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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Thanks Glenn, I usually only have one or two and relocate them manually but have had a few projects recently where there are big long strings of them. Have also not yet seen the text change size so that would be interesting. I may just bump this over to suggestions because it never seems to work properly and it is pre-programmed to do something just not the right thing.
  2. Yes that threw me off as well and I thought it was standard glass until I checked. Not totally transparent but certainly not how I remember it from before.
  3. Is there some setting that I have missed for Dimension Offset when the dimension text no longer fits between the arrows and is automatically offset but not far enough to clear the arrows. This catches me all the time and is quite annoying. And yes I would like to maintain the dimension text size.
  4. Thanks for being brave and giving it a try. Great that they are showing an interest in working with Chief users, sounds like a great company if they are able to make it work. Please keep us informed of your progress as time allows.
  5. Keep up the great work, love the wall mural, but that is a pretty tricky stall door you designed.
  6. Do you mean the break in the wall covering in the shower ? Everything else seems to be able to be fixed with the Intersections tool. You also have an irregular wall offset beside the tub between the painting and window.
  7. Have you tried the Edit Wall Layer Intersections tool ?
  8. You also need to select "Show Labels" at the top of the DBX where you turned off the callout.
  9. Really happy with my recent upgrade to the gtx 1070 and the value it provides to my older system. If you have a little more room in your budget they have a new 1070 Ti that is still quite reasonably priced. Just be sure it is compatible before spending the money or go with Perry's theory if budget allows.
  10. That looks fine Glenn. Did you break it in elevation view and straighten out the end bit before going around the corner ? Still working on my trim carpentry skills but I think that is a difficult one in real life. Curious if you were able to keep the line joined at the peak ?
  11. Here is a 3D molding Polyline drawn in elevation view to match the angle on the front and then extended in plan view, copied and mirrored over to the other side of the room. Not a great looking miter, but maybe this it the problem Grahm was taking about here: "From my playing around it's as if you only have a miter saw, so anything requiring a compound miter seems to be out of the question."
  12. I used an exterior room molding polyline for the top crown which works well and then some wall material regions for the banding which is a little tricky at the outside corners and then I had an issue with the crown at the corner and it did not work out so well. Maybe Eric will have a better suggestion there. Wall crown band Chopped.plan
  13. The crown should be able to be controlled by the roof plane Frieze Molding if you have roofs. Then the banding can be done with a wall material region. Post the plan and Eric or I will have a go. Also when posting images .jpg works much better.
  14. Have the clients expressed if it is just for privacy so you can't sell the plans to others, or do they intend to sell them? I would think a contract would be in order either way, and the priced would be drastically different.
  15. Yes I remember now when that first came out and the general forum consensus was that it would likely be great for interior design but not accurate enough yet to be used as a primary design tool. A wall in chief is not a wall just because it is on the wall layer. There is a lot more to it. If enough data was provided it might possibly be something that could be done but I don't think we are there yet. You are basically just producing a scaled 3D image file so unless there was a way to input the rest of the data I am not sure how it would work. Are you aware of any other apps that it meshes with at this level ? I would give tech support a call on this one because as this type of technology improves we will likely all be using it in the future. Or possibly start a new thread titled "Structure Sensor - Canvas Imports" to see if someone has this figured out already. I tried the .dae file and it comes in a little cleaner but is still just a symbol with issues. I will download the .dwg and see how that goes. If you import the .dwg file as a symbol it comes in without materials. If you bring the .dwg file in as a drawing it does have all the layers but as any other cad file it is just cad lines. They are all nicely color coded and everything but not the same as a chief model. Here is the .dwg version in TrueView. Interesting colors and all but still not sure if it is a workable model like you would draw in Chief. Might be interesting to hear from someone who also uses AutoCAD or Revit.
  16. Yes I do the same, You just draw a wall in plan that is a foot or two long create a cad detail from view and cut it from the cad detail and paste it back into you wall chart in your plan so it looks exactly like a wall but does not screw up your material list or show in 3D.
  17. Rob all you need to do is select the polyline and put it into your user library. It automatically goes in as a profile.
  18. You can adjust your Snap Grid Units in General Plan Defaults or cheat and round off your dimensions but I would not recommend that if you are working with framers that get upset.
  19. Are you drawing your own models in Sketchup or trying to import something provided to you. If you are doing all the work yourself I would think it would be better to just draw the basic model in Chief and then you can use all the features of the software.
  20. Ouch.... You can save quite a bit of effort there by using a cad detail from view of a specified length of wall section. Don't feel too bad though because I drew mine out with cad before I figured that trick out.
  21. Yes likely it will. You may need a positive offset. Give it a try and post a screen shot.
  22. There is a Frieze Molding controlled by the roof plane DBX that usually goes at the top of the wall but can be offset. Will this work or are you after something different ?
  23. Not sure I fully understand it but here is what Chief says : Default Label Formatting Custom labels can include a variety of macros that report size information about the object. This information can be reported in either of two ways: • Default Formatting includes the unit of measurement after each macro reporting size information. In files using US Units, sizes are described using fractional inches with up to 1/16” accuracy. • When Default Formatting is not used, units of measurement are not shown and decimal inches are used. You can specify whether to Use Default Formatting in the object’s specification dialog. See Label Panel. You can also put that macro setup into Window Defaults for plan wide use.
  24. I am not a macro writer by any means but (width*25.4).round should be very close to what you need. Sorry that tech was no help.