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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Did you cut out the terrain and everything else? Its the size of the model or anything else in the model. Yes it does make quite a difference. I CTRL + X 'd my terrain perimeter and updated the section view and it was significantly improved with respect to the offset but unfortunately still a little blurry in my opinion. I then CTRL + ALT + V 'd to restore my terrain perimeter. That may give tech something to go on for a fix.
  2. I will look for Michael's video but there must be another factor as well because for me it won't even work on a 1200 sq ft plan.
  3. Bill, Here is a 24" 600 dpi .png file that you are welcome to use if you like. Even the Nome's are recognizable. Also still willing to take a look at your layout file if you would like to send it in a backup format, just let me know.
  4. Yes I am sure Perry. Do you have a layout file that does not display that way ?
  5. Here is a 300 dpi .png image of the mess that I posted above. You decide what looks better.
  6. Yes I totally agree and have a lot of the same issues myself. That is why I suggested that you use a high resolution image file. Just trying to help as I think I do understand what you are up against. If you want to send me the file I would be happy to take a look and see if I could make your presentation a little more professional looking.
  7. So are you still waiting for a reply from tech support or are you interested in the suggested workaround so you can print your plans ? Not suggesting in any way that this is not a problem or does not need to be fixed but it usually does not happen quickly.
  8. Seems to consistently happen to me Mick. Here is a Core Catalog Partition and hinge with a Bonus Catalog sign that is rescaled. And please don't say it is because of page 13.
  9. You might actually be able to help out here Perry if you are able to send an elevation to layout ( Plot Lines with Color Fill ) with no distortion. I can't do it so you would be helping me as well.
  10. If it was video card would it not display the same in plan ?
  11. I certainly hope tech did not say you were the first one to send that in as it is a known issue that was a lot worse and has been improved but is still not correct. Layout view is plot lines with color fill I assume. Try creating a high resolution image file of your elevation and send that to layout at 300 dpi or more.
  12. It seems to be reproducible with a very low daytime ambient light level in combination with a very bad sun angel.
  13. Yes that seems like a logical approach from what I understand of how it works. Just wanted to make sure you were not hoping for more.
  14. Mark and Eric have done a great job of detailing the procedure for this yet there is one more trick if you are going to do it this way. This all must be maintained and saved in your template plan. Which may or may not be the best solution ? I see potential for template bloat and maintenance headaches but have not worked my template that way. Just wondering ?
  15. I have not seen that before. If it does not clear up by reframing the wall it could be a wall definition issue as I see it seems fine in the other washroom image you posted.
  16. Well that was slick. After spending many hours fixing that stuff in Chief manually. Is that a direct import to Draftsight ? Just wondering if there is any significance to the %%g rather than the %%d that Chief displays.
  17. It does fix the first issue however it seems to create an unrelated but significant text offset issue that may be related to importing in FT the first time and then importing the second time in INCHES. Tech support will be so happy to hear from me on Monday I am sure. The logic seems backwards somehow that chief would not recognize the %%d AutoCAD control code on import but miraculously recognizes the same thing as text and can figure it out.
  18. I suppose that was not truly a correct statement that I made as anything can be fixed. But some things happen very slowly at Chief. Thank you Michael for the workaround and evidence for tech support. I will be sure and send that in once I give it a try.
  19. No problem as it may not be something that can be fixed anyway so that could be a great workaround.
  20. Sorry Michael I thought I had lots of these but can't seem to find one I can post publicly. I will send you one privately if that is ok.
  21. Oh ok now I see where you are going. Tech support tried to also take me that direction on Friday. This is different when importing as it seems to just import as a text box item and is not tied to the cad line the way it is in chief. Ok so then it must depend on what software is used for the creation of the .dwg file. Obviously no solution then without some help from Chief to identify and convert that on import. Ok I will look for one that I can post without a copyright as tech was also asking for a copy.
  22. Not quite sure what you are saying Ray as the formatting is fine in the .dwg file with the ° but then chief converts that to % % d. Unfortunately I am not the one doing the survey or producing the .dwg file. Formatting standards here in Canada seem to be consistent for what I have seen so far. ie. N 70°40'20" E and unfortunately we do not use South bearings here so that adds another twist when using Chief. I suppose surveyors north of the border traditionally have always kept the sun on their backs and out of their lenses.
  23. Chopsaw


    Also would be really great if you could edit the thread title to be a little more subject appropriate now that so may people have contributed to the topic and created a worthwhile searchable ( Only if the thread title or tags are subject appropriate ) information data base. Thanks.
  24. Chopsaw


    I think the point Joe was making is that the grain will automagically be correct when you use the Truss tool. Just another chief quirk. You can also do a fair amount of manual editing of automatic truss webs in the truss detail. Here is a short vid that Michael did a while back.
  25. Has anyone experienced or found a solution to the Quadrant Bearing format being corrupted when a .dwg survey is imported into chief. Not really sure if it is incompatible font issue or what might be causing the problem as I have seen some imports that work but the majority of mine do not. The ( ° ) symbol is converted to ( % % d ) and makes for some really unprofessional looking drawings or tedious hours of editing text boxes manually.