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Everything posted by DBCooper

  1. You can turn off "follow terrain" for the fence or set it to "step terrain" but I don't think either of these are going to give you what you want. What you want is a level top with the bottom following the terrain (or stepping it) and I don't think there is an easy way to do this automatically. Sounds like you should submit a feature request is this is a common way to build fences in your area.
  2. It's called "Print Preview" (alt-f2) and it has been in the program as far back as I can remember. Assuming that you have set up your drawing sheet info correctly, turning on print preview should show you exactly what your text and lines will look like.
  3. The way it works now is the preview is based on whatever view you have open the first time you save which is not usually what I want to see for my preview. I save all the time and I certainly don't want whatever view I happen to be in to be the new preview. So if you wanted Chief to do something different, they would probably have to let us choose what view we want used as the preview and then they would have to update it every time we save. So I just set up the view I want and use "save thumbnail image". Once the plan is fairly stable, I never bother to update it. If you want to do this all the time, you could probably setup a hotkey. Also, if you want better looking thumbnails, go into your preferences and choose "large".
  4. Kacy is correct. All you need to do to add skylights to a schedule now is select it in the categories to include. Back in X12, this was not available.
  5. I think if I had a classic car collection, I would not let anyone play basketball next to my babies. Ever.
  6. If "reset side windows" doesn't work, then you should call tech support.
  7. With cad tools. There are a couple of sewer line styles in the library. Just select the line style you want and draw the sewer lines on your plan view where you would like to locate them. If you don't like the ones that ship with Chief, then you can always create your own line styles.
  8. Select the layout box. Open the dialog (not the view). Go to the label tab and turn it off. Or, if you never want to see the layout box labels, go into your layer display options and turn off the layer for layout box labels. But I am not convinced that the colored boxes is actually just a problem with the labels. If you don't want the labels, then great, just turn them off. If you want to change the way the labels look, then you need to tell us how you want them to look. And if you want better answers, then you probably need to post a better picture, or even better, your layout and plan.
  9. Did you know that you can set a template as your default without having to use the "save as template" dialog? You can always just go into your preferences and manually set it any time you want. You can also start a new layout using any template you want by just using the "new layout from template" tool. As far as "why are the random boxes checked", I don't think they are random at all. If you are trying to setup a new layout template, why would you want to keep client info or revision history? Also, why would you want to keep a bunch of unused data in your template? BTW, these are rhetorical questions because I can actually think of reasons why you *might* want to keep some of these things but I can see why Chief thinks you probably don't. And as far as setting up defaults for this dialog, I don't know of any way to do that. Sounds like you should send Chief a feature request if you think this is important. But seriously, how often would you actually use this? I can think of a whole bunch of new features that I would use waaaay more often.
  10. I think the whole point of save as template is to clear everything out. If you don't want to clear anything out, why not just do a save as instead?
  11. I get 33' of ridge cap for a 30' building with gable ends. Seems right to me.
  12. I think that his neighbors are going to have some serious grass envy. Also, I am betting his water bill is going to be pretty high trying to keep his lawn that green. Maybe some mower envy as well. Looks like he must be using something with at least a 48" deck and no turn radius which would be overkill for a yard that size. Judging by the car, he probably has a service though and doesn't even own a mower. For my yard I think I would need to add a few dandelions if I wanted it to actually look real.
  13. Assuming your roof is all custom and not auto built, you would just need to build new roof planes over the new bonus room. You could probably just build a new blank second floor, turn on your reference display, and then draw the new walls for the bonus room. Then all you need to do is remove any roof planes under the bonus room and just draw your new roof over it. If you get stuck with something, post a more specific question and/or plans and pictures. If all else fails, just delete all of the roof planes and rebuild an auto roof as a new starting point. Most of the time these days I start with the auto built roof and can often get what I want without having to make many manual edits.
  14. Sure you can but it will display rounded down to 0" unless you go into "number style" and change the setting to display decimal inches in your dialogs. The value sticks but it looks like it doesn't. I think this will happen with any value less than 1/128". I remember back when the dialog wouldn't display anything less than 1/16" which was super annoying. I can't tell you how many times over the years that I changed my design just because I couldn't figure out an easy way to model it in Chief. But then again, I have also changed my designs plenty of other times just because I realized it would be a pain to build in the real world. That must be why none of my houses have stairs.
  15. If it looks right on layout when you send the cad detail to it, then your drawing scale or page size is probably wrong in the detail. Just open the detail and go into your "drawing sheet setup". Also, the start and end pieces are controlled by your preferences. Take a look at your "endcap printed length" and you can make it smaller if you want.
  16. Is that really a landing? If I was to make a guess, I might think you created that landing by some other method or that your stairs are not actually connected to it. Or maybe you created the landing on the second floor instead of on the first floor? You should create all 3 stairs and the landing on the first floor and then they should show up on both. If you want anything other than guesses, post your plan.
  17. Always best to start a new thread with a new question. Also, the "export image" tool will let you choose the resolution. A screen grab won't.
  18. Or check out this tech article: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00907/specifying-the-on-center-oc-spacing-for-wall-framing.html
  19. Or you can get the beta now!
  20. If you are selecting a material in the library, if it doesn't have texture, the blend toolbar button will appear. If it has a texture, it won't appear and you can only replace the existing material.
  21. Ok, so here is my opinion. You have a right to your opinions but so do the people that disagree with you and downvoted you. That does not make them "shallow minded". I think the company giving the Interiors people a free upgrade to Premier is a good thing. They bought their program and they paid their SSA just like everyone else did. I think they even had to pay the same for SSA as everyone else even though they were paying for less features. I really don't see how the company taking care of them is a "kick in the pants" to any one else. I actually think that it shows that they still care about their customers. They could have just said "Sorry but if you want to upgrade to Premier it will cost you $$$" instead.
  22. Last I heard, it is still in private beta test. I suspect that we will hear about public beta in the near future though. Once it goes public, you will hear lots more. As far as new features, there was this post a while back but I haven't seen much else: https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/37945-new-x15-features/?tab=comments#comment-287976
  23. Both you and Mark have been around long enough that I trust your guesses are right a lot more often than not, but any guess without a plan is still just a guess.
  24. If you are trying to import cad and the program is automatically moving it to the origin, then you can just turn this off. See picture below. If you are opening up an old plan and the program is automatically moving it, then the only thing I can think of is that it is so far from the origin that the program has decided it is foobar and is trying to fix it for you. It shouldn't really do this kind of thing without asking you first though. You might want to post a plan or report this to tech support.