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Everything posted by tommy1

  1. Just realized this happens this morning. If I place hatching on interior or exterior walls using the hatch tool, the hatching gets messed up when I place a wall niche using the niche tool. Windows and pass-thru tools don't seem to affect hatching. Anybody else notice this? Attached a simple example plan. (X10) Wall hatch tool.plan
  2. Watch out for the face count with something that detailed.
  3. This is correct. So far, the only symbol that I've changed the cad block for is the ceiling smoke detectors. 99.9% of my plans are done at 1/4" scale and it's real difficult to see the smoke detectors. I've edited the cad block for smoke detectors and placed them in my user library.
  4. You need to have a terrain built to place a driveway.
  5. Make it manually. I did one for a garage doors a few yeas ago.
  6. If you set up the defaults for floor structure and floor finish, just check the default boxes. If not, then you'll probably have to manually reset set them.
  7. I would not approach it like that. Just make your own wall type.
  8. Yes, but I was just saying....
  9. WOW. Good to know for I make dwgs all the time for engineers. I deleted this layer in the exterior wall types with this layer years ago in my profile plans for I don't use the materials list which is why it's there I believe. Many years ago I had several plans where this was throwing my outside surface dimensioning off by 1/64. I also found that generally it can throw off the thickness on maybe a few walls in a plan and is not consistent. Generally most plans will be okay (in Chief) but then again in some plans you'll see it. Didn't know about the dwg factor though. Thanks for the heads up Richard.
  10. Why don't you download the trial version of Premier and try it?
  11. I agree with David. That would be your best option if not purchasing Premier. However, I don't believe you'll be able to open that V7 file in HD Prodessional. You might need someone to bring it forward for you.
  12. Just moved a very difficult terrain plan to a different plan with the house. Difficult to do but doable.
  13. I build all my trellis's manually. This way I have total control and makes it easier for construction drawings. Once you've done it several times, it gets quicker to do. I also put the different members on separate layers so it makes it easier to edit if needed.
  14. Try holding the ALT key when dragging the corner.
  15. That answer will vary greatly depending on the job.
  16. tommy1


    I see your response above and you are correct which is a short but correct reply. However, when I do one on one help, I walk them through each step for people that are new get lost on how to do things and probably don't have any idea on how to create a custom molding profile. I just don't like writing a book here on the forum. Many people don't even call but when they do, they're generally very happy they did. I'm sure someone here might walk it through step by step.
  17. tommy1


    Call me if you like 832-754-6160
  18. Draw it from an elevation first.
  19. Yes, this has been like this for years. When I was working with Katy, I would always move the plan out of the drop box folder that I was linked to me and do my phase of the plan outside the drop box. When I was finished, I would put the plan file back in the folder. We had many problems over the years with drop box that I could talk about but I hate working on plans while in drop box. I know many people disagree.
  20. Larry, if you're asking me, no.
  21. Yes, this was about color not structure integrity. Just a comment I was making. I have a meeting with the engineer tomorrow and will ask if this is acceptable for stopping an interior beam in the middle of a slab in Houston. Just never seen it here.
  22. Just a side note after looking at your plan. You might want to check with local codes and a local engineer. That foundation wouldn't pass here in Houston. The spans for the interior beams to the perimeter grade beams are too far apart. If the interior beams stop in the middle of the slab as shown, you might need to have piers. I've never done or seen interior beams stop like that but I know things are different from place to place. I don't know soil conditions or slab thickness.