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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Post the plan. P.S. This should have been posted in the General Q&A section. Maybe one of the moderators can move it over there.
  2. Open Symbol>Options>Options>Type>change this to something else like maybe Refrigerators (built-in). I do however agree that this shouldn't happen when an appliance doesn't actually come in contact with the countertop. Make sure to send this in to tech support if you care enough to see it fixed/changed.
  3. For now, I would suggest you increase the Scale of your Texture instead of using Stretch to Fit, and make sure to send in to tech support if you care to see it fixed.
  4. Don't be spooked by this thread. There has be no evidence presented thus far that proves any problem with the software. Its all been user error, user workflow issues, or a general lack of understanding as to how the tools are intended to work.
  5. That stopped being a problem quite some time back and Chief even added controls for this in X13 so that we can specifically remove the top or bottom of the cabinet.
  6. Ding ding ding!!! Its been stated and alluded to a few times in this thread, but your locate settings aren't controlling or filtering anything when you edit your dimensions after the fact (which is what you have to be doing if you're always using End to End Dimensions). The only exception is when you use the circular Add Segments edit handle. From the Help file.... "The Add Segments handles are located just past the ends of the dimension line and are used to increase the length of the dimension line and locate additional objects with it. The types of objects and their mark points that can be located with this method are dependent on the Dimension Defaults that the selected dimension line inherits its settings from, as well as the tool used to draw it. The Status Bar reports a selected dimension line's type, as does its specification dialog. See Dimension Panel." You can toggle which locate settings are used in the individual Dimension Line Specification dialogs.
  7. There are all sorts of approaches a person could take to model those types of joists/trusses. I think for most applications though I would just use a normal floor truss and then detail/annotate in elevation/section views as necessary.
  8. General Panel>Separate Trim and Materials on Each Side
  9. I'm not sure I understand why you need to open the second instance at all. There should be no reason you can't continue to work with the open instance where the Ray Trace is running.
  10. Its really hard to read your posts when you're using all caps. Its bad enough to me personally that I might pass right on by sometimes and not even read it or respond to it. It's also genrally considered to be aggressive which makes it that much more difficult to read when you're not actually being aggressive on purpose. I suggest you switch to normal case.
  11. You can't change a joist to a truss, but you can draw a truss. Check out the Build>Framing>Floor/Ceiling Truss tool.
  12. It seems like you should be able to post a stripped down plan.
  13. Ya, this one isn't new. I reported it a while back and apparently this is by design and something people use. I suspect some people open the library browser only occasionally and that they want to simultaneously grab what they need and then close the library browser back down.
  14. By the way, just a quick tip, but if you absolutely need to be building your units out of so many parts and pieces and if you can't manage to get the automated dimensions strings to work more effectively for you on the initial pull, you can always place object onto specific layers and turn layers off temporarily in order to filter out what you're dimensioning.
  15. Sorry, but in a way you were wasting everyone's time by not providing us with the same courtesy and my statement was just based on some of your wording. It didn't seem clear that you had provided them with a plan is all.
  16. This is another problem. I suggest you read up on the various dimension tools or get a little training in this regard. The various locate settings are essentially useless after the initial pull.
  17. Sorry, just getting back to the office so I'm a little late to the party this morning, but I think Dermot just about covered it and this example highlights exactly why its so important that we have a plan file to look at. Your Locate settings all seem decent enough (although I would personally uncheck a couple more things) but your model itself is a problem. Because you built that unit out of so many other individual cabinetry components, its difficult to know which ones your dimensions are grabbing onto. Not only that, but your items aren't even aligned correctly. Your soffit for example is offset from the items below by a fraction of an inch. Anyway, its not that what you're doing is wrong per se (aside from the misalignment), but you are indeed causing yourself dimension problems if you're going to be modeling that way with all the parts and pieces. I would also suggest you take to heart what Mick said about changing your Reach settings--particularly if you're going to be modeling out of parts and pieces like that a lot. It will make it a lot easier top avoid picking up on unwanted items. Now more specifically in regard to your modeling habits...I would suggest you consider trying to work with fewer cabinet components unless you need to use multiple pieces for some reason. That upper unit for example could pretty easily be built out of a single cabinet.
  18. That makes it 0 for 3. Oh well, I tried. If I run into a similar problem in my own plans I’ll report to tech support and if I figure out the culprit will try to report back here. Till then or until one of y’all posts a plan....
  19. it sounds like you need to explore the different Arc Creation Modes.
  20. @Whitehorse, I’m a kitchen and bath designer too, design custom cabinetry, and I very commonly have to dimension all these types of things. I appreciate where you’re coming from but you’re unlikely to EVER see anything fixed (X13, X14, X15....ever) )if you can’t provide an example plan to prove that it’s not just user error. I kinda sounds like you may not have sent an actual plan to tech support either. If it’s as consistent as you say, one of us should be able to reproduce with even the simplest of example plans. We’re honestly just trying to be helpful. Newbie or not really doesn’t mean much when Chief just made a bunch of fundamental changes to the dimensioning tools. Anyway, bottom line is that a lot of us have requested these capabilities, are glad to have them, and are making them work. If you can demonstrate a reproducible problem I’d be glad to help bug Chief to fix it. In the meantime, whether you like it or not, most people are going to assume it’s user error until you make enough effort to prove otherwise.
  21. We actually have a dedicated arc with arrow tool too.
  22. Agreed. For me it happens when I'm doing a whole ton of back and forth between views.