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  1. Ah... I found out what I did. I had changed the material for the 8" foundation wall to drywall (for the look of it) not realizing CA needs to know it's made of concrete to trigger it to create a sill plate. Interesting.
  2. Not sure what is happening, but the sill plate doesn't show up on the BC cross section. I am pretty sure I checked all the boxes correctly... any idea? Thanks!
  3. @Kbird1Got it. Save directly and don't make into a symbol. Thank you!
  4. @Kbird1Interesting for sure... but does that mean I can or cannot turn the symbol back into a 3D solid... or, and, are you suggesting this Layer the symbol is stored on can somehow affect it's look in section view... and that its state can be changed to make the view better?
  5. @Kbird1 yes, I made these objects into symbols. Does CA treat symbols differently than 3D solids? I guess so... and wonder why. Can I turn the symbol back into a 3D object then? @DBCooper I did this experiment from a new plan with no other objects but those, just to see. @MPDesign It does seem to work if you extend the view past the objects... but then, when I have it included in the rest of the plan I don't want to extend the view in order to make other things work out....
  6. Not sure why this is happening, but when I place a 3D object on the plan and Back Clip a cross section I get only partially constructed lines showing in the section view. Any ideas?
  7. I am wondering if CA(x15) has a more automatic way to create a notch in the stairway wall similar to this: (see red line for shape) Thanks! (Also wondering if there is a way to change the width of the stringers when choosing the 2 end stringers option?)
  8. @Renerabbitt True. I did want it to align with the sheathing layer. I think I found a work-around (at least until I can discover a better way) If I leave 'outer surface' checked (as @DBCooper has suggested) and create an additional outer layer at thick as the main outer layer, and call it an air gap, and check it off as so, then things line up with the sheathing.
  9. I'm sure there must be an easy answer to this but it escapes me. When I create a simple pony wall with Siding-6 upper and 8" conc lower it produces this: But I am wanting the face of the concrete to be flush with the face of the sheathing layer. I think I tried all the settings I could see but nothing seems to affect the relationship between the upper and lower walls.
  10. @GeneDavis I think I have it. I did go back to an original template, unmodified, as you suggested, and tried again. This time it mostly worked. I realized I needed to check the box for 'air gap' for the air gap layer to keep the little vertical line to the left from going up past the top of the foundation, and to only set the stud wall as a framing wall. I left it the wall with 2 top plates. When I build the foundation with the combination concrete and furring wall it works well if the ceiling sheetrock is not present. Once I turn on the basement ceiling sheetrock the top plates stay up against the bottom of the floor trusses correctly but the sheetrock line goes behind the studs and reshows itself in the air gap, stopping at the concrete foundation. Interesting. Maybe it was the way I cutting the cross section. What I did then was to not have the foundation wall definition include any furring wall, but instead just created a definition for furring wall only. (the video also showed that as well). When I place the furring wall up against the foundation and build the framing it all looks proper, even with the ceiling sheetrock, so I think that's a good answer, and more flexible. Thanks again for the suggestion to make a fresh start.
  11. @GeneDavis Thanks for helping on this. Here's what it shows:
  12. I have been following the video titled "Creating Basements with Furring Walls and when I get to the point where he shows a cross section it looks like this: But when I follow the same pattern he is using (CA 15) I get this: For some reason my furring wall does not go all the way up to the underside of the floor trusses, but stops at the ceiling sheetrock. I'm using a wall definition that includes the furring wall as part of the wall. Any ideas? Thanks!
  13. @GeneDavis Thank you. I had not realized that the framing check box was independent for each material. I take your point well on watching videos, and have have a whole list of them favorited. Hopefully they will all mesh together as time goes by.
  14. @GeneDavis That makes sense.... but I'm not sure where to find the dialog to change those settings?
  15. I am seeing that when I build framing the floor trusses show a multiple top chord layers. I'm not sure what's happening here?