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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I guess you meant you begged them to stay on Win10? your Sig makes it confusing? Anyway, can you not Roll the Driver Dell Installed back Via Device Driver? the Crashing in 3D Chief said was fixed in the latest Drivers on Win 11, but on comment on Win 10 , I am trying different Drivers myself to see if I can find one the will work in CA , without issues, they all work in 3D games or in 3DMark > TimeSpy , which I downloaded to see if there was issues elsewhere other than Chief...nope.....all 3Dmark told me was my 3080Ti was in the 96% percentile for the 11700K CPU I have. Thanks for the link.... and one for you.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/34172-real-time-ray-tracing-questionsproblemssolutions/?do=findComment&comment=267385 M.
  2. Unfortunately I have to say you are not the only one, I have both a 3080 and 3080Ti here and both have varying Issues in X13, not just 3D unfortunately, and there is no "known fix" for it all, in fact it seems the March update brought back the Issue in Layout of Triangle ( lines ) appearing on Wall Surfaces, and I also had a crash that corrupted the Plan and could no longer be read.... Just some from this week.... M.
  3. I have seen this happen IF I don't close the Layout and and reopen it. It seems Chief doesn't see the the Save As Plan as a new plan until after the Save As Plan and Layout are closed, on Re-opening the Layout it will Reference the Original Plan again. M.
  4. Your Framer, especially his Back may disagree , but Eng. may disagree with Him too
  5. Not quite sure what you are doing as like others I can't get the "reversing issue" in your Plan.....
  6. Would be my 1st thought too assuming Attic Walls layer is On , not just Walls, Normal M.
  7. You can also select one cabinet and click on the Custom Countertop tool on your Toolbar ...assuming X12/13 and then grab the edit handle and pull it along the bank of cabinets. Please add you SIG. so we know what Version you are using as it matters for a lot of answers. If you are using a Home Designer Product you should be over on HomeTalk as those Products can't do what Interiors and Chief Premier can...... https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/ you might also want to fully avail yourself of the CA KnowledgeBase ( KB) or FAQ as it's called Elsewhere https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/database.html M.
  8. I typically don't use Live View in Layout as the PDF Size EXPLODES exponentially, a recent example was 22.3mb without and 52.7mb with , ( so it can't be emailed any longer) but you are correct , the Views in PDF do look nicer even STD View with Lines as in the example above looked nicer than in Layout. The above was some Preset Cameras for Client Views that could be opened 1 by 1 for Viewing but IMHO.... ASTRAL 3D and RTRT just ain't there yet. M.
  9. I'd try making my own back clipped View say 8" and a dedicated Layerset that doesn't show anything except the Wall Framing and perhaps a few other components eg Rim Joists as needed. And possibly Send View to a Cad Detail if needed. * great minds think alike M.
  10. IF it's X13 simply deleting the bottom Seperation , usually removes the bottom of the cabinet I find , I sometimes have to use "No Bottom" as well but that setting alone does not remove the Separation as Chief's Frameless Cabinets are not really Frameless they are just Auto 3/4" Framed cabinets. and a how to do your Sig. Vid. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 M.
  11. au contraire Monsieur PS. could not agree more
  12. It was the XC Ultra that was On Sale but it looks as though you are right.....it is gone off the Restock Sale Page too. Newegg had the same price but is also sold out now.... M.
  13. Watch ya back the RED SMARTIES are being dropped again with free abandonment at the moment M.
  14. Molding Line does work , though I thought the Grout Lines would work out better with a molding line....
  15. You can likely use a Molding Line for this drawn in Plan View but I haven't tried it yet..... M.
  16. The View Opens "instantly" on the 3080Ti, but it is far from "Photo Realistic" as I think I have now seen in some of Chief advertising... * Still worth getting that 3070Ti Larry and only 1/2 the cost (now) of a 3080 Ti.... go on.... ya know ya wanta....
  17. Cleaner from a distance anyway......after 10,000 samples with the 3080Ti screaming for mercy for 7 mins or so ....bonus my Office is nice and warm now too..... But zoomed in not so much.......... Drywall has always been bad , from the start , perhaps we still don't have real PBR Materials in Chief ? I am not sure.... but am surprised the Cabinet Hardware is so "grainy"
  18. Yes that would work too, but I find it easier to get one side right , then just copy reflect each plane over the Ridge line and join them into the main roof. * for that particular one in the OP, 3 may work better since it is almost a Barrel with a little flare each side. M.
  19. Sorry was generating the Close-up above and didn't see your post ......haven't got as far as TS yet but suspect they will blame my lighting or the Sun intensity etc..... I think I have enough lights for the scene ---- all set to 300 lumen mind for subdued even lighting .... but still playing ..... so much for the Cabinet Company "Selling the Job" tomorrow at the Client Meeting.....
  20. And here's one for the Happy little down-voter here on the Forum , 2500 samples and not worth showing the Client...... thought I'd Zoom in to just to see if any better and no...... Mick.
  21. Chief even provides a Bonus Library with Appliance Handles for doing this
  22. you'd need 4 curved Roof Planes for this, two each side ( opposing curves) and then join them into the main house Roof plane ....make a V-Shaped break at the Eyebrow Ridge, the break each side of the V in 1/2 , to join each of the 2 planes too. Once one side is done you can use Copy>reflect to flip the planes over the ridge tot he other side. * Kevin's Video link is a good example actually.... M.
  23. It was rather prevalent yesterday unfortunately , I wish they would get rid of the whole stupid system..... Either that or make it so the likes and dislikes are seen at the bottom of the post WITH NAMES like on most Forums to stop this petty Clicking of the like/dislike button. Mick.
  24. I have 3 of these monitors predecessors (BL3200) and like them a lot too.... M.