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Everything posted by DBCooper

  1. Personally, I would create those stamps using something else and bring them in as a picture, pdf, or cad file. You can create a custom line style with whatever text on it you like and then curve the line but I seem to get too many problems with uneven gaps and overlaps. Not sure if there is a good way to avoid these.
  2. You could use the hand drawn line render technique. The picture below took a couple of seconds and I did no messing around with it. I don't think Chief will have any trees that will look as good as the ones in your picture though. If you want something that looks better, you might want to check out the training video series: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/playlists/102/rendering-cameras-lighting.html
  3. You could try a louvered window and it might look good enough. You could also use a garage door with a lot of vertical panels but I couldn't figure out how to get a sill or casing on the bottom.
  4. As for the library, check out this Chief video: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/268/library-browser-overview.html Or, Rene's video: https://youtu.be/_6015r6lT5A I think you are correct that the new X15 grass will only appear in PBR and not in CPU raytrace. As for videos, I don't know if there are any that are just about exteriors but there are a bunch of rendering videos here: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/playlists/102/rendering-cameras-lighting.html There is also some useful information in the samples gallery including plans you can download and how to videos. Not sure if any of them have any good exterior tutorials but some of the exterior images look promising. You can find them here: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/samples.html
  5. The Simpson door library has some 3, 4, and 5 panel doors with flat panels and it looks like it is compatible with suite 2023 (and even more important it's free). See if you have a "get online content" button in your library browser or on your menu.
  6. Downloading the trial version and trying it out isn't a bad idea but if you want to know ahead of time what features to look for, you can take a look at these: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-02963/features-introduced-in-each-version-of-chief-architect.html Kudos to tech support for putting these all in one place like this.
  7. Sill plates are framing. Did you build the framing?
  8. The X15 migration guide has some good info in it: https://cloud.chiefarchitect.com/1/pdf/documentation/chief-architect-current-migration-guide.pdf?_ga=2.128786892.1328454754.1703532346-1515566948.1694022963&_gl=1*1v8tg6v*_ga*MTUxNTU2Njk0OC4xNjk0MDIyOTYz*_ga_06381P3JQ2*MTcwMzcxNzM0OC40Ni4xLjE3MDM3MTczNTYuMC4wLjA.
  9. You need to turn the "filter results" back on.
  10. Being far away from 0,0 causes all sorts of weird problems. It's not really necessary to move the wall corner to 0,0 in this case because it is not far away from 0,0. You could also move it to 10,10 or 100,100. The important part is that you are moving it back to the drawing grid which fixes the problem with "grid rounding".
  11. I couldn't find a way either so I guess the answer is "no". You might want to send them a feature request.
  12. I think this has to do with the way Chief rounds its dimensions and whether you are using "grid rounding" or "distance rounding" (you can find these in your dimension defaults). Changing your dimension defaults to use "distance rounding" will also fix the problem but Chief doesn't recommend this because sometimes your intermediate dimensions will not add up to the total dimension. Chief also recommends that when you are using "grid rounding" that you always draw your plan with grid snaps on. I think that the reason your wall dimension does not show the correct value is because your walls were not drawn starting on the grid. Moving the wall corner to the origin will then put your wall on the grid solving the problem. I have also seen lots of dimension problems happen when the walls are not really at the values that the dimension is showing. One easy way to tell that this is happening is when you click on the dimension and you see something like "24.005" instead of "24". This was the first thing I looked for when I opened your plan but your dimensions look accurate. BTW, there are lots of ways to hide these kinds of problems, such as changing your dimensions to round to the nearest 1/2" instead of the nearest 1/16" or even just overriding the dimension value. Doing things like this can actually hide problems in your plan that can cause other problems later (which is probably why someone downvoted Gary's suggestion). Personally, I have used all kinds of "not recommended" solutions back in the day when I needed to get plans out. Do whatever you need to do because it's your name going on the plans, not Chief's.
  13. If you went from X11 to X15, there are going to be a lot of differences. One of the big ones is that X15 is using a completely different rendering engine for all of the camera views. This looks like a problem with your video card or driver. Check out this tech article for more info: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00106/troubleshooting-3d-camera-view-display-problems-in-chief-architect.html If that doesn't help, call tech support.
  14. If you are using %scale% in your plan, what it shows on the screen is going to change depending on your zoom but it should show the actual scale when printed or saved as a pdf. Try a pdf and make sure it shows what you want. If it doesn't, then you might have a problem with your page setup. If you want to show the scale for a layout box, you can also use %box_scale% as part of the label.
  15. I think this is an issue with using the wall elevation camera. It won't show any windows or doors in the outer wall of a double wall. I usually use a cross section camera instead and then setup the clipping to look the way I want. *edit* - I just figured out that it you make the wall "furred" instead of "frame through" you will see your windows and doors.
  16. This is probably because your face item is not set to "use default". If you "paint" the pull from the library onto the cabinet, it will change the face item so that it is not "use default" anymore. If you change the pull on the "Door/Drawer" tab instead, you can then use the "Edit" button there to rotate it. Hardware works the same way that door and drawer fronts work. You can either change the "main" style for the whole cabinet or just for a single face item.
  17. Is this a new problem, or has it been happening for a long time? Did you move your data folder? You can check in your preferences under folders to see where it is. Is the folder writeable? Do you have enough empty disk space? You might need to call tech support if it is not one of these obvious problems.
  18. Yes. Just look at the side options on the shutters page.
  19. One way to get that to happen is if you changed the "exterior wall surface" material for your railing wall.
  20. I think it is easier in X15, try this: %rough_opening_total_width% x %rough_opening_total_height%
  21. One of these maybe? https://www.amazon.com/Ailun-Activated-Nightlight-Decorating-Combination/dp/B06XR9YC24
  22. I agree with Glenn, but just as an FYI, you can also manually turn off the railing for any side of a landing or stair section.