that I keep back ups of everything on an external drive.
  18. Try opening the profile plan, (not meaning to open "new plan") make the change, close. See if it made the change.
  19. You just made her day big time.
  20. Cool! I'll let her Know. Thanks so much.
  21. I've been helping someone and then they try to draw a dimension line, they get all kind of lines from the cursor. See attachment. I've seen this before years ago but don't remember what the setting was to correct it. She's using a Mac if it makes a difference.
  22. It would be interesting to find out if CA would enable him to do this. If so, then it's really not a "Trial Version" and they should but and exception in their Trial Version Limitation note saying that if you purchased the full version, then your plan could be saved. The limitation note says that this version can not be saved or printed.
  23. Sorry but I don't understand. If he has the Premier version, why not just start an actual plan and layout? I mean by now, surely he has closed the Trial version and lost it all right?
  24. Yes, I too have a large library for lintels. I do a lot of historical homes and lintels for different looks.