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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. If you're editing text after the fact, you can also zoom in, select your Rich Text box and click the Edit Rich Text In Place tool.
  2. Not sure exactly what you're after, but you have multiple potential problems. Some of them lie with the foundation walls, but I think most of them lie with the the walls being used on your first floor. I would suggest you create a new wall type (a copy even) with these 2 settings changed...
  3. If you could post a small example plan that would be great. That looks super intriguing though.
  4. You have a polyline solid way out in space. Switch to your All Off Layer Set, turn on your Polyline Solid Layer, group select everything in your building area using a marquee, Cut to your clipboard, Select All, delete, and then Paste Hold Position to put the previously cut items back in.
  5. Make sure the plan is closed when you try zipping. The file you posted is empty.
  6. Didn't you just post this question yesterday? Or is there something different about your new question that I'm missing?
  7. I personally don't really want it "fixed". First off, sometimes we actually want these gaps and as such will place spacers on purpose so that panels align with adjacent door and drawer fronts. Secondly, the visual results with the gaps are much more realistic looking in my opinion. It just seemed like you were starting to muddy the waters quite a bit. The subject was on dimensioning issues specific to X13. The issues you've brought up seem to be either largely off subject (elevation lines), not specific to X13 (panel gap), and/or unrelated to the original poster's issues.
  8. How did you draw the molding along the top of the tile? Like the guys above mentioned, a 3D molding line might be the way to go, but a material region or a polyline solid drawn in plan view are good options too.
  9. Group select them and then click Merge
  10. Hey Debbie, I'm sorry you feel that way and I wish you wouldn't quit so quickly. I do apologize for incorrectly assuming that you hadn't sent a plan file to tech support, but the words you chose didn't make it clear you had, and your general attitude and actions afterward seemed to reinforce the idea. The way you berated tech support for not helping or caring didn't exactly help your case either. They're not there to provide training and teach you how to model or how to use all the tools, they're there to help you sort out problems with the software. They demonstrated that it was working as it should and they weren't wrong. What you really needed though was some better understanding of how the tools work in general and on how your modeling habits were affecting that process. I think if you try to read back through my posts without prejudice that you'll find my advice was helpful, productive, and correct in this regard even if you didn't like how it was presented. Regarding the idea that I'm just trying to sell my services...I don't think you could be further from the truth. I've donated FAR more hours helping out here on the forum than I have ever been paid for and its not even remotely close. In fact, I haven't had time for any real amount of one-on-one training for a couple years now (I think I might have done 3 sessions this whole year) and routinely have to turn people down or refer them to someone else. In fact, I spent a good part of my day trying to help you get to the bottom of your problems. Had I not bugged you for the plan we likely would have never seen one, we likely would have never found out you were using parts and pieces to build your cabinets, we likely would have never found out you were using end to end dimensions and then manually pulling off new segments, and we likely would have never known your items weren't all properly aligned with each other. These items are all crucial to understanding and addressing your problems. I am in fact a designer and a general contractor and I do deal successfully with clients, subcontractors, material suppliers, and employees on a daily basis. To be fair, that is a little different then helping people for free here on the forum, particularly when they seem a little resistant to supplying what we need to help them or when they seem unwilling to recognize or admit that it may be their own practices or lack of understanding causing their problems and not the software. When I said "ding ding ding" I wasn't trying to be condescending, I was simply highlighting that you had correctly pointed out the whole key to your problems and had underscored exactly why you're having problems in X13 that you never had in X12. Your practices (flawed or not) weren't resulting in the unwanted dimension snaps because the snaps didn't previously exist. Its not that they're functioning incorrectly now, its just that they weren't a thing before so even if you weren't using the tools in the most efficient or effective way, it's not something you would have picked up on. At the end of the day, I hope there's a few things you could take away from this: Providing a plan file (even a stripped down version) is absolutely essentially to troubleshooting certain things. A whole bunch of us (myself included) have donated A LOT of our valuable time to helping you out here. Your involvement in that process is key and your providing the required information is a huge part of that and a way you can show us a little courtesy for the time we're donating. You have to realize that we can't just take your word for it that you know what you're doing and that your settings are all correct. As was pretty easily proven here today, you don't know what you don't know. If you knew what you were doing wrong you wouldn't be here in the first place right? Your practice of using multiple components to build your cabinets out of is going to have some inherent problems no matter what you do with your dimensions. What looked like openings were all cabinets so you were almost certainly going to get all those snaps no matter what you did with your Locate settings. Your practice of pulling off additional segments using the diamond edit handle is going to pick up on unwanted snaps all the time. The Locate settings are only used on the initial pull or when you use the circular Add Segments edit handle. I'm only trying to be helpful. I usually just call things like I see them, but I'm just trying to help. My direct and honest approach has really pissed off about dozen people here over the past 10 years. Probably half dozen of those people I'm good friends with now. Out of the last half dozen, 2 or 3 of them very clearly benefited from my guidance and put it to good use but could likely never admit it was anything I said, and the last 3 or 4 I just stopped helping. When I see their threads I try to pass on by. After some 10,000 posts and hundreds of other thankful users, I feel like that's a pretty decent record. I really mean no harm and I have a lot of good advice to offer. I sincerely hope you don't fall into that latter group of a half dozen people who don't benefit from it. Don't give up on the forum. There's a lot of super helpful people on here and this is really the best place to come when you can't find what you need in the Help Files, in the Knowledge Base, in the Tutorial Videos, or in the Tutorial guide; when Technical Support can't seem to get to the bottom of it; or when its an issue that just isn't covered anywhere else. I encourage reading the documentation and/or getting proper training (whether its with me or not) as primary learning tools because that's invariably where I see people learn the most effectively, but the forum is invaluable for all the oddball issues we run into in the real world. If you still can't stand me that's fine, I can just add you to the short list of people I ignore, but don't walk away for good just because of me.
  11. There's nothing new about this particular behavior with applied panels. Chief does the same thing with cabinet doors, cabinet drawers, and garage door panels just to name a few off the top.
  12. Post the plan. P.S. This should have been posted in the General Q&A section. Maybe one of the moderators can move it over there.
  13. Open Symbol>Options>Options>Type>change this to something else like maybe Refrigerators (built-in). I do however agree that this shouldn't happen when an appliance doesn't actually come in contact with the countertop. Make sure to send this in to tech support if you care enough to see it fixed/changed.
  14. For now, I would suggest you increase the Scale of your Texture instead of using Stretch to Fit, and make sure to send in to tech support if you care to see it fixed.
  15. Don't be spooked by this thread. There has be no evidence presented thus far that proves any problem with the software. Its all been user error, user workflow issues, or a general lack of understanding as to how the tools are intended to work.
  16. That stopped being a problem quite some time back and Chief even added controls for this in X13 so that we can specifically remove the top or bottom of the cabinet.
  17. Ding ding ding!!! Its been stated and alluded to a few times in this thread, but your locate settings aren't controlling or filtering anything when you edit your dimensions after the fact (which is what you have to be doing if you're always using End to End Dimensions). The only exception is when you use the circular Add Segments edit handle. From the Help file.... "The Add Segments handles are located just past the ends of the dimension line and are used to increase the length of the dimension line and locate additional objects with it. The types of objects and their mark points that can be located with this method are dependent on the Dimension Defaults that the selected dimension line inherits its settings from, as well as the tool used to draw it. The Status Bar reports a selected dimension line's type, as does its specification dialog. See Dimension Panel." You can toggle which locate settings are used in the individual Dimension Line Specification dialogs.
  18. There are all sorts of approaches a person could take to model those types of joists/trusses. I think for most applications though I would just use a normal floor truss and then detail/annotate in elevation/section views as necessary.
  19. General Panel>Separate Trim and Materials on Each Side
  20. I'm not sure I understand why you need to open the second instance at all. There should be no reason you can't continue to work with the open instance where the Ray Trace is running.