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Everything posted by Ridge_Runner

  1. Similar to the way electrical connection arcs draw I guess.
  2. Guys, I use BullZip for ArchD all of the time; it works for that size also.
  3. I had this same thing happen on an X9 plan. I don't have a clue how it got changed as I never use a "HVAC" line style for clip lines. Simple to change, but who or what changed it and when? I certainly didn't that I know of. And now Charlie has the same thing happen. Gremlins I guess.
  4. That's a good method also if there are only a few to do.
  5. Digital Storm is what I am running and am very pleased with it.. They make great gaming systems which is what you should be looking at for Chief. They use quality parts, can make custom changes (such as overclocking) and they do a good burn in before shipping to make sure all the components work as they should; very knowledgeable techs also.
  6. This is the most often used way for me. It is quick unless there are several of these to do -- or you are editing the view often and have to do this over and over. I wish we had a way to turn these off per instance if needed.
  7. Thanks, David. I'm sure this would work better in another thread as this issue is only going to grow, IMHO, with the intro of PBR.
  8. OT - David is PIXPLANT pretty easy (subjective, I know) to use for seamless textures? I constantly struggle with getting good, tileable textures in Paintshop Pro or Gimp. I am having to develop new ones more and more lately -- thank you Pinterest and Houzz (I think...).
  9. I had this happen recently on a similar situation. I kept thinking the dbx warning related to a "curved top" problem, which I didn't have; wasn't that silly of me to think that? That's what I get for thinking "inside the box."
  10. I really like the chrome (or stainless?) in the pendants, Graham. Is that material OOB CA?
  11. That's what I thought when I first saw it. I too was going to be "amazed" if that was a render! We would have made Larry one of the new leaders on modelling and render training.
  12. Nice work, Kathleen. That is some storage building!
  13. Thanks, Jintu. You are one of the many great individual assets to this forum.
  14. Me too. My X9 always showed the exterior as slate blue; it was always an aggravation for me. Why would someone pick "slate blue" as a default door color instead of at least white so we could see the door details better?
  15. Nice, Mick. I have these just like you show over all of my windows and doors in my own house I built. I cut, fit, nailed and painted most of them myself (a carpenter friend did a few for me) along with most of the finish work in the house. I think some of the old timers called these "cabinet heads."
  16. Excellent, Jintu! You do such great work. Were all of the trees and vegetation generated by Lumion? I am clueless in this area.
  17. My X9 does this also. I get frustrated constantly removing the identical material. Note: it doesn't usually show as "used" but is listed.
  18. Do you have "apron" unchecked in dbx? That is what usually gives me the gap below. When I uncheck apron it goes away. This is how I do my sills also; seems to work much better. I also use my own profiles for the lintels when needed. I never could get CA's to look right when using brick.
  19. Why do I never seem to think of these things? Thanks, Eric. Gave you a point.
  20. Hey, OP (pun intended), do you watch Andy Griffith reruns also? Still my favorite after all these years.
  21. Amen to that. My upload speed is around 40-50K on a good day! Try to upload a 25Mb file for a client to dropbox quick -- takes forever...or at least an hour sometimes.
  22. Perry, do the room defaults over ride the others as a general rule?
  23. Found this out the hard way. For the life of me I can't seem to understand the monolithic slab generation. Even with my floor defaults set I still get some squirrely floor elevations from room to room with defaults set that seem to change by themselves. But I don't want to hijack this thread. I think it may have something to do with the "save as" work flow I use and CA's "remembering" room settings from prior plans.