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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Glenn it sounds like he has the symbol but the textures are missing. So the texture files or a replacement symbol would fix the issue.
  2. Very Nice work Larry. Great Build.
  3. Johnny, I was trying to resist saying everything is working fine like it does in California, but I don't think I have ever had a serious tool bar issue. However I did have an incident in X9 where I completely lost all my layersets possibly similar to the corruption you just posted. Please be sure to send that in so it does not happen to others.
  4. Yes that is about the only option that I am aware of at this point, but the challenge is copying and closing one layout then opening the new and pasting or forcing two instances of Chief to be open at the same time. Make sure not to select the sheet when copying.
  5. Is your new Layout template a revised page 0 or a complete multi page template ? You can assign your new template to be the default template but updating an old layout file is a whole different thing.
  6. The only thing that should max out your CPU in chief is raytracing. Likely the issue is your laptop GPU. You may want to check your render settings.
  7. File is empty. Be sure file is closed when you zip and upload. Also if you have windows 10 give the Microsoft Snipping Tool a try.
  8. Very interesting but someone would likely need a closer look that your screen shot. Could be any number of factors or combinations and the plan file should be posted for a good answer on this one. Also helpful to know what version you are running so people know if they can help or not.
  9. You seem to have the right idea but for me it seems to make more sense to let the plan file track the time by making sure the plan is open and tracking when working on layout but that would depend on how you work and what type of template you use. I spent quite a bit of time figuring out the time tracker and exporting the files to Excel for the purpose of eliminating overlapping time periods from multiple plan and layout files to accurately determine the number of computer hours spent on one job. Unfortunately it requires quite a bit of work because the exported chief files are almost totally incompatible with calculations in Excel and I got to the point where the formulas got more and more complex as the number of plan and layout files grew which took me beyond my programming knowledge. I did have some success but would like to hook up with someone who has a better knowledge of Excel to finish the project.
  10. The display of the elevation camera callouts should be controlled by the Cameras Layer.
  11. It would be nice if that was an option that the designer could offer to a client but as of yet I don't believe it is available, however once you have loaded the file I am not sure that you would need to have continuous internet access if you were to keep the app open and move to a location without internet if that would help.
  12. Are you teaching Architecture at the local prison now Michael ?
  13. Yes I am seeing it as well and the color seems to match to the "slate" stock color.
  14. Yes and that appears to be correct. The first image you have posted with the dark color is a P04 ?
  15. Steve, Your P04 is and interior Door and your E14 seems to be correct as an Exterior door. What Eric is saying may be more valid.
  16. Try increasing your Clip Surfaces Within: Setting to around 25'. Plan Defaults Camera Tools> Full Camera > Camera, Options
  17. The walkthrough uses the Full camera settings in Plan Defaults > Camera Tools.
  18. Sure, you can draw your own casing profiles as complex as is required and save to library and apply from door dbx.
  19. The opening indicators seem to be reserved for hinged doors and windows, but you can show a label in elevation view or draw a cad line.
  20. Yes I think it was reported but I have sent in other reports that have not been addressed so it is important to send in a fresh report with every update that does not properly address the issue. I think that is the only way it works with the system in place.
  21. Preferences > CAD > Line properties... What is your Endcap Printed Length: set at ?
  22. Have either of you looked into mouse drivers ? Update or possible even roll back.