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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. If your scale is messed up like I have done by accident a few times when I have been in a rush. You will run out of memory trying to plot out several acres of paper or even worse maybe a multiple of the actual size.
  2. Please be sure to send those in to tech support so that they can figure out what the issue is and get it fixed.
  3. There is a note in the Library called "Project Description" that you can bring into plan or layout and explode and format how you like. The macro's that are in between the percent symbols ( %......%) reference back to the information you can fill out in Client Information and will then display automatically in your note. Go to Tools > Project Information > Client Information.
  4. So would @antoine I am sure. Symbols are great but I would prefer not to build with them.
  5. Yes that seems to be it. Not a wall at all but a manual ceiling plane that comes complete with framing settings.
  6. If you are talking about the wall on the right if you were looking out the front door. There should not be any issue with chief drawing that. Just open up your General Plan Defaults and add the angle to Allowed Angles if it is something odd that is not an increment of 15° or 7 1/2°.
  7. It shows an elevation view of just the wall framing that has been auto generated and you can also edit it if necessary or dimension and send to layout. If you want complete elevations of all the framing just set your elevation camera to use the 3D framing set. Only problem is that you will run into issues like the roof fascia covering your top wall plates. I usually just use a 3D framing set perspective view as a general overview of framing.
  8. Are you possibly thinking of a Wall (Framing) Detail ?
  9. Joe, you seem to have an unfortunate situation that I hope someone smarter can figure out. A few things that might make it easier if you have to rebuild, It seems that wall should be a "Full Gable Wall" and set to "Balloon Through Ceiling Above" and "Default Wall Top Height'. My apologies if these were set that way in the original file and if they were that may be part of the reason for the plan corruption. You may be able to save some time in the recreation process by copying some or all of the custom components of the wall to your clipboard and re-framing the wall and paste back in or place some cad marker points where things need to be. Also it may help once you have done that much custom framing to select "Retain Wall Framing" to prevent a rebuild, but I don't think that happened in this case. Never seen anything quite like it before. There also seem to be a corruption issue with the floor and footings and posts of the addition.
  10. Thanks Lew, maybe I will get a chance to try it out now. Not sure how I missed it. The link seems to be dead. Nice that redpoint is keeping it going.
  11. I used to have a link on my desktop but have never used it and recently deleted it after checking if it was still alive. Did a quick search and could not find it. Any chance you still have the .exe file ?
  12. Yes I know how it is being a 4 year old genius. A little rough some times.
  13. Glen, your original posting was actually more correct as I believe the vinyl gable soffit was intended to go the opposite direction. I might be wrong but I think it is intended to be installed in short pieces like aluminum soffit would be. However your illustration works great for wood soffit which is also an issue without your solution. Your method works for both situations so, Thank You. Just fiddling around a bit Frieze can be used to cover the Gable Fascia that has the same sort of problem when trying to apply a textured material that needs to be oriented correctly but it sure would be great if Chief would help out a bit so we don't have to give up one feature to illustrate another while also compromising the accuracy of the build.
  14. Use the Blend With Texture feature.
  15. Lew, do you have a current link to Elefont ?
  16. Yes that is correct. It seems to be an issue with .png files. Adobe seems to be able to handle it while others can not. Not sure it is exclusively a Mac problem as it seems to happen with Microsoft as well.
  17. You can create a p-solid for the board and apply an image as a material or you can bring your design in as a PDF and trace over it with p-solids to create text and design in 3D or even better bring it in as DWG so you have snap points. There is also a method of creating a design and saving it a PDF then converting to DWG to avoid the tracing step so you can then convert the DWG components to p-solids.
  18. P-solid is on the "Roofs, Trim" layer which is locked.
  19. First of all the second question is your "Angle Snap Grid" which can be turned off in Preferences > Snap Properties > Snap Indicators.
  20. Sounds like a good test. Let us know how it it goes. Do you have another method to check for accuracy ?
  21. Gene, I think you are asking for something like this but I am not sure the accuracy is there for anything but a quick overview of a very large piece of property. You are more likely looking at survey quality equipment for the possibility of compatibility with Chief and anything you would want to sign your name to. It is definitely the direction things are going but not really sure we are there yet.
  22. @javatom may be able to help out or make a recommendation.
  23. I have had lots of other issues with temp dimensions but can't seem to reproduce this on at the moment. Posting a sample plan helps to determine if it might be a setting in Preferences. I am curious if Minimum Display Size might be a factor in Preferences > Appearance ? I often have temp dimensions that show up in such a fine text size you need to zoom way way in just to read them.