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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. The hitch you may run into in using a railing wall outdoors is that you may need to create a room so you can control the elevation of the bottom of the walls. Delete the floor layers or use them for the stone work. Create the openings in the wall with doorways. You will also need two or more wall sections to create a full circle. Or you could temporarily make the wall not a railing and adjust the bottom height in 3D.
  2. Wow is that ever crazy. It even effects other structures built in the same plan file ! Chief is really not handling non default rooms very well. Is Chief aware of this situation and if so what did they have to say about it because whoever is helping Ray did not seem to have this info? There is a known issue with framing for rooms bellow default level but now this to watch out for as well !!!!
  3. Larry, I have been playing with your plan file for a while now and something seems quite off but I can't figure what it is yet. Difficult to even get a normal Frieze to generate on your addition. I did notice however that you did not do it with a Frieze or Shadow Board on the existing house. Maybe you actually know more than we do ? Love the siding by the way, makes it a little difficult to select a wall in 3D but great section view.
  4. Chopsaw


    Maybe you could check your sun settings in Preferences on one of your own plans and we would know the answer.
  5. Chopsaw


    Ok then something is broken for sure because you can't access someone else's Preferences as far as I know. Just downloaded and opened dbocholz's plan file and it had no effect on my preset sun settings in Preferences. I do appreciate your detailed video but just want to clear up that one issue if possible. That was one troubleshooting technique that I thought could be depended on to determine if a glitch was caused by Preferences or not by loading a plan file onto another machine with a potentially different set of Preferences.
  6. Chopsaw


    Yes that is strange indeed as Plan Defaults should control that as David just explained in his video. And David, you now have me totally confused about Preferences. I thought they were program wide and were not controlled by any one imported plan file. My understanding would be that you are using Kansas sun settings ?
  7. How about a curved railing wall with a 4" wall cap, maybe about 16" wide and 18" tall.
  8. Yes that was the one. Thanks Mick.
  9. I think this was discussed not too long ago but can't find the thread. You should be able to use the sub fascia or a copy of it that is edited but then the shadow board has the same issue so that may also have to be another copy of the sub fascia and then your decorative peak detail will likely have to be a psolid.
  10. It is useful to be able to define the truss envelope for the purposes of illustrating the design and in some situations maybe even to communicate that to the truss manufacturer as @ShaneK has posted about in the past. And what about decorative trusses designed with the truss tool. I think you would want to illustrate that.
  11. Thanks for the backup Glenn. Here are Eric's signature instructions. Please take a minute to fill out your signature (see mine for an example) by clicking on your user name at the top right of the page, click Account Settings, then Signature on the left. This info helps others help you. Your version of Chief (X9, X10) (Premier, Interiors) is the important info. Make sure you turn on View Signatures too.
  13. Never had it questioned but you are correct they are a little small. Usually place the detector in an open area and use the label so maybe that helps. Chief architect drawings are generally much clearer to start with than others I have seen so that is always a plus.
  14. You may need to post your plan file to help eliminate some variables on that situation. Also great work on including your computer spec's. You could add your operating system and video card driver to that list and place it all in your signature so it shows up every time you post. Welcome to the Forum and I hope we can help get this sorted out for you.
  15. I went through a similar upgrade on my 8700 last year and did not have any major issues. Not that that information alone is helpful but it should not be an impossible situation. I just plugged mine in and kept on going. I had already upgraded to windows 10 and bought a Samsung SSD but other than that it looks to me like the same situation. Hope you can get is sorted out because my computer still outperforms a lot of newer equipment. Should be good for a few more if necessary. Is your stock power supply ok for the 1060 ?
  16. Thanks for the warning. Did you let Nvidia and Chief Tech support know ? It seems to take a long time to get these things sorted out so it would likely be best to get it on the list as soon as possible.
  17. Looks to me as that must be a railing wall beside an open below room. Not sure it should be a railing wall. Post the plan and someone will figure it out.
  18. Others have posted some advice and low poly models that may be useful if your system can handle them : People&search_in=titles
  19. The insulation pattern is controlled by the block which has to be kept in your user library. Only the Distribution Path line color is controlled by the Distribution Path layer which in most situations I would not display any way. So it might actually be easier if the pattern color was controllable from the Distribution Path DBX otherwise you would need to take your cad block out of the library and unblock it, change the line color and reblock, rename and reinsert into library just to change the pattern color. A home made Cad Block seems to behave differently that a preset Chief Insulation Cad Box.
  20. About 1/2 a second would be prefect for me but personal computing power is not there yet. The best you can get for fast raytracing will be the absolute latest in Dual Xeon processors. $$$$. Just a word of caution though as these do not usually have the highest clock speed it will cause other processes in Chief to lag. So I should rephrase and say a dedicated raytrace machine should have Dual Xeon processors.
  21. Create a cad block of only one section of " S " insulation pattern and attach it to a Distribution Path.
  22. Yes if there is a complete layout change that may be the only way. Then you could draw information from both plan files to make a preliminary layout presentation. If it was just a style change it is pretty quick to change cabinet defaults.
  23. If you are just doing kitchens and not getting into structure or layout of the remainder of the house, I don't see any reason why you could not have two kitchens side by side or even a second structure in the same plan maybe 60' apart representing the neighbors house.
  24. It seems to still exist but only for imported images. You can use the temporary dimensions but I really don't think that is a satisfactory substitute for what we lost.