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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. best to provide pics and the plan ..... Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in please, especially with the Software Version, and of course a Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum Toggle it on in UserName>Account >Signatures...... go to the Upper RH Corner of Forum Window. M.
  2. x10 was updated this week to V. are you on it? there are 3 versions of x10 out currently. ( and as well) Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in please, especially with the Software Version, and of course a Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum Toggle it on in UserName>Account >Signatures...... go to the Upper RH Corner of Forum Window. M. M.
  3. Load today's Update to 20.2 and see if it helps there are specific fixes for Intel and some older AMD Cards , you never know you luck....if not see this thread for Intel help ... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16988-x10-with-an-intel-card/?do=findComment&comment=147057 Rolling back the driver to .4590 fixed my Laptop , the Driver covers the 500 and 600 series Cards so should work for the 510 too. A Nvidia gaming card is still you best bet though. 2.14 3D Rendering • Fixed an issue that occurred on some Macs with Intel graphics chipsets that caused artifacts to appear in 3D views when Reflections were on. • Fixed an issue that caused artifacts in 3D views on systems using Intel 630/620 graphics chipsets. • Improved rendering performance on systems with older ATI Radeon 5000-6000 series graphics cards. • Fixed a problem that sometimes prevented shadows from generating when using the Cross Section Slider. • Fixed an issue that caused shadows to be out of date after editing clipping planes using the Cross Section Slider. • Fixed a problem on Windows computers with Intel 620/630 graphics chipsets that prevented the Physically Based Rendering Technique from working correctly. • Fixed a specific case in which the ceiling was lit incorrectly in the Physically Based Rendering Technique. • Fixed a problem that caused views using the Physically Based Rendering Technique to be extremely bright when 'Improve Lighting Quality' was turned on.
  4. As promised in today's Update to 20.2 2.14 3D Rendering • Fixed an issue that occurred on some Macs with Intel graphics chipsets that caused artifacts to appear in 3D views when Reflections were on. • Fixed an issue that caused artifacts in 3D views on systems using Intel 630/620 graphics chipsets. • Improved rendering performance on systems with older ATI Radeon 5000-6000 series graphics cards. • Fixed a problem that sometimes prevented shadows from generating when using the Cross Section Slider. • Fixed an issue that caused shadows to be out of date after editing clipping planes using the Cross Section Slider. • Fixed a problem on Windows computers with Intel 620/630 graphics chipsets that prevented the Physically Based Rendering Technique from working correctly. • Fixed a specific case in which the ceiling was lit incorrectly in the Physically Based Rendering Technique. And an oldly but goody.... • Fixed a problem that caused views using the Physically Based Rendering Technique to be extremely bright when 'Improve Lighting Quality' was turned on. M.
  5. Hi Greg , not sure if you noticed of tried it but today's CA Update to 20.2 has some fixes for Intel and AMD CARDS in the 5000-6000 series....maybe you got a reprieve? 2.14 3D Rendering • Fixed an issue that occurred on some Macs with Intel graphics chipsets that caused artifacts to appear in 3D views when Reflections were on. • Fixed an issue that caused artifacts in 3D views on systems using Intel 630/620 graphics chipsets. • Improved rendering performance on systems with older ATI Radeon 5000-6000 series graphics cards. • Fixed a problem that sometimes prevented shadows from generating when using the Cross Section Slider. • Fixed an issue that caused shadows to be out of date after editing clipping planes using the Cross Section Slider. • Fixed a problem on Windows computers with Intel 620/630 graphics chipsets that prevented the Physically Based Rendering Technique from working correctly. • Fixed a specific case in which the ceiling was lit incorrectly in the Physically Based Rendering Technique. • Fixed a problem that caused views using the Physically Based Rendering Technique to be extremely bright when 'Improve Lighting Quality' was turned on. Mick.
  6. Make sure to send it to Tech support , it'll keep them busy for a day or too Chopsaw said they are automatic attic walls which is why I guess they wont accept Doors as it thinks your are on the Attic level where you can't have Rooms. M.
  7. It is apparently how older AMD cards deal with CA's version of Ambient Occlusion , CA's current solution was to turn it to Zero. Try EVGA again and specifically ask about the GOP UEFI Bios and if it ALSO has a legacy bios for older Motherboards.... if it doesn't you'd need to replace the motherboard or perhaps the Computer , one with a 1060 in it already, since it may not be worth upgrading a 6-7 year old system, all the cards above are low performer by todays standards but you may find a 2nd hand Nvidia card on Ebay or Craiglist ? ( none of the AMD Radeons , you have one with issues from that era already) M.
  8. Guru3d has a list of Intel drivers too including the latest .4590 ( bottom of page ) but also the full list of Supported Cards. http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/intel-hd-graphics-driver-download-4590.html M.
  9. Hi , I hope you report this to CA tech Support too George, so they look at it and hopefully fix it , it still happens sometimes in Framed walls but my guess is they don't get many people reporting this issue , so it won't get looked at.... M.
  10. good thought ....$200 a month ...and if you pay 16mths in a row , it is yours....it comes with SSA too. M.
  11. PCIe 3.0 is backward compatible to 2.0 and even 1.0 , my guess would be that the card does not have a "Legacy Bios" and a UEFI Bios ( also called a GOP Bios) and so it won't boot on the old Legacy style Bios on the Chicago MB. this has been an issue with GFX Cards for a while going back to the GTX 750Ti which some models didn't have a Legacy Bios too only a UEFI one. (My Brother got caught with this issue) Perhaps call EVGA T.S. and ask if that is the issue , some GTX 970's like mine have both but I am unsure if the 10 Series cards do... abit more info https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/932586/can-a-pci-express-3-0-x16-video-card-fit-on-a-pci-express-2-0-x16-moderboard-slot-/ http://www.pc-specs.com/gpu/Nvidia/900_Series/GeForce_GTX_970_4GB/2438/Compatible_Motherboards The latest MB Bios is from 2012 so even if you have it , it may not work? maybe best to search Google with the MB model and see what GFX card may work. Or update the MB too depending on Budget.... Mick.
  12. it was done in X9 by the looks , so I guess the editing job isn't worth $995 ? I guess it depends on if you want to keep the Builder Happy or not? You could pay one of us to do the mods ...in your name....but that still leaves you not being able to view or edit the plan further , at least if you upgrade now you will get SSA too , so you'll likely get X11 free next year too.
  13. The problem for example with David's method is that the inner layer in 3D still extends past the main wall layer end by it's thickness as it expects to return on the end but doesn't, so after a bit of messing with Furred walls etc , that didnt work well and were too time consuming eg for a full house..... I just went back to the oldest trick in the CA Book ...using a Cabinet Soffit or in this case a Partition since both accept Moldings and I made one the full height of the room 30mm thick X 220mm deep ( 20mm thick didnt meld well at the corner) with the same material as the Wall inner layer. I made the Window wall 60mm or so longer to accept the partitions down the side of the Casing too. The Partition can be saved to the Library and easily dropped into Plan from then on for a quick fix as need. NOT WRAPPING EXAMPLE_MHD.plan
  14. Are you sending to Layout as an Image ( Current screen as Image) rather than as Plot Line Work ? that may explain the "fuzziness" ? depending on the VideoCard I noticed that elevation G is particularly Fuzzy. I usually don't use Colour in layouts though except for the Cover Page I am able to delete the 4 shower elevations and still print it.... Hopefully Support can help you sort it out Monday.
  15. I too use Bullzip for all sizes needed without Issue , it produces smaller Files than the Chief Built In "Save to PDF" and I use Bullzip for everything , not just CA. They also have BullZip PDF Studio , if you'd like to try a New PDF Reader. Free version of PDF Printer http://cdn.bullzip.com/download/pdf_free/Setup_BullzipPDFPrinter_11_5_0_2698_FREE.exe PDF Studio http://www.bullzip.com/products/stu/ Is it possible this is a MAC Printing Issue ? M.
  16. I think Chopsaw might be right about , if the section cuts the joist or not, as it seems if CA thinks it is a Joist it gives the white cross box for most material types except I Beam and I joist which are correct.
  17. Not quite sure what you mean here I did attach the PDF that came out for me from the Original Layout ? the new one is below too. I can see you are using a MAC now you have a Signature , so perhaps this is a MAC issue as both Chopsaw and I can Print your File to PDF. The Print from the Full Zip file printed quickly to PDF for me with no issues , though I noted you have deleted Elevation Cameras E,F,G,H , there is no link back to the plan for them , not sure if that is why Elev.G looks poorly drawn (fuzzy) or not compared to A,B,C,D. M. 212 grove draft march 31_MHD.pdf
  18. make sure you have the Filters set to Home Designer or Cheif Architect as appropriate , you maybe filtering for Chief Products only.... try this link : https://3dlibrary.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?YII_CSRF_TOKEN=a24442fc0d3a802a8944a8bfb3d68957807c11fd&r=site%2Flibrary&search=&x=0&y=0&x=true&hid_cpca=0&hid_cpu=0&hid_ctm=1&hid_ctnm=1&hid_ctu=0&hid_order=&hid_norotator=false&hid_soft_family_1=0&hid_soft_family_2=1&hid_soft_1=0&hid_soft_2=0&hid_soft_4=1&hid_soft_5=0&hid_soft_6=0&hid_soft_7=0&hid_soft_8=0&hid_version_7=1&hid_version_6=0&hid_version_5=0&hid_version_4=0&hid_version_3=0&hid_version_2=0&hid_version_1=0&ctm=on&ctnm=on&soft_family_2=2&soft_4=4&version_7=on Or set it here :
  19. Hi Katharine, Have you tried to print to PDF 1st ? it working here for me but there are a number of Linked pics in the Layout, which are not on my system so I am not sure whats missing ? ( see PDF below) 3 pages at 11x17 is that right? Are you sending Images to Layout rather that the scaled view? Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in please, especially with the Software Version, X9, X10 etc and of course a Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum Toggle it on in UserName>Account >Signatures...... go to the Upper RH Corner of Forum Window. M. 212 grove proposed.pdf
  20. I would say NO , since Chief's ML only has in it EXACTLY what you Model , if it's not in the model it's not in the ML , and it does not estimate like any Industry Standard Program or use Industry standard methods, it calculates square footages, lengths , volumes etc.....I would not use it to Bid a Job that's for sure. C.A. needs to collaborate with a Good Quantity Surveyor to expand the ML and make it work as expected by Industry Professionals , this year we gained the ability to add our own macros to the ML but it isn't for the faint of Heart , since you need a working knowledge of the Ruby Programming Code. One simple example , in my current Kitchen Reno, the Room is 205sqft , so that's how much tile it allows for in the ML , except for the fact there is 30 sqft of Cabinets etc in the Room with no tile under them... It calculates all drywall as 4x8 sheets , unless you use 10ft, 12ft etc sheets in the model ....who has time for that? the program should know a 10ft wall get a 10' sheet etc etc. The opposite of that is Concrete Blocks which it usually underestimates as it only calculates the Square footage in the model, haven't check that in the latest version actually, maybe they have fixed that one? Currently there is still no way to use a Template for the ML either so you can't set up a Base system and have it just fill in the numbers, each ML is attached to each Plan File , you can import Line Items from the Master File but you have to do that for EACH and EVERY Plan. M.
  21. You don't have "Layersets" in Pro but you can try turning on "Main Wall Layer Only" in Display Options which will eliminate the Drywall etc...basically shows the Framing line only. (Blue in your plan) , Turn Off Wall Layers too if Pro has that in Display Options? Did you have all the Framing Displayed too when you exported the DXF the 1st time? they are off in this plan..... but in display Options turn off EVERYTHING he doesn't need to see 1st , then export it , that may do it, not sure though as I don't use AutoCad. You could also download the free DraftSight CAD program and look at the DXF , so you see what is being exported https://www.3ds.com/products-services/draftsight-cad-software/free-download/ M.
  22. Good price ,$100 off for Prime Users.... They just stopped the Amazon card here this Month for Amazon.ca.... Chase Bank wanted out.... but it was only 1% back ..... quite the difference too....
  23. Hmmmm Amazon selective pricing? it shows that card at $596.68 for me (PLUS $82 shipping to canada) 600USD would be $800 here... for that price you can buy the 1070ti direct https://www.evga.com/products/product.aspx?pn=08G-P4-5671-KR or two different 1080's https://www.evga.com/products/product.aspx?pn=08G-P4-6386-KR https://www.evga.com/products/product.aspx?pn=08G-P4-5184-KR
  24. I didn't say you had to buy EVGA but I have had good luck when needing support from them over the years , HQ is in Cali. so easy to deal with usually. Video Cards are one part easy to move to the next computer , but the 1070 ,1070Ti ( same as a 1080 if overclocked) or 1080,1080ti are all at premium prices right now. From what i've seen I think $500 for the 6173 is a good price....I thought it was more like $600 you could also try the 2nd hand market on Craiglist for a 980Ti (same as a 1070ti ) but not all manufacturers allow transfer of the Warranty though I believe EVGA does , ( please check) their warranties are based on the card serial number not the sale invoice. ***PS ...hang on are you really still on X8 ? most are find x10 too much for there Cards and why they are upgrading....... M.
  25. Rich maybe right ? X9 if that is a Raytrace, as I see Glass reflections which I don't think I have seen in X10 but I haven't done many Raytraces in the Latest version, been waiting for them to update all the materials after ruining them for PBR..... The walk-through movie is in Vector view or is something screwy on my end ? looks nothing like the image in the link above M.