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Everything posted by tommy1

  1. I have a .dwg from a surveyor that I can't open in Chief. I have tried a couple of versions of Chief. I've tried importing in ft and inches. Usually a survey from the survey company would be in feet. I also tried increasing the line weights, and changing to a black background. I can however open it with Autodesk DWG TruView 2017 and it comes in fine but don't see how I can save it from that program. I need to try and get it into Chief. I would appreciate it if anyone would see if they can get it into Chief. Thank you, ACAD-16-TX-29 PURGE-v2004.dwg
  2. Mojo, if you like, call me or email me and I'll do an online meeting with you to help maybe explain some things. Email me with your contact number would be the best. Use my email in my signature.
  3. Tim, In X9 the only thing I have noticed when changing any views, is that if I try to change the view by going to the top window tab (at the top toolbar) and scrolling down to change the views, my laptop hangs up for a long time. If I go to the tab that shows what's open and click on whatever view I want to see, it changes very fast. I'm now trying to get in the habit of changing views by selecting the tab that's open instead of going to the top toolbar>window tab>change view. This was not a problem in previous versions no matter how I changed views. Now that I know how to change the view quickly, I need To train my mind a little differently. Hopefully you understand what I'm saying.
  4. Rob, I don't seem to be having that problem (X9).
  5. I generally just do a "save-as" with a different name, not long of a mane though in the same job folder. When the final plan is approved, I delete all of the obsolete files in that folder. They can change it all they want as long as I get paid. I need a retainer fee and when that time is up I bill as I go after around 10 hrs. of plan time. That's the only way I work. I certainly don't make separate folder for each revision and do an entire back-up of the plan.
  6. If this project is meant for an actual working job, then I believe the "Student Version" is not to be used for this kind of application. You would need a version other than the student version.
  7. Just a comment. I did a corner bay window for a job about a year ago sorta similar to this but wasn't full glass on sides and at the top, just glass in the outside corner. It did have a roof. This glass system was going to be installed by the window manufacturer who did these windows. When the lady took it to the city for permitting, the planning department rejected it and wanted to know how the glass was going to be attached everywhere because it had to meet a 110 mph. wind gust code. They wanted the specifics. I had the homeowner contact the manufacturer and had them attach a diagram on how this would meet code. I assume it was done. Never heard back.
  8. By looking at you image, it looks like a room above the garage. Try changing the 1st. floor garage floor height from the room above...not from the garage. If you do a back clip view and tile your screen, you can watch what happens as you make the changes.
  9. It sounds like I have everything set right.
  10. Thanks Kevin, that works. I think I'll keep enhanced lighting turned on and set the Ambient Occlusion set to zero. Not sure what the difference is.
  11. I'll try that too. Turning off "enhanced lighting" definitely fixed it though.
  12. Thanks, I'll look again but didn't fine anything.
  13. I anyone getting shadows in the corners when doing renders in X9? I don't get this in X8 or earlier. See attachments.
  14. I include it in the total.
  15. If it is a "2 story" and you have room definition up there, make the room type an attic and will probably fix the problem.
  16. Does this mean that the current X9 download is not a Beta version?
  17. X9 Beta is in my digital locker. Not sure when I'm going to download it yet.
  18. BTW, be sure you're looking in the "cad block management", not the "cad detail management".
  19. If you made a cad block and named it, then just open the symbol and go to the cad block tab and reassign the symbol the new cad block you created.
  20. Yes, transform/replicate>reflect about active cad point that's in the center of the house.
  21. I'm just about full. I plan to also go over how I flip a house (and keeping it in the same location) that also has a site plan but not flipping the site plan. In other words, I'm not using the "reverse plan" tool.
  22. We have an online meeting Saturday, January 7, 2017 from 11:00am to 1:00pm (Central Time). If you would like to attend, then please send me an email using my email address shown in my signature. Feel free to call me if you need more information or questions. I plan to go over how Michael made the garage doors using cabinets. I think this is a great and fairly easy idea.
  23. Yes, I'm just not sure when yet. I've been swamped and worked through Christmas and New year's. I might have one this Saturday morning. I'll decide this evening or tomorrow.
  24. I too have had issues with roofs when bringing forward from certain versions. Some versions worked okay when bringing forward.
  25. I've had several situations where that doesn't work either.