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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Without Chief Running , try renaming the Toolbar Folder in X12 ( eg Toolbar.Bac for backup ) and then copy the Toolbar Folder Folder from X10 into the X12 Folder, you can then copy Files from Toolbar.bac folder into the Toolbar Folder one by one if need to fix any new Issues. M.
  2. If the Roof plane doesn't fully touch the wall it will produce a Rafter not a Ridge sized ledger even 1/16th is enough, it's how I used to "fix it" ie move it a hair.... But possibly it was fixed in X13 and came back in X14? it is a Old "Issue" though as Perry also mentioned. M.
  3. Yes it is the recommended way but I had no notable issues in earlier Versions, and it was the import of Defaults , SPV etc , that broke it each time for me in X13 in particular Dimensioning, which I believe got a full overhaul in X13 and there are more improvements in X14 ( Think I read a post here, maybe of Dermot's that said they had a "Dimensioning Expert" on the Team now ). Hopefully the bug of being able to click on things that are not even visible is gone too. M.
  4. This shouldn't be needed it means the Room Ceiling Height is too low if using Auto Railings with post to beam , the Roof plane should be sitting right on the beam, with Rafters cut over beam, and thus Chief won't add the Auto - attic wall above Lowering the roof Plane would do the same thing but is probably not the desired solution. * PS - nice Job in Lumion. M.
  5. I still have this issue in X13 too with Older Plans brought Forward and ended up redoing My and My Clients Templates in X13, so I was hoping not to have to do this again. M.
  6. It appears you spec you Ridge at the same size as the Rafter hence the Rafter on the wall looks Correct, Larry has a Structural Ridge Beam, however I don't believe this is a New Bug, Chief has always used the Ridge size as the " Wall Ledger " size to , this can also change if the Roof Plane doesn't touch the wall properly. Mick.
  7. PBR STD View In STD View Adding Lines, all set to 1 makes it easier to see small mistakes like the Crown easier.
  8. Have you tried this setting? seems to work for me for logos and imported Jpegs even if Print to Color is Off
  9. It is, it's called Quantity Surveying and is a Degree Level Training Program usually. M.
  10. Hi , finally got back here and got your Plan , I didn't really find any major Issue , just fixed some minor things and turned down the Pendant over the table as you had only turn 2 of the 5 lights on the pendant down and it was too bright. In the end the fix for me was to delete your Camera and setup my own defaults and re-shoot the camera and the bleed was gone.... I did notice the odd thing like the molding on you tall cabinets is 3/4" too low at least and is behind the Doors, you also may want to make the tall cabinet on the Corner 2" narrower to allow for the Crown to wrap properly around the end and add some definition between the wall and Cabinets at the Corner. Plan File: IN the next Post it wont allow it in this one.... Mick.
  11. The Old trick to have move space on your SSD is to move the Windows 10 Libraries to D:\ I used to do that but no longer need to.... it is pretty painless and Windows does it for you, simply make new Folders in D:\ eg Pics, Music, Videos etc, and then redirect the Libraries to use those folders via the Locations Tab and it will ask if you want to move the files in the Folder to the new location. * don't move Documents if you use it to also Store all your Client Plan Files etc in My Docs as it may slow Chief down. * You can also put OneDrive and G.Drive, Dropbox etc on D:\ to free up space.... Here is a good Tutorial: https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74942-move-location-pictures-folder-windows-10-a.html
  12. Please Check My Math , I don't want anyone getting their hopes up ! M.
  13. No, and can cause issues with Chief in my experience, as it likes to use it's own Default Folders for certain Operations, so I now have it back on my Corsair 2TB OS Drive. On Modern computers ( last 5 yrs+ ) it is no longer a performance gain from what I have seen to put all programs on D:\ and with 1TB or 2TB on C:\ there is enough Room to have everything on that drive, though I Still have a D:\ Drive for Personal Use and a HDD for running Macrium Reflect and SyncbackFree Backups too along with an 8TB External for the same. ( Always have 2 Physical copies + the Cloud ) NVME/SSDs suffer with lower Throughput on Drives less than 1TB of Space but still way faster than a HDD if a 500GB is what your budget will allow but 1TB are now reasonably priced. The Larger Drives also generally have a Longer TBW (is Terabytes Written (TBW), which describes how much data can be written to the SSD over the life of the drive.) *** I don't believe anyone on this Forum has to worry about NVMEs or SSDs TBW to Disk or a Drive "Wearing Out" as we are simply not writing enough data to Disk every day to ever Kill a 1TB or 2TB , for example my 2TB has a TBW of 1400 terabytes .... which is 140,000GB / and Chief will use 5GB a day ? ( big maybe) so if my math is is right that's about 76 years.... so should be good for a hand me down to your grandkids.... Mick.
  14. AVA Builds and Tests systems ( "Burn in Test" ) if requested/paid for before Shipping You don't need (2) Video cards for chief it can't use them...... get (1) 3080 or 3080Ti - depending on budget go for Ti or the (1) 500 GB Sata SSD ( see below ) and the Swap 500GB NVME for 2TB ( 1TB minimum ) instead. ( thus sata SSD not needed.) Do a deep dive on Google for Reviews etc on the Z690 Prime-P Mobo and make sure there are no known Issues currently.... Mick.
  15. If the Plan is small enough ( zip if needed to get under 14mb ) , then it is always good idea to share the Plan , so other can "have a play" or at least a small test plan showing the same issue as there are just too many variables and usually with PBR no 1 fits all remedy unfortunately. M.
  16. I don't think anyone here is saying it is perfect, certainly not me, but that Video is about a year old and was shot with a Beta Version of Chief X13 , so it's likely some things have changed since then, but you can try the Plan used, it is in the Samples Gallery and is called Nashville. *Camera Kitchen 3 is the Camera view in the Video. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/samples.html Chief has never used SLI or Cross Fire and that Tech is now being depreciated even by Nvidia as single GPUs these days are powerful enough in most use cases. For comparison my 3080Ti does about 14 samples/per sec and goes upto about 40+ the higher it goes eg over 2500>5000. In fact for this Video Scott was using a 2060.............. seen at 35mins.....
  17. Ryan is correct generally you always want a Floor or Roof above and a Foundation underneath*, both only take 5 or 6 Clicks or you can set it up in your plan defaults so they always build automatically even if all you ever do is Interiors. * the "Light" needs something to "bounce off" , and without either Chief uses "Phantom" Floor Slabs etc to make a 3D view look correct in standard view even if you haven't built them. Mick.
  18. I believe Scott H. had a 3060 12GB when he did the Videos... Generally I cap the samples at 2500 but with some materials 3500 or 5000 will look better eg some textured glass takes longer to get rid of the "Fireflies" particularly if you don't have enough scene lighting. But even then if I look closely I can see that the drywall is still "pixelated" / not crisp.. *I have my Standard View Lighting both set to 58% Chief's OOB 31% is far too low..... M.
  19. If you have to show the Garage Floor sloped to the door for Code like I do, I leave the floor out of the room, and then use a Polyline Solid drawn in Elevation, which I then break through the Doors over the foundation wall. *Not automatic but same method for a Flat floor works fine too.
  20. Maybe a better Grass texture is needed ? or darkening the one you have? ( got Frost on the ground today? ) Turning off Refraction in PBR can help with some views thru Glass as well M.
  21. Is a budget board and the Z490 and Z590 versions had Issues , so dig deep with Google for reviews and see if they where fixed as that is a large stepdown from the Unify
  22. Intel is supposed to release their "fastest ever" CPU today actually ...... the 12th gen i9-12900KS but I'd expect a high Price , but think the 12700K or KF got good reviews too. Mick
  23. Check the PCIe4 vs PCIe3 versions as Corsair has lots of "force" models , both are faster than SSDs but PCIe 4 is twice as fast as PCIe3. M.