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Everything posted by DBCooper

  1. One way to get that to happen is if you changed the "exterior wall surface" material for your railing wall.
  2. I think it is easier in X15, try this: %rough_opening_total_width% x %rough_opening_total_height%
  3. One of these maybe? https://www.amazon.com/Ailun-Activated-Nightlight-Decorating-Combination/dp/B06XR9YC24
  4. I agree with Glenn, but just as an FYI, you can also manually turn off the railing for any side of a landing or stair section.
  5. Not really enough info to do anything more than make guesses. Here are some random things you might want to try: - check the drawing sheet setup for the layout page - check that you are sending the entire plan view to the layout at an appropriate scale and don't use fit to sheet - post a picture of what your layout looks like - post your plan and layout to this forum
  6. Gene is right that X14 and X15 are different in this area. In X15, you can actually resize and rotate the door/drawer handle. If you click on the "Edit" button that is just to the right of the "Library" button, it will open up a new dialog box with controls for the size and rotation that are just for either the door handle or drawer handle. There is a big gotcha though. You can either control the "main" door/drawer settings or you can control it for just one particular door/drawer. To change it for the whole cabinet, you should change the "main" settings on the Door/Drawer page but if any of your individual door/drawer face items are not set to "use default" they won't actually change because they are overriding the "main" settings. To change it for an individual door/drawer, you have to first select the face item and then use the "Specify" button next to the "Appliance/Door/Drawer". Then you can either change the setting there or just set it to "use default" and it will then use the "main" settings. Hope this helps.
  7. Yes but you can also override the automatic behavior when needed.
  8. Is it a "glass panel" door or a library symbol? If it's a glass panel door, all you need to do is set the "panel frame width" bottom to whatever you want. If it's a symbol, then it's a bit harder.
  9. It looks like the "Terrain Plan View" is missing from your plan. Did you start your plan using the default template that was installed with Chief? Did you modify the default template that was installed with Chief? Regardless, you can always create your own saved plan view and set it up to use whatever layer set and defaults you want. You could also import saved plan views from a different plan that has the ones you want.
  10. As a general rule, bigger is better, but only up to a point. The resolution and refresh rate also matter. A larger monitor with the same resolution may not look better when your face is only 2' from it. If the refresh rate is not fast enough the screen flicker might even be noticeable. And if you are getting two, I recommend that you you match them otherwise it can be a bit annoying going from one to the other. Here is some good info from Chief about system specs: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/blog/computer-for-design-and-gaming/
  11. The solution to your problem is probably the same as it is for every one else. Open your preferences dialog, find the "reset side windows" button, and then restart the program. Here are the more detailed instructions: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00654/restoring-the-size-position-of-the-side-windows.html If for some reason that doesn't work for you, then you need to tell people that "I tried to the reset side windows and I still can't see my library browser". Then the answer is that you should probably call tech support because that isn't something that happens very often. Could be something weird with your system or video card so I would probably try updating drivers or making adjustments to the monitor settings but these are just shots in the dark.
  12. Re: file size, that's normal. If you need to attach a plan in the future, you can try zipping it first and if that doesn't work, you could try making a copy and stripping it down by deleting everything that is not needed to see the problem. And if that still doesn't work, then you have to post a link to some other shared online location, like dropbox. As for the framing, your newer picture looks more like what I was seeing. I noticed that some of the end rafters did not reach the middle ridge board on mine too. Not sure why, but if you care enough, you might want to send it to Chief because it looks like a bug.
  13. In your picture, it looks like your dimension is going to markers and not to the edge of the polyline (maybe a counter top?) that you are showing. You probably want to use the end-to-end dimension instead of the point-to-point dimension and you will need to check your "locate objects" settings in your dimension defaults to make sure they are set to pick up what you want to dimension. So if that really is a counter top, you need to make sure your dimensions are set to locate counter tops. Also, this set of training videos on dimensions might help: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/playlists/92/dimensions.html
  14. I think the roof has to be manual in order to make it curved like this, but the framing can be auto or manual. If it's manual, you may need to rebuild it or manually move it if you changed the roof after you first built it. I tried a simple test plan and the roof framing was reasonable, not perfect but at least it wasn't offset like yours is showing. If rebuilding the framing doesn't solve the problem, then you need to post the plan.
  15. My guess is that your wall layers are messed up. Either that or your wall surface material is transparent. If you can't figure it out, you might want to post the plan.
  16. You can either use "backup entire plan" to share the plan and all of the referenced files or you could move your user library to a shared location. Here is a tech article about using backup entire plan: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00987/using-the-backup-entire-plan-layout-tool-to-send-files-to-another-user.html Here is a tech article about moving your user library: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03090/moving-library-content-to-the-cloud-or-other-custom-location.html
  17. Hard to tell at a quick glance whether you did something wrong or the program just doesn't handle this situation very well. I would post the plan so others can have a closer look.
  18. Here are a couple of tech articles that might help: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03018/setting-up-layout-template-pages.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-02862/resizing-a-layout-title-block-and-border.html
  19. In your photo above, you should be able to assign different materials to the legs on that couch, but probably not on that chair. It all depends on how the original designer built the symbol you are using. If they set the legs to use a different material than the cushions, you will be able to apply different materials to them in Chief. If they were all set to the same material, then you will not. There is no easy way "ungroup" the symbol in Chief. It can be done, but it can be a lot of work depending on the symbol. You might be better off opening the symbol in another program to do this (as suggested by Alan).
  20. "Space" always puts you into select objects (arrow) mode. "Escape" will either cancel the current selection or put you back into the previous command mode. Also, if you go into the customize hotkeys dialog and type in either, it will give you a general description of each.
  21. You could create them in a separate plan and bring them in as symbols or using reference display.
  22. As far as I know, you can't display the room's floor material in a plan view, only in a camera view. You can display the room's "fill style" and this will show or hide based on the layer called "Rooms".
  23. Default Settings Floors and Rooms Floor/Ceiling Platforms Change the ceiling finish to whatever you want.
  24. You still haven't given us much info to give you anything more than random guesses. The picture you posted just shows a normal message that you will get when the program is building your 3D model. If that it is taking a very long time, there are lots of reasons why this can happen. The problem could be something in your model or the problem could be something on your system. If you want an easy way of figure out if it is a problem with your plan or your system, then post your plan. You will need to post a link to an online location (like dropbox or something similar) because it will be too big to attach to the forum. Then someone else can see if they are having the same slow downs (and if so, they may even be able to tell you why). I also recommend that your take a look at that tech article that I posted above. It has a whole list of things you can look into if you want to figure it out yourself.