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Everything posted by tommy1

  1. I have a library of brick molding profiles that I use and apply it to the sill profile.
  2. Chad, if you like and have time, I could show you a quick way to show exposed rafters in a couple of minutes. I could show you via Skype or Team Viewer. If interested, I could do it in the morning. I have a long meeting tomorrow afternoon with a client and my engineer. This would only take a few minutes...better than spending time reading. I always feel one on one help in person or on line is great especially when you can watch. Anyway, I'll help if you wish. Oh yea, if interested, call my cell 832-754-6160
  3. Those "dashed lines" are also known as ceiling breaks.
  4. I can think of a couple of ways to do this. If you post your plan, someone can help you.
  5. If it was an auto built roof, did you check "build roof baseline polyline"? If so, that might or could possibly be your problem why you can't change the pitch. I don't recommend checking that unless you know how to use it.
  6. If you would like, I would be happy to do an online meeting and show you how I approach remodels (of course no cost to you). I could probably answer all your questions. If interested, you call call my cell 832-754-6160. I'm available from around 8:30 am to 10:00pm 7 days/week.
  7. I do all my monolithic foundations in cad. Can show and dimension anything I want. I use call outs in plan view and show cad details approved by the engineer.
  8. Sorry but I don't trust anything unless I personally field measure. I also have very little faith in surveys.
  9. If you can't figure it out, shoot me an email. I've done many pergolas. The way you're showing it isn't really how they're built in the real world. Google pergolas and you'll see typical ways to build them. I would be happy to do an online meeting with you sometime. I do all of mine completely manual.
  10. Larry, I would be happy to talk with you. I'm probably one of the best people in Houston to talk to. Been doing remodels for permits for years. I'm kinda busy right now but will be happy to talk to you. Best way to reach me is by email or cell. 832-754-6160. I have a very reasonable engineer for remodels in his cost.
  11. Sorry, I guess I misunderstood.
  12. I have typical strapping details for one and two story walls for Houston that I use that were provided by the Engineer. It has to be signed off by an engineer.
  13. That's how I do it. Much easier.
  14. In Houston, TX, we have to show all plan views and elevations to scale. Site plan should be to scale too (engineering scale). Details do not have to be to scale. Kirby, if you like, I could assist you online via Skype or Team Viewer. If so, then send me an email at my address below and please provide a contact phone number. I do have X5.
  15. Just send your plan to a layout at a scale if desire and then print to a pdf. Chose your paper size for the layout. Very easy operation.
  16. Ricky, if you would like to see how I do remodels, I would be happy to show you by doing an online meeting. I believe my way is the easiest and safest and not hard. If interested, email me at my email address below or call my cell 832-754-6160.
  17. Mick looks like he gave you the right answer. Check your settings.
  18. His problem is fixed. Did a meeting with him.
  19. If you have gmail, just attach the plan file (.plan file). You can also zip the plan file and send it but be sure you have Chief closed when you zip it. You could post a zip file here on the forum too. If you would like to do an online meeting (for free), then call me (832-754-6160) or email me at my email shown in my signature below.
  20. There are a couple of other things that could be happening too. Send me the plan or post it here.
  21. To elaborate more on my earlier post, I was using drop box for years with Katy Fernandez and Louis. Personally I don't like it and think it's dangerous if you keep all your files there only like Katy did. Yes, I can think of a couple of times where drop box screwed up land lost many plan folders. Yes they were able to get most of them back but many were not the latest plan. Most of the time when Katy would share a folder with me to start the construction plan phase, I would copy that plan out of drop box to do my construction plans and then put it back in that folder when I'm done. I ALWAYS had all plans the I worked on backed up outside of drop box. Katy said that she too had backups but whenever drop box lost folders, Katy always had to come back to me to retrieve the plans. Thank G-- I had my own back ups. So as I mentioned, if your sharing job folders or plans with other people, BE SURE that only one person is working on the plan at one time. ALWAYS SAVE FILES AND FOLDERS OUTSIDE OF DROP BOX. I know many of you haven't needed to do this but I can tell you first hand that sh-- happens. I must say though that most of the time, we didn't have any problems because we always asked each if the other person was in the plan. Just a word of caution.
  22. This is exactly why I would love for Chief to let us have the capability to place a break in the stairs so that we could change the width of the stairs wherever we want. This would be a huge benefit at times.
  23. I personally don't ever use that tool if I don't have to. You would get much better results if you draw it manually.
  24. Dropbox works fine as long as only one person is working the a specific plan at a time. If two people are in the same plan at the same time, one plan will show as "conflicted".