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Everything posted by tommy1

  1. By default, the setting shown by others are there. You must have manually changed it at one time.
  2. You also need to decide if it's going to have a thin stone veneer or a thick veneer which will probably require a brick ledge so to speak.
  3. tommy1


    You do know that X10 is not out for release yet unless you're using the Beta version.
  4. I use Leica but not in combination with Chief. Leica is a very good brand.
  5. If you want to try doing a quickie pool for something simple like you show, a trick is to use a road poly line. Break it as you wish and shape it. Assign water to the road and whatever you want to the curb. Adjust the curb how you want. This can be done fast and easy.
  6. As Lew says, a decent speed will vary for different people. I'm quite happy with mine running X9.
  7. If you would be interest in a one on one online meeting (free of course), I will show you how to place anything like an outlet, fixture, etc. on anything you want. Just call me 832-754-6160 or email me at Happy Thanksgiving!
  8. Started with 3-D Home Architect, then upgraded to Version 8 (base). There was a "base" version then. I think the "base" version got removed after 9.5 came out.
  9. I draw my own details all the time, even details like that. I generally take one I already have and edit it for the specific situation. Any cad detail can be drawn. One of the engineers I mainly use doesn't draw anything...only marks-up so I draw everything. Often he'll send me a dwg he has for a specific situation for me to use which is great.
  10. Exactly. Our builders and framers know exactly what they need to do to get past the city inspectors. If not, I would recommend getting another framer or builder because you'll probably have problems.
  11. You can always try starting a new layout>size the layout to what you need> send a new plan view at the scale you want to that layout and see if that helps.
  12. You might want to zip your plan and your layout together to a folder and have someone look at it.
  13. Also check the size of you're layout page.
  14. Place a point marker in the plan view. Open it and make the diameter of the point marker huge like 20' or so (in case your plan is way off) . click okay. Open the point marker again and using transform/replicate tool, move it to the absolute 0",0" location. click okay. Now see how far you are off from absolute 0",0".
  15. If you did what I did then you basically suppressed and zeroed out everything. This means you need to do all trim, window sills, etc. manually. If you do the trim and sills using slabs or solids, then you'll see them in plan view (2d view). Molding poly lines won't really look right in plan view.
  16. Designer1, don't know if this helps but here's something I did using X6. You'll need to add your trim separately but works and frames right. Open X6 plan file to see the settings I used. Glass window corner.plan
  17. Graham, one more little tip concerning symbols. A little off topic but is related to symbols. It's often said that like plans, symbols are not backward compatible. Well in general that's true but then again not. Let's say I made a symbol or have a symbol in a current version and someone would like to have it but are using an earlier version of Chief. You can send them that symbol by simply saving that symbol as a 3D model (3D dwg) using an early version of Autocad when exporting. Now they can import that file into their earlier version of Chief and have it. They will need to assign materials though. Just food for thought.
  18. Graham, this is really nothing new. I've been using this method since version 8 (or whenever the delete surface tool was available). I know that I have mentioned this in the original forum but not sure if it has been brought up since CA introduced this new version of the forum. BTW, you can edit any symbol...even symbols imported from the 3D Warehouse. I have.
  19. It definitely works. I've been doing it for years with different versions. I've edited Chief's gas meter to look more like what we generally use, edited a TV so now I have a TV with a wall mount stand (done years ago), edited a garage door so now I have a library with garage doors open so you see the garage door open with tracks. There are more that I've done too including electrical items.
  20. Graham is correct in saying that you can not unblock a symbol from Chief's library. However, can you edit it to make a new symbol? YES. I've done it several times. However, I'm not sure you're able to do it with the "Interiors" version. Place the symbol in a blank plan, take a vector overview. Using the delete surface tool, start deleting the faces of the symbol you don't want. Once done and before you close out the overview, convert it to a symbol and now it's in your user library. In plan view, delete what you did or start a new blank plan. Place that symbol you just put in the library in the plan. Now add the new things or items you want in the new symbol using whatever tools you need to accomplish it. Take a vector overview and save that as a new symbol. Now you have it. BTW, when deleting surfaces from the original symbol, you'll need to rotate the symbol around in the overview to see and delete all faces needed. If you close the overview before saving to the library, you'll have to start all over.
  21. Try saving it as a dwg instead of a dxf and see if that helps? I always do dwgs.
  22. I do as Perry does....draw it manually. Much easier and faster for me. Dealing with this same problem this morning for someone to fix it.
  23. I do all my cable railing completely manual using molding polylines. This way I can space my cables exactly how I want. You'll probably get several answers.
  24. tommy1

    X marks

    This tool is very helpful when using manual roof planes and seeing where they intersect each other. I use it all the time.