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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. The New PBR RTRT ( Realtime Raytracing) is slowly getting there, and their are some issues in X13 but only for some it seems, so you'd want X14 which is supposed to release next month I think. There is a webinar on May 26th for a Preview on X14 as at the moment with no SSA you won't be able to download X14 Beta ( you will if you get X13 as your SSA will then be current .) M.
  2. Every second Tues of the month is Microsoft Update Tuesday , so it will have Updated outside whatever your "Active Hours" are set for, both mine did yesterday too. M.
  3. You can also make a quick CAD Block , using CAD Detail from View ( place door in a short wall in a new plan ), delete wall lines, Add the hatch and add to library. It will snap right to the center of the Door in Plan View so perhaps worth doing if you use this system often? Almost took longer to write this Post....
  4. Yes should do well for the next few years ...... On the SSA Side you will need to do a full upgrade since it expired, which will cost you about $700/yr as even SSA is now $595 , at the moment it would cost you $1875 BUT next month once X14 is released it will likely cost $2475........ so you might want to consider a small loan or something perhaps as eventually you'll being paying Full Price again, it's always best to keep SSA current. ( if you get X13 NOW...you will have SSA incl. so get X14 as well for the one upgrade price. ) * Disclaimer -- I do not work for Chief Sales , just want you to see the bigger picture.... M.
  5. Mark is the Cabinet Guru around here and I know he is somewhere in NY State , so maybe willing to help.... perhaps (PM) message him... Click on the Green Button.... @MarkMc
  6. Have a look for some of Doug_N Posts about this he is also in Ont. and has figured out some Macros etc.... @Doug_N
  7. Yes make sure the two different Dimensions go to different Layers and have your Saved Plans Views (SPV) automatically turn the different layers On and Off, but it just sounds like you may not be using SPVs to your advantage with Framing views etc as the Dims should already be going to different layers? M.
  8. Yes, but not necessarily 0",( or 0') since that distance relates to the Terrain Height set in the Terrain Specification ( subfloor Height above Terrain), not Absolute 0 and in most places the Terrain needs to be 6"- 8" below the exterior Cladding for Code, so you may need to play with it a bit. M.
  9. This is how Chief dimensions by default....to the Main layer of the wall ie the Framing ....unless you have changed your Dimension Defaults (or wall Definition?) If you use Auto interior Dimension it maybe set to use Surfaces by Default though ? Mick.
  10. Yes it makes me SMFH sometimes and I've used CA for over 15yrs..... Better be careful though Larry , you know what happens around here when ya start "dissing CA" M.
  11. Not surprising, seeing as where they hid it >>>> Under Text > Under Options ? I'd say that is superb GUI design...... Why does it not have it's own Heading under General for example? M.
  12. best to post a small sample plan with the same conditions , so people can play around and see what works best... you can even save a few cameras pointed at the issues like above. Mick.
  13. Well I guess a MODERATOR is working here ...... M.
  14. The Macro(s) is reporting here , see pic above...so maybe Tech support can help. Mick.
  15. Are you using File>Templates> New Layout from Template to open it , or Send to Layout or Open Layout > find Layout file? perhaps it matters and you have indeed found an issue? Strangely it is GOOD here , well not the info but the macro is reporting it seems, and I assume I am not linked to your Preferences it is not empty like you screen shot above. M.
  16. That's not what you said in 2019 Are your Preferences filled in ? , ( as Dermot mentioned) as the Layout is using Macros that pull from the Preferences File to fill that in.... Mick.
  17. possible but not since X9 ( I checked ) but that's a lot of migrating, I just assumed he was accidentally referencing the wrong Folder. M.
  18. Send to Layout as PLOT Lines not live Cameras so you have full control of the Line Weights etc, had this problem today in a Client's plan with the B&B Siding not showing at all well in the elevations , change Pattern lines to a Darker Grey ( or Black ) and using Plots Lines fixed that issue and also lets the Layout look more like it will print , while you work.... *** if you change the Material definition for the Roof Shingles , they won't appear "black" in layout in Vector Views.... but will still look correct in 3D camera views Mick.
  19. These Files are from a Home Designer Program not Chief ...... UNLESS you named them that? Chief's default Plan File is called Residential Template but you may have also made you own and saved it under another name? In Chief ...... IF you use the Default location......... C:\Documents\Chief Architect Premier X13 Data\Templates
  20. That was my thinking too a few years ago and it cost me more than the loss of earnings to chase it..... Let the Debt Collectors handle it and it's a bonus if they get something in the mean-time the rest is a Bad Debt and can be written off. M.
  21. They would normally chase it , how hard depends on amount , but they will also tag it on the Perpetrator's Credit Rating... which may help.
  22. Personally I use another option since Chief Dims won't snap to auto panels and don't display in Plan View..... I made a library of End Panels and Full Height Partitions out of Base/Full Cabinets ( thanks for Tips MarkMc) as Dims will snap to them and report to a schedule, and they show in Plan view as well as making Flush Filler easier.... been doing it that way, for a couple of versions now not that I still don't have to use Markers and CAD lines at times, too still. Not the best example (Office) but what I was just working on.........but should give you the Idea....
  23. Good point ...made that mistake myself ....once.... since I knew I was 'in the Right' so was a matter of principal.
  24. Good point , luckily I have not been involved in a SC Case since well before Covid. M.