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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Been having Roof Trouble myself this week ( SEH Errors clicking on roof planes) in .43 and but Tech Support can't reproduce the Issue even with Steps provided , but this morning She admitted She is using already ( won't be released for 2-4 weeks to us apparently) so She couldn't even save the Plan and send it back to me. She tried saving in HD Pro 2019 but as it doesn't have PBR all my saved cameras and materials etc are totally messed up. Thankfully She found the other SEH Error , I couldn't make material lists , turned out from my error reports that I had a buggy wall cabinet , She told me to delete it and Material lists started working again ...... X10 has been hell this week , all sorts of weird issues with decks and other anomalies I never saw in X9...... I feel like an Alpha Tester at the moment never mind Beta Tester , lots of wasted time this week , but plan was already 1/2 done in 10 so I had to continue with it. M.
  2. Is x10 on the old laptop? are you migrating Settings or starting fresh and new ? You can install , sign in/activate , start x9/x10 once on the new computer. Then rename the Data folder , xxxxx.Data.old , then copy the Chief Data Folder from the laptop to the new computer ( in My Documents) using your network ( lan) if you have one or a USB KEY. then when you start CA again it will have all your Toolbars, textures etc from the Laptop on the Desktop . Couple of KB Articles here : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00001/migrating-chief-architect-to-a-new-computer.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03054/message-the-migration-of-your-user-settings-has-completed-with-one-or-more-errors.html
  3. If you need to in the Future , Use Chief's own Backup Entire File Option on the File Menu, it will zip the .plan up with all the Textures Used in the .plan file. Not sure if it still helps in CA , but they have always advised starting drawing near 0,0, (Origin) , so I placed and Input Point in my Template Plan so I am always close to 0,0 in the bottom LH corner of my window. CA Released new Materials and Core Libraries today , if you didn't see the Announcement , run the Update Catalogs command, under the Library Menu.
  4. Just a heads up CA has announced new materials and Glass that works in Ray Trace....bad news is Glass in PBR will remain the same apparently ....
  5. going back to .43 did not fix the lagging Issue for me , and while doing a Custom Manually framed Pergola yesterday noticed the CAD line work was really bad with little "disturbances" in the lines where they crossed each other, it was almost like CA was trying to add tiny arrows at each intersection when I zoomed right in, so I went back to which fixed that issue at least and the lines are nice and crisp again. M.
  6. The ML only includes what is in the Model ..... and the include in ML box is checked when the item is selected. M.
  7. Delta has some stuff on 3D Warehouse ...maybe not that one but they may have other Models available too https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/by/deltafaucet?nav=models
  8. Thanks , another great tip ! could you post your VFW Config please --screen shot perhaps ?
  9. Thanks Kirk , those two Codecs make a HUGE Difference in the file Size , the 4GB 60 sec videos are now in the 11-12mb region.... might have the setting too low currently at default for VFW , so will play some more with those.... M.
  10. I would check the X9 Archive Folder for the last version used in X9 if needed.... M.
  11. Just an FYI ...you can use the Print Preview Icon to also check line-weights as any time.... I pretty much use the OOB settings like many.... M.
  12. Glad to hear it worked out for you as there have been a few who were not so lucky due to lost Hasps etc . Appreciate the Thank you too. M.
  13. No Issues going back for me today...... 1st report back from TS is that there is a Bug , they deleted a Wall Cabinet and now I can access Material Lists again ...go figure....unfortunately all the saved PBR Camera are now showing greyed or Blacked out again too. Maybe I need to reinstall the latest update again ? it never ends.... M.
  14. I am having issues with the plan I am working on, which was fine before the last patch but now crashes with an SEH error if I touch a Roof Plane or try making a Materials list so I went back to the Release Version (.43) this morning. For safety sake I copied my Chief Data Folder to another HDD, ( even though Chief does not touch this Folder if Uninstalled ) then I uninstalled CA X10, then reinstalled CA X10 from the .43 File I had saved ( I always keep them ) , this didn't help my corrupt Plan , so it 's off to T.S. , but I thought I'd let you know it is possible to Downgrade if you want to. AFAIK you can not go back and use a Beta Version though as I believe the Beta stopped working on Feb 20th. but I have not tried it personally.... M.
  15. thanks again I will try Xvid , though I am not sure why on an NTFS HDD I have a 4GB file size limit which then corrupts the file.... I thought this was a FAT32 Limitation. I assume Chief uses it's Temp Folder while encoding? or does it use the File Storage Drive for Temp as well ? in this case F: a 500GB Drive with 240GB free formated NTFS. I will try saving one to C:\ which is a 500GB PCIe SSD with 300GB free , (NTFS) so should be plenty fast with no space limitations either. Thanks appreciate the Help..... M
  16. Thanks , I have used Xvid in the past actually , perhaps I forgot to install it on this machine though, which would explain why I don't have it as an option currently, since I never do Walkthroughs, as I always seem to have Issues with them.... I'll install them both and see if it helps. Do you know anything about the 4GB File size Limit or why I might be hitting it?
  17. If the File is open in Chief it won't attach as Chief Locks all file While working on them , if that isn't it I'd try zipping it and then attaching. Otherwise we can email if needed but If it's here then Others too like Marc, can give it a run for you too, for other Comparisons , but I think Walkthroughs are tough on a System like Ray Traces and need all the resources they can get. Also, it would good to have your Forum Signature filled in, a Name to go with the "Handle" is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum ,Toggle it on in User Name>Account >Signatures...... go to the Upper RH Corner of Forum Window. M.
  18. Thanks for the info Kirk , I have always though 24fps was pretty much standard , which comes from the Film industry I believe but that most (digital) video is rendered at 30fps. Which Codec do you use for Walkthroughs? IYUV or MSCRAM ? can others be installed. I am just not sure how I get a 4GB file for a 60 second Video but something seems wrong? M.
  19. I think the new card will help but I wouldn't take my advice as far as Walkthroughs are concerned , as I don't do them , that's why I asked for your settings , so I could perhaps give you an idea.... I'd also need a copy of your plan so we can do an apples of apples compare. So far I have tried 4 times and each time the file is 4GB and Corrupt , so I am doing something different than Marc, as he is having no problems..... Not sure what type of view he used though..... or how he is monitoring his GPU as mine certainly spikes to 100 in PBR but average is 22 or so? You say 90MB but I am getting 4GB (45x your size) for a 60 sec video so something is wrong here.... and perhaps my results are not a good comparison
  20. is the back gable wall reversed ?( ie inside-out ) is that drywall I see? M.
  21. The Walkthrough I did earlier at 30FPS x 60sec PBR mode, ran about 30 mins but was Corrupt and wouldn't open...maybe a PBR issue? I'll have to try STD View and Vector... I remember now why I don't do walkthroughs --huge file sizes mean they can't be emailed to Clients. the PBR one was 4GB which is why I think it was Corrupted? I seem to remember some 4GB limit on single files but maybe that was Fat32 not NTFS? And I can't move the Chief window while it run , can't minimise it etc....thankfully I have two screens.... Vector Took 6 mins...ran it while looking at amazon link.... running it again in STD View for comparison.... maybe I should make the Viewport smaller ? didn't think of that , I am at 1723x1073pixels... ........1/2 way ( 900 frames) on STD mode and am at 16min 15sec.... GPU is working hard , much harder than the CPU..... Do you have a Full Sized Case ? , I don't think Graham does, which is why he went for the smaller single fan model.....It's a big card looking at some reviews and a tight squeeze for some..... it also takes 2 slots (space) because of the Cooling fans but most better videocards do now..... not sure about your old card. Card Dimension(mm) 277 x 140 x 39 mm
  22. Yes...... Yes..... and no need... check the Ref.Manual / Help about the Rails Tab.... and the Rail Drop Down list...
  23. I can't say but it is never a good Idea to post a Serial No# on a Public Forum , I have read here on the Forums that there are Hacks online for the HASP to bypass it , which maybe why Chief has abandoned Hasps this year and no longer supports them. You will need to use the Support Link , in the main forum while Signed in under User Resources, as CA Tech. Support does not provide advice / help here on the Public Forums. This is a public User Q&A Forum , and most people no longer have these devices. Lew who posted in your earlier thread does however , so maybe he has more advice? but it sounds like a Driver issue to me since it was working. Try reinstalling the Hasp Driver with Driver Verification Turned off , then reboot and try the HASP again. https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/disabling-driver-signature-on-windows-8/disabling-signed-driver-enforcement-on-windows-8 or a PDF from Xerox here: https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&ved=0ahUKEwjpnLb7uvnZAhUExmMKHSgMBSoQFghWMAM&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdownload.support.xerox.com%2Fpub%2Fdocs%2FWF_6204%2Fuserdocs%2Fany-os%2Fen_GB%2FDisable_Driver_Signature_Enforcement-Win_8_8.1_10.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1edYeLUotpINKgYp8NTNjh
  24. Nauti1 PDF Text. I have been a Chief Architect user for many years starting with CA5 and still have the 15 VCR Training videos that I learned from. Since then I’ve had several updated versions: CA6 – C10.08, all at significant cost. CA should be able to confirm this from their client archives if necessary. I have Windows 8.1 64 bit and have been successfully using CA 10.08 since it came out. Windows Firewall is managed by Kaspersky Total Security whereby it has:  The Private Networks Connected and  The Guest or Public Networks is Not Connected  Windows Defender is Turned Off I AM USING Google Chrome as my browser. Would it make any difference if I used MS Internet Explorer? With cookies & pop-ups enabled as requested by the software install. Having a lot on my hard drive, I recently removed files from it to “clean things up”. Since I hadn’t designed any houses for a while I uninstalled CA 10.08 & moved all the related files to a backup hard drive. I thought I could simply re-install CA 10.08 with the three discs, copy the other files from the backup drive, and use the hardware lock to use it again. However, since then I’ve had a need (new customer - house design) to re- install CA using the (3) installation discs and it seemed to work well up through entering the CD Key. Once that was done I received a message stating:  No ART hardware locks found  SuperPro Error Code: 12 (Driver not installed)  HASP Error Code: -10. I confirmed that the Aladin HASP (HASP HL 2.16) driver was still installed via Control Panel and that it was in the USB port. It was lighted & Control Panel indicated it was working properly. Thinking I might need to download the HASP again, I downloaded Sentinel HASP/LDK - Windows GUI Run-time Installer, Windows , 18.2 MB, Version 7.65, Released 2018-03-09 from gemalto. https://sentinelcustomer.gemalto.com/sentineldownloads/?s=hasp+ldk+gui&c=all&o=Windows I saved it to a hard drive folder, extracted the files, then installed the driver, and that didn’t work either. I re-booted my computer and was still unable to get beyond the “No ART hardware locks found”. I’m stumped. How can I get my CA10 to run? I realized CA10 is older, but it still serves me well at my age (75) and I have an immediate need to use it to provide a design modification to a previous design I made for a client. Plus I have a need to design our final retirement home. So, why am I unable to use software that I purchased a few years ago and have used it many times on my existing PC & W8.1operating software? I tried contacting CA Customer Service, but all I get is a canned response. Can anyone help?
  25. depending on the version of the software and if it is a T or L shape , it can be done Auto.....try this.... On a Gable end is another Matter..... Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in please, especially with the Software Version, and of course a Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum Toggle it on in UserName>Account >Signatures...... go to the Upper RH Corner of Forum Window. M. You have found the forum for the Chief Architect branded products. Home Designer users have their own forum, HomeTalk, where you will find suggestions based on your software. https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/